Beasts of Beyond
PIECE BY PIECE / joining - Printable Version

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PIECE BY PIECE / joining - MERGED - 10-01-2019

his shoulder never seemed to stop aching. the fabric of the baby sling rubbed that held his napping son only worsened the ache, something no amount of staying off of that arm could really cure. however, the chimpanzee didn't mind it, using the injured arm to cradle his son in an attempt to keep the sling from swinging back and forth. he wanted to rest, climb in a tree and settle so that they could both just sleep the day away, but they needed safety after.. everything. too many things to explain in one sitting, things that he was glad his son would be too old to remember- he hoped, at least.

it even scared him, still.

either way, he continued their trek through the muddy sand, finally making it to the coast where he could just sit and rest for a while. he used the  gate that they had passed through to stand for a moment, holding onto a ledge, making sure their surroundings were clear, before starting to climb. he wasn't sure how stable the gate was, but he wasn't going to sit on the ground, where any predator could swoop in and eat them. once near the top, he settled in one of the little window like structure, crouching with his back against the stone, peeking into the sling that held his son.

those wide, blue eyes were open, staring up at him with that little cheeky grin. "i see you're awake. i think we've found a home, blue." the male chuckled and his son wiggled around until he was able to get on caesar's shoulder. "isn't it nice?" the little chimp shrieked in excitement, climbing over caesar's head and sticking out his tongue as he puffed out his cheek. "no? i think its very nice, blue."

tags / updated 10/1/19:

Re: PIECE BY PIECE / joining - hushsound. - 10-01-2019

Hush was really one of the worst people to go and welcome in a joiner, especially one such as Caesar, since the chimpanzee was so far up and away from the small golden feline that it was nearly impossible for him to get his attention without his voice. Still, he could try at the very least, especially since he could feel a sting of anxiety in his chest at just watching the father and his child sat up on the gate. Yes, Caesar was a monkey, and was certainly far more qualified for sitting up on the gate of the Typhoon than say, Hush, but he was still petrified that the other male was going to plummet to the ground, killing both him and the little child that he seemed to be speaking to. The vision of it immediately made the young hero of the wild feel nauseous, and he moved over to where the gate was quickly, hesitating for a long moment before placing one of his paws against the gate, stamping his little foot against it so that it would produce a noise that would hopefully grab Caesar's attention. Whether or not the chimpanzee looked down or not, Hush found himself freezing and just staring up at Caesar with a dumb look on his face. What exactly was his plan now? He couldn't call up to Caesar, and he doubted that the other would be able to read from up there, but... he didn't really have any other options, now did he?

Taking a deep breath, he shoved his paw against the gate for several more times before waving his front paws around, trying to get Caesar to descend to the ground. He then crouched down against the dirt ground, using his claws to dig out letters carefully, "HELLO? COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHY YOU'RE HERE? MY NAME IS HUSHSOUND, AND THIS IS THE TYPHOON." He hoped that the other actually came down and read it, because if he decided that he was more comfortable up on the gate and didn't care about the small golden feline frantically flailing his arms, then Hush would be forced to just sit there and wait for someone who could speak to come over. In the back of his mind, part of him was worried that Caesar would be like the chimpanzees that he had read about or met in the wild, the ones that had an unpleasant habit of slinging their feces at anything that proved to be even the slightest annoying to them, but it thankfully seemed as though Caesar wasn't one of those types of chimpanzees, at least if his speaking to his son was anything to be believed – even though Hush had only heard about half of the short conversation thanks to the fact that they were so high up compared to him. He found himself wishing that he was able to climb up things better these days, like back when he had been known to many as Link.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: PIECE BY PIECE / joining - MERGED - 10-01-2019

it wasn't caesar that had first noticed hush, but little blue, who clapped and bared his little teeth in a smile. once caesar actually noticed this, he looked down to see a little feline waving at them to try and get their attention. grabbing blue, he let the little chimp hang onto his hand as the chimp set him on his back, feeling the tiny grip cling to his fur. slowly, he began his climb down, finally getting there after a few swings and a few scoldings at blue to keep all his hands and feet on him at all times when they were climbing.

he slowly lowered himself into a crouch in front of hushsound, looking over the writing in the ground. "im sorry, i don't know how to read." he offered, understanding that he was trying to communicate in a friendly way at least. "i am caesar, this is my son, blue eyes. we've been looking for a new home for.. some time now." at this, the baby chimp peeked his head over his father's shoulder, before climbing his way back to the sling to grab what looked like a naked barbie doll, swinging it at hushsound playfully. quickly, caesar gradded the doll and set his son's hand in the sling. "no." the scold was gentle, but stern as he set the doll next to blue, using his injured arm to set his hand on his son's head.

tags / updated 10/1/19:

Re: PIECE BY PIECE / joining - hushsound. - 10-01-2019

Thanlfully, it seemed as though Hush would not have to suffer with flailing around his limbs very long, thanks to the keen little eyes of Caesar's son, and the way that the child grinned down at him. Less fortunately, it seemed that Hush's main method of communication was out of the picture, and now he had only two options. His first was to attempt sign language, since it was the only other nonverbal way that he had of communicating with another, but part of him doubted that Caesar would be able to understand that. After all, if the other couldn't read, how was he supposed to read a book teaching him how to communicate in sign language? It was a real shame though, since of all the creatures that could end up learning and using sign language, monkeys were probably the best, thanks to the fact that they had their useful little fingers. Still, none of these thoughts actually helped him get across any of the messages that came to mind when Caesar spoke, introducing himself and his son. God, he seemed so polite, and that made Hushsound wince even more, feeling ridiculous for just sitting there without doing anything for several minutes.

Glancing around helplessly, the small golden feline finally just sighed out of his nose, resigning himself to his fate. He was going to have to speak out loud, or else poor Caesar and Blue were going to be forced to just sit down until somebody else came along, weren't they? Taking a deep breath, the Hero of the Wild cracked open his muzzle, flinching a bit as soon as the cold air hit his throat and the inside of his mouth, seeping into his cracked and dry mouth, rough from disuse. The only person he had spoken to recently was Tanteri, and even then it had only been a few sparse sentences of comfort – hardly anything to write home about, ironically enough. The male eventually, after a bit of an internal pep talk, mowed softly, his voice hoarse and cracking frequently as he forced out the words, his blue gaze staying trained on the ground below, rather than Caesar and Blue eyes, "If... if you're looking for somewhere to stay, you can stay here. This is the territory of the Typhoon, we're a group... my name is Hushsound, by the way." He kept it rather brief, already despising the sound of his own voice as it reached his ears, which pinned down against his head.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: PIECE BY PIECE / joining - fulzanin - 10-02-2019

<the fiercest storm only hardened my resolve>
The startling issue of having hyperactive senses had swiftly dissolved into something more practical. It had taken time, but he had at least learned how to ease the hearing portion of his now hyperactive senses. He could be as high up in the air as he wanted - almost - and crane his head and hear the conversations that came from far down below. This was such a time, where he banked a turn and came crashing down from the air. Perhaps he did such a dramatic appearance of almost freefalling through the air for the dramatics of it all? He spread his wings far from his sides when the ground came close. He always came close to crashing, but he had done this often enough over his lifespan to know how to avoid such an issue. Even with his ever sensitive hearing, he truly hadn't even heard Hushsound speak from how far up he had been previously.

"Reading is such a weird sounding word, Tanteri clucked, his head twisting a little to the side. Then it tilted, then moved to the side, and then back again. His head was always moving and turning, although his blue eyes remained squinted tightly together. It was hard, the sudden change in detail that he saw in the fur of those who lived here. His beak clicked together a few times. "I'm Tanteri." The pterosaur introduced. Even though he hadn't heard Hushsound speak, he had been under the assumption that they had at least communicated a little in some other way before his arrival. Maybe by those scribbles in the sand? He didn't attach the deep indentions in the grains of sand to the concept of reading. They were both foreign concepts to the pterandon (like most things were) and in truth Tanteri cared not about trying to grasp them. "You could stay here, if you'd want. I'm pretty sure we allow most people to stay here as long as they're not..evil, that's what I've gathered." For a moment his voice rose to it's usual high shriek, but it swiftly downed as he winced at the heightened noise.

TAGS 9/27/19: