Beasts of Beyond
Rainforest Charity Run for October! [2x gems, rank, and badge!] - Printable Version

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Rainforest Charity Run for October! [2x gems, rank, and badge!] - Orion - 09-30-2019

Greetings BoBCats,

Another October rolls around the corner which means another charity run! Last year we contributed to the Breast Cancer Foundation for Breast Cancer month, but this year we will be shifting away from that perspective. Instead we will be focusing on a topic that's closer to home. With the recent news of the Amazon Rainforest fire, we have decided to focus on our efforts on the rainforest and the very real fate of climate change.

Our chosen charity this month will be Rainforest Action Network, also known as RAN. RAN's mission focuses on strategic ways to preserve forests, along with improving global climate and upholding human rights. They have also provided over $1.5 million grants to preservation groups. Nevertheless, there are other ways the Rainforest Action Network supports Earth, such as:
- The Protect An Acre fund puts donations towards land grants. With these grants, the organization focuses on indigenous communities and allies preserving the land. There are also movements to find energy alternatives, destroy harmful industrial output, and create successful education programs. With countless communities assisting RAN, they have managed to conserve millions of acres. Personally, I think it would be amazing to see a piece of land out there with our names on it. Also don't forget to check out the FAQ!
- Another way to donate would be the Climate Action Fund. This program aims to lower humanity's carbon footprint by providing small grants to fundamental environmentalist groups. The groups focus on advocacy and extracting carbon from the fossil fuel-filled air through combustion. You can learn more about RAN's grantees and how much it costs to remove CO2 emissions. Also don't forget to check out the FAQ!
- Racial justice movements and anti-oppression principals are two other ways RAN supports the community. Not only do they focus on Earth's physicality, but they focus on the mental well-being of it's inhabitants and their rights.
- We also suggest checking out their events and job openings. You can also take a peek at how YOU (Yes, YOU!) can assist in these efforts, especially if you can't donate. Whether that'll be planting a tree or voting for an environmentally-friendly candidate, any help you provide is another step forward to saving the world!

Just like last year, you'll probably have a few questions for us!

"How will the money be donated?" Just like last year, our funds will be donated into one of Paypal's money pools under Beasts of Beyond's financial account.  After you donate to our money pool by October 31st, we will be taking any funds and donating it to the PAN foundation. When the first week of November rolls around, we'll post an update thread! With any luck, we might receive feedback on where our money went.

"What does this mean for members?" After donating, you will receive double the amount of gems you normally would (5000... so 10000 per dollar). Along with that, you'll get a special toucan badge and a designated rank!

Donate here! Currently, our goal is $250 dollars. Every penny helps and we're aiming to go past that!

Thank you guys so much!
Orion <3

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