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the problem's dwelling - form change - Printable Version

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the problem's dwelling - form change - fulzanin - 09-30-2019

that would weigh you down and keep from floating
Feza would have never thought to take her usually fluff self for granted. She knew she was short. It wasn't anything she could control. Her legs were a little shorter than they were supposed to be, and her height suffered. Her body was always dreadfully warm in this climate. Her thick pelt kept her toasty all the time. Her home was cooler, and it had her party supplies. It added on to the reason as to why she liked her home. Feza could craft her parties within the coolness of her living space, and then drag it out for the rest of the group to see once she was finished. For the past few days she had been planning what, as of now, was her 'greatest idea ever'. It involved the tank of helium and lots and lots of water balloons. It would be such an amazing festivity- at least, until the next idea came along. Feza's thoughts were like trying to run a train, but all the tracks were spaghetti. They grew tangled. They turned and twisted and never quite went right back where they started. Feza was a disorganized feline: even her attempts at organization were messy. The corners of her homes and the racks upon racks of party ideas were an absolute mess. Nothing was finished, all her ideas moved forward as a collective. With constant new ideas coming, though, it was hard for her to get anything done.

She was laying against the cool tile of her home. A break, this was a well deserved break. She was pretty far along in her task right now, as well as seven others. Candy wrappers and sewing needles and yarn were littered about around her. Blankets made of candy wrappers had been her latest distraction. Doing such fine motor skills with paws was just as tiring as it was taxing. It left Feza drained. Her wings fanned herself for a moment, curling them in a near-painful way so that the cool air could reach her fur. It barely helped. It wasn't as nice as the cool floor was- and with that thought, she rolled over. The vibrant feline decided that she would take a quick nap, and then would get right back to work once her energy was restored. Feza never went right back to her tasks after a break, though. It had been the case many times before, and it surely would be again.

Firstly, when she awoke she was far smaller than the tiles that made up her floor. She very well could fit within one tile, and still have plenty of room left over. It was her first observation when her eyes blinked open and she awoke. Feza jerked, startled. Her shoulders moved, trying to flap the wings that were no longer present. She raised to her feet. "Mirror, mirror, I've got to have one here somewhere!" She shrieked. Small talons clicked against the tiled floor as she raced about. She couldn't remember where she put all her mirrors. She knew she had some! She had a brilliant idea a few days ago to try and make a mirror maze. Feza just had to remember where she had put them. Had she even done such a thing? She couldn't remember. Eventually Feza came to a more simple conclusion. Go outside and ask for a mirror. Her next struggle soon became apparent. Feza could no longer shoulder the door open. Her claws scrabbled and pried, but it did nothing. The door had already been a pain to open before: it was even worse with a smaller size and far less strength.

She turned and bounded away, crawling up to one of the windows. It was hard to get all the way up. She felt like she wasn't breathing right. The gills on the back of her neck were slicked down, not able to operate without being soaked. Breathing hard, she sunk her claws into the windowsill. She lifted up the glass and leaped down. It was a further jump than she had been expecting. Feza crashed onto the ground. Her legs splayed out from underneath her, having tumbled in the air. She had tried to fling open her now nonexistent wings on the way down, and it had resulted with her awful landing. "Ow, ow ow ow," Feza whimpered. She shakily raised from the grass, huffing, breathing hard. It was not as if she would suffocate as her regular lungs still were present and worked. It was the size change, the sudden and swift movement to a smaller size that made her feel as if she both was and was not running out of air.

Instead of a vibrant pink and blue snow leopard, she had been turned into something far smaller. At best, she stood now at around four inches tall. She was longer in comparison to her height: almost doubly so. It was the build of a dragon. Her pink fur had been replaced with light blue scales. Large webbed ears spread from the sides of her head, pale blue with yellow rings coloring the webbing. She had a ridge of webbing on her back and running down her head to her shoulders that followed the same color as her ears. A long, webbed tail dragged along behind her. The yellow rings were still present, but where light blue had once been was now replaced with vibrant pink. "Does- does anyone have a, a, ah, a mirror?" Feza squeaked. Her voice was near unchanged. A little higher pitched, a little quieter. It still had her optimistic, cheerful tone present. "I don't know what happened but, ah, I think I've gotten shrunken! Or, or, ah," the small dragon panted, taking a moment to catch her breath, "or everything else has suddenly gotten, ah, really big!" After all, she hadn't taken any pauses in her quest for a mirror. She hadn't even paid attention to her own talons and paws. Feza was entirely unaware of the complete form change, and such was made clear by her words. She believed that she had merely been shrunk down. Her ears were raised, almost able to add another inch onto her horrifically small height.
kicking, screaming, sinking ever slowly

Re: the problem's dwelling - form change - wormwood. - 09-30-2019

When Wormwood had experienced his form change, it had been an unwilling change that had surprised and upset him because of the fact that he was slowly rotting, and looked ugly as all hell. Some others, such as Roy, had insisted that he had looked cool as a hellhound, rather than looking like a disgusting monstrosity, like he felt like. Needless to say, he had been very glad when he had gotten the ability to shift back and forth again after Arethus had died, and while the hellhound form did still have its uses – after all, it was pretty damn strong for its size, and he had better control over his fire elementals while he was in the hellhound form – but he was much happier to be back in his birth body, granted it was with the addition of his golden and red wings, and with the removal of his right eye. He still found that he was slightly upset that he was still missing his right eye, even with the change back to his old form, but it was still worth it to him. To have the thickness of his pelt, something that he had hated before thanks to the heat that formed a huge cloud over the entirety of Tanglewood, but he now loved, was something that felt amazing. To see the bright and living colors of gold and red in himself rather than the dead looking colors of grey, black and blue was something that felt much nicer than it had before.

It seemed that, the grand majority of the time, a sudden form change was never actually the will of the person that it was happening to. After all, Moth had turned into her current form without meaning to, Worm had been changed without his own input, and now it seemed that Feza had fallen victim to the forced transformations as well. Wormwood had been surprised out of his meal by the yelling of his newly shrunk fellow chaser, and he raised his head toward her, just blinking at her for a moment, confused as to who exactly she was. Her voice sounded familiar, but she was most definitely not the same species anymore, and he looked down for a moment, thinking for a long moment before he remembered why he knew the voice: it was Feza. He hesitated for a moment, not sure if he wanted to get involved in this right now, but eventually deciding to get up to his feet. He chuckled a little bit at her newly squeaky voice. Sure, her voice had always been a little bit squeaky and excitable, but this was a whole new level, and if he wasn't so amused, he probably would have been pinning his ears to his head and being aggravated by her voice. Wormwood, once he was up to his paws, hesitated before vanishing inside of his houses glancing around to see if he had a mirror. His house was a bit of a mess right now, since he was still in the process of helping Roy move in, but he did have a mirror. However, it was attached to his cabinet, and it wasn't as if he could just rip it off and give it to Feza. However, after a bit of searching around in his drawers, he eventually found a hand mirror, snatching it up into his jaws and heading back outside to where the tiny dragon was.

Leaning down, Worm held the mirror up for a moment before putting it aside and rumbling with a bit of a smile, tilting his head to one side, "You certainly have shrunk, but not only that. It seems like you've got shapeshifting, like Moth and I. I guess you're a... dragon? Sorta like that big asshole Pittian dragon, but super small and blue. How does it feel not having wings anymore?" He supposed that he should have known the answer to that question, since Worm had gone from a winged lion to a hellhound and back again, but Feza had always had wings since he had first met her, and his wings had grown in long after he had been born and grown up. He wasn't actually sure if Feza had been born with her wings or had grown them when she was extremely tiny, but either way she had certainly become more used to them than he had when he had unwillingly shapeshifted. He glanced down for a moment, wondering if he should try shifting back to his hellhound form to demonstrate the power to Feza, but ultimately decided against it, since he assumed that the other chaser knew what shapeshifting was, since it wasn't as if powers were extremely rare, especially in battle – even though Feza hadn't exactly shown that she enjoyed battle a lot thus far.

There was one thing that he was wondering, especially since Arethas was dead now and he could freely shift back and forth, and he glanced back towards where Feza had come from before he questioned, "If you don't like it though, can you try shifting back? I mean, are you able to just go back and forth?" If she was able to, he would probably be aggravated at first, since he hadn't been able to go back and forth immediately, but he supposed it made sense, since it seemed as though his transformation had been directly caused by Arethas, and it didn't seem as though Feza's transformation had been directly caused by anything... that he knew of. He could've been wrong, since he hadn't been there for when Feza had shifted in the first place, but he had a feeling that this was just... random, like most of the things that went on with Feza. And given how she was panicking right now, it definitely wasn't something that Feza had planned ahead of time. She was sort of reacting like she had when they had been sparring together, with all her stammering and constant shifting and the way that she was squeaking in confusion.
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