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you don't need tricks;; midnight walk - Printable Version

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you don't need tricks;; midnight walk - trojan g. - 09-27-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]It had been a while since Moth had slept through the night. Even when she had been on bedrest and was meant to stay in bed in order to keep from walking around too much, in order to sleep to get the healing process going quicker and better, it was hard. Oh, she was able to go to sleep fine half the time, but the other half had been filled with worrying nightmares, most of which hadn’t made sense to the conscious female when she woke up from fear, overheating and blankets strewn about. The last time, it had been so bad that she had kicked out, her pillow fort collapsing around her, smothering her in pillows and blankets, waking up the mutated leopard, scared that she had been buried alive, only to find out soon after that it was just her blankets, just the pillow fort she had made in order to be closer to the animals she had considered family.

She didn’t put it back up after that, afraid that the next time it toppled over, she wouldn’t wake up in time to not be suffocated under linen.

Moth had thought once she was able to walk around once more, the nightmares would end. She thought they were leftover energy from not really being able to do anything, but even with her being out of the house for as long as she could handle without collapsing, she was still getting nightmares. It seemed as though the sleep-schedule of the feline was becoming more and more lax, and she was staying up later and later each night, trying to avoid falling asleep for fear that she would have another confusing nightmare.

It was around one in the morning, and Moth had been trying to make sure she stayed awake, and had left her house, heading towards the garden that was now filled with dying herbs and the shreds of the other plants that remained from when Selby had gone through the garden - something Moth didn’t know about, though she chose not to ask what had happened to the garden she had grown to love - but she didn’t make it before exhaustion set over her, shoulder beginning to twinge with a slight pain, and the female would find a tree to sit under, a small sigh leaving her maw as she looked out over the territory, giving her shoulder a rest as she slowly began to doze off.

Re: you don't need tricks;; midnight walk - wormwood. - 09-27-2019

Whether or not Wormwood slept through the night was, at this point, just a coin flip. Things had improved somewhat now that Arethas was dead, and he was able to live as his old lion self again, but that didn't mean that he slept like a baby. He still sometimes had nightmares of the Pitt charging in and stealing everybody he loved, torturing them and making him watch without a single chance of helping them. His dream self would watch helplessly, screaming and shrieking in agony for his friends and family, until eventually none other than Poet would walk up, flanked by Jervis, and would come and rip out his only remaining eye, damning him to eternal darkness. Just thinking of the nightmares made a shiver go up his spine, as well as a sad and upset noise, a mix between a sigh and a whimper, to leave his throat. On the flip side, he sometimes had more... odd dreams. In the couple of nights since he had been back in his lion form again, he had found that he was having dreams of his childhood, only... twisted. Not in a gruesome way, but just fuzzy and unknowable. There would be light everywhere, blocking his vision, as many voices warred together in his ears, giving him what seemed to be orders. However, before he could focus on any individual voice to listen to, he would wake up. He would stare up at the ceiling above him, blinking his one remaining blue eye and trying to make any sense of it, before eventually just giving up and going back to sleep. Or, in this case, roll out of bed.

The winged lion had slowly gotten up to his paws in his little house, slowly stretching out before heading out into the outdoors, intent on going on a late night patrol. Hopefully it would make him more drowsy, in addition to perhaps giving him more of a sense of safety once he saw that there was nothing wss around. He wasn't walking for long until the scent of Moth made him pause, and he glanced around curiously before following it. He couldn't help the way that his heart jumped up a little in his throat, worried that Moth had yet again been attacked by a Pittian, only this time he hadn't been around to rescue her before she got snatched away. However, he soon found that he was wrong, coming along the female beginning to doze beneath a tree, seeming utterly exhausted. He frowned a bit before moving over, slowly settling down beside her and lifting one of his large red and gold wings, draping it over her in a fashion similarly to a blanket. He hesitated, waiting to see if she would drift off into full unconsciousness, before he eventually spoke in a soft voice, not wanting to wake her up if she actually dod achieve full sleep, "Moth? Why aren't you at home, asleep?"
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