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TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - Printable Version

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TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - hushsound. - 09-27-2019

Ever since Hush had first arrived at The Typhoon, he had sort of just... existed. Which wasn't to say that he hadn't interacted with anyone. He had, ir was just that he hadn't really settled yet. He spent most nights just curled up in the trees of the jungle or up in the large petal like blade leaves of the palm trees along the beach. He hadn't chosen a permanent place to stay, and he hadn't even really explored the territory too much, but that was going to change now. That morning, he had woken up and immediately wanted to do something different. Often he just went and ate, and then went off to interact with his clanmates, but this time he found that he wanted to just sort of... look around. So, the small golden tom had pushed himself up to his paws, moving along the beach that made up the major part of the Typhoon's territory. His paws dragged along the sand and through the water as he waded in and out, watching people bustle along with their daily business. Eventually he found his paws leading him over the long deck that eventually stopped at the Tempest. The ship had fascinated him since he first arrived and he wanted to see it up close and personal.

He walked up the board that connected the deck and the ship, taking in the intricately carved wood and the golden figurehead at the front. His fur pricked a little at how intimidating the creature looked, even when he knew it wasn't real, but he shook it off, wandering off to explore the rest of the vessel. His soft pastels were the only sound combatting the little splish splash of the waves as he moved throughout the ship, taking in the different mechanisms and lines that held it all together. Eventually he found himself at the weapon storages, and he couldn't help the way his eyes widened as he took it all in. After all, he had his own bladed weapon resting at his side, wrapped tightly around his waist, but he had never seen so many different weapons in one place, and he felt his heart speed up a bit. He carefully admired the craftsmanship of some of the weapons, before eventually someone came in and shooed him off, starting to organize the weapons for the coming battle against the Pitt.

Feeling satisfied with his exploration of the Tempest, he decided to had for another landmark he had heard a great deal about: The Capricorn Tavern. He had heard it was a great place of socializing and drinking, and initially that had filled him with worry. After all, he couldn't talk, and he doubted others would appreciate it if he started scratching words into the floor, so he had hesitated, but eventually decided he should at least check it out. He gave himself a bit of an internal pep talk before walking inside of the establishment, his ears immediately pinning back when he heard a cacophony of different voices coming at him from all angles. NPCs were all around, talking and exchanging anecdotes while messing around, and he was pretty sure he even saw a couple of them in a heated brawl over some game they had been playing. He felt out of his element in the most major way, and his mouth opened and closed in shock before his head shook from side to side. He had thought that he could do it, but he was wrong. Perhaps if the tavern was a bit less packed, or a bit less loud, but he immediately found himself turning around and bolting out and down the steps leading inwards. He didn't even realize how fast he was going until he was back on the beach, panting with the effort of his running, his chest heaving.

It was a few moments before he finally relaxed again, blinking and glancing around with a small frown on his muzzle before getting back up to his paws. His exploring quote might have been fulfilled for the day, but he still had questions that he needed answers to. Still, it wasn't as if he could just shout at somebody to flag them down, so he found himself wandering the beach, trying in vain to flag somebody down who would talk to him. He wished he saw Goldie, so that he could just frantically sign at her, but if she was there his eyes couldn't spot her. He found that he desperately wanted a proper place to stay in the group, instead of just migrating from tree to tree and calling them "home", but he had no idea where everyone stayed. With how fast everything moved around him, he couldn't tell who lived where or why they lived there, or whether or not some buildings were exclusive to certain people in the group. Eventually when he found that he couldn't get anyone to stop for even a moment – all too busy preparing or training for the rapidly approaching end of the war – and he just sighed in defeat, falling back on his flank and sitting in the sand for a long moment, a frustrated frown on his muzzle. Shaking his head just a bit, he began to carve into the sand beneath him, although it wasn't actually any clear words, just an expression of his irritation, "???"
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - fulzanin - 09-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]If there was a place to be made specifically for his kind, it would have to be the beach. Or at least, a rocky shoreline. The water provided food, and the cliffs would provide shelter. There wasn't much more that was needed in life than a good place to live and a nice place to fish. Tanteri had been nomadic for most of his life. Moving from island to island, soaring over the seas. He would dive down from the heights whenever he saw fish from high above. Exploring? Not really. It wasn't for him. Moving around was just his way of life. Staying in one place for a while, staying here? It was so strange. He wanted to grasp it. Perhaps that was why he stayed. He wanted to try to grasp why he was the only creature of his kind here, why there were no other beasts of his time period present. The change of eras was lost to him, it always had been and likely always would be.

Tanteri had the habit of practically dive bombing down on people. He always remained high in the sky, because he believed thoroughly that such was where he belonged. It was the only normalcy in this strange world where people had grass on their bodies and spoke in strange ways and formed communities beyond their own species. He did such now, when he noticed that there was someone down below on the beach. His wings pressed close to his sides and he swiftly descended. The pterosaur's wings spread open at near the last second, and a series of strong flaps kept him from crashing. That was something he was proud of: being able to dive down and not crash. Perhaps Tanteri was even cocky about his ability.

The pteranodon didn't even know that there was a war about to happen. He was secluded. He kept to the sky nearly all the time, and only came diving down from the air when he saw someone. This was the case now, as it always was. He was unaware of the bustling camp of war preparations. The sketches of question marks upon the sand were lost to him. They were lost and just as foreign to him as the term 'dinosaur' was. "You drawing on the sand out here?" He shrieked out his question. His body raised and he swung his feet forward - essentially a good step forward - before he then came to another halt. "Don't know what that drawing is supposed to be. Looks good, I guess, for whatever it is," the pterosaur continued on for a few moments. Then Tanteri paused, a click of his beak following. "Weren't you wandering about earlier?" The pteranodon knew not of the other's silent tendencies, and for such being the reason as to why the other didn't simply speak. His loud voice was a stark contrast, and far too noisy and shrill for the conversation he was trying to engage.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - hushsound. - 09-27-2019

The sound of a loud and screeching voice was what made Hushsound jump out of his concentration, his huge blue eyes looking at Tanteri in confusion and just the faintest bit of fear. He hadn't encountered the dinosaur up to this point, and he found himself terrified that Tanteru was angry at him, and about to snap him up into his jaws. He could understand the flying dinosaur's words, but for some reason he felt anxious, his body huddling in on itself for a moment, just staring, before eventually his mind started to reboot. He opened and closed his muzzle for a moment before finally leaning forward to begin writing in the sand again, not aware that Tanteri couldn't read any of his writings, "YES, I WAS WANDERING EARLIER. I WAS LOOKING FOR WHERE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO STAY?" Unfortunately for him, even if he figured out that Tanteri couldn't understand his written words, it was highly doubtful that the male would be able to understand his sign language either. His only hope was that someone else would show up to communicate between them, or to at the very least answer his questions. Before that middle man would have been Goldie, but he didn't want to interrupt anything that the leader was doing, and hopefully someone else could help out instead.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - Kian. - 09-29-2019

It's within the tavern the Irishman notices the sudden appearance and departure of Hushsound.  The feline is unfamiliar to him enough to warrent the neccessary curiousity to step out himself.  The rusty spotted cat furrowed his brow until he spotted him again, padding over with a friendly gleam in his sea-green eyes.

Soon, he realized the other communicated via written word.  Luckily, the faerie knew how to read, as most of his family. "Depends on preference," the pirate offered immediately, rolling his shoulders back in a relaxed shrug.  "Ya can stay wherever ya like.  'Course, if you decide to claim yourself a member of a specific division, ya could stay where they normally stay.  The Grimrays stay on the Tempest, the Necro Mambas the treehouses and the Blackjack Rats reside on th' beach, in the huts."

The anchored tempest felt familiar to Kian regardless of divison standing.  He afterall decided to be among the Grimrays, with the Necro Mambas as his secondary.  He hardly expected anyone to care if the cat chose someplace without division in mind.  "The tavern has rooms too, but it's not always the quiestest place."

A quiet chuckle left his maw, tail flicking.  The small feline offered a broad smile as he inclined his head suddenly, "'m Kian by the way, happy to help ya in anyway lad."

Re: TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - hushsound. - 09-29-2019

Hush felt immediately thankful when a other person arrived on the scene where he was sitting and writing, still not entirely sure if he was about to be attacked and eaten by a large dinosaur. Kian approached so quietly that Hushsound – still distracted by the appearance of Tanteri in front of him – actually jumped when the male spoke, the golden furred feline snapping his head towards the rusty spotted cat and just blinking for a moment before smiling gratefully. Oh thank goodness, it seemed as though someone could understand him and his writings, at least for the moment. It was someone that he hadn't exactly met before, but the male seemed keen on assisting, since he began to speak about the very subject Hush had been wondering about: where he should stay. When Kian began to speak about divisions and things such as that, Hushsound immediately found himself both confused and curious. He hadn't been aware that the Typhoon had divisions, since he had been so busy just getting used to the place and trying to make friends, as well as training for the apparently approaching battle. Still, the thought of having unique divisions intrigued him, and he immediately felt more questions swirling around in his head before Kian was even done speaking. The young feline had already been starting to write in the sand again when he realized that Kian was still speaking, and was introducing himself. Oh, Hush had been so rude, not introducing himself to Tanteri or Kian.

Feeling a bit of a blush of embarassment coming up beneath his thick golden fur, the hero of the wild scrubbed out his old writings and carefully scribbled out a greeting, not wanting to seem ungrateful for the male's help – especially if he was going to be asking for more help, "IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU, KIAN. MY NAME IS HUSHSOUND, I JOINED A FEW DAYS AGO. CAN YOU ALSO TELL HIM THAT?" He gestured his head in the direction of Tanteri as he wrote that out, hoping that Kian would be able to communicate his words, since the feline had his doubts about whether or not the dinosaur was able to read. Once he knew that Kian had been able to read his previous one, the feline began to write out another message, feeling a bit sheepish about asking yet more questions of the other, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't sure what division or place to choose if he didn't know what the differences were between them, "COULD YOU TELL ME WHAT THE DIVISIONS ARE LIKE? I WOULDN'T MIND BEING A PART OF ONE, IF I WAS ABLE." He had many different skills that he could contribute to one of the divisions, but he also wasn't entirely sure if they would want him. After all, he was an odd mute little cat, would anybody really want him in their corner?
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: TRUTH HURTS ☆ exploring - Kian. - 10-05-2019

Kian sat back on his haunches, regarding the other feline quietly as he began to write anew.  Soon he nodded, glancing up towards Tanteri. "This is Hushsound, 'es new." After amount he smiled sheepishly, supposing he should add another short explaination, "his drawings are actually letters.  This is his way of communicatin'." Since the Irishman knew his neice not to speak, or rather had previously been entirely silent, he hardly minded the issue.  His brother, Raziel, intently loved to read and as such Kian grew up surrounded by books (of course, his parents insisted he learn too).

It seemed he opened up inquiries on the divisions.  Since he resided as a member of two, he nodded brightly once again.  "Well 'm a member of the Grim Rays and Necro Mambas personally.  Each division 'as a specialty.  The Grim Rays are essentially the combat division, though we 'ave blacksmiths an' such under our name as well." Since his early youth, Kian cared more about mastering combat over anything else.  Despite being one of the princes, he joined the royal guard, essentially learning to defend himself and his brothers.  Of course, his twin decided to master the art of stealth in the meantime.

"The Necro Mambas specialize in medicine.  They're the healers around 'ere, though magic also falls under our field as well.  I've heard of a few voodoo practioneers among the Mambas.  Personally, 'm not much for magic, but I know my herbs well an' I like being helpful."

"Then we 'ave the Blackjack Rats," he added with a loose shrug, idly remembering Keona's beta ceremony and her decision.  "They're the commune division.  They focus on social events an' such, but they also specalize in stealth and espionage.  I 'ave a twin brother, though I doubt you've met him yet -- he's always been a talented spy, so he decided to join the Blackjack Rats.  So sometimes you 'ave someone who joins for the subfields, rather than the primary."

"You don' have to pick just one divison, though, so don' feel pressured.  Like I said I'm a member of two, and if I remember right, so is my brother.  You can always be a primary member of one, and a secondary of either or both of the others." Which was unlikely to help pick a place to live, he realized sheepishly.

"It's all your choice, in the end, but the divisons are family, so we'll welcome you in whichever one you choose." The entire crew truly, Kian felt was family.  Or the small feline had always looked at the crew as one, just as he had seen his old crew before he joined all those moons ago.