Beasts of Beyond
IM A LIABILITY - Printable Version

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IM A LIABILITY - idyllfields - 09-22-2019

stars did fall
the continuous slam of books closing for the class was practically elegant music to their ears. three hours of anthropology. three hours of debating human activities against other experiences and resisting the urge of simply dumbing down the human species so as to still keep egos afloat. it was exhausting, truly, but caelum had kept just awake enough to highlight the chapters they needed to study on before rushing out of the door.

with their book tucked closely underneath their arm they checked their watch, sucking in a breath seeing they were almost late. the curse of a chatty professor that loved trying to relate to their students more than just teaching the textbooks contents. with a tired sigh, caelum slipped through the hall and out the door to the college campus, briskly walking toward the east dorms as quickly as they could.

it feels like the worlds moving much more quickly than it is when they arrive to the bright, towering white building, opening the glass doors and looking at their phone as it buzzed in their hand.

a missed call. dammit.

lynn, i'm in the lobby! they didn't let me up last time Sad

they typed and sent, leaning back against the wall and releasing a breath they'd unexpectedly been holding in. their phone buzzed again, and they couldn't help smile seeing the other's name pop up in the notification.

don't worry at all. i'm coming down now.

they felt their heart soar in excitement, trying not to glance at the elevator every five milliseconds while they waited.

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Re: IM A LIABILITY - teef - 09-23-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


waiting for the elevator to finally finish its downward cruise, they gripped the bouquet of flowers tighter in their hand, bruised and bandaged after another hard day in their physical classes. they were far more hands on than the others had given them credit for, and had already done the majority of their classes and had spun through the end of their last class, excused by the professor, already having all of the notes in their book and knowing what the homework would be, having accomplished it earlier. it probably helped that they spoke the same language, which helped them out in situations where they wanted to go grab something for caelum when they were still in class.

hearing the elevator finally ding and lurch to a stop, they stumbled out, doing their best to keep balanced with their cups of coffee and cocoa and flowers as they tripped over themselves exiting into the lobby. they looked like they had been up until three in the morning designing, again.

making it across the lobby without ruining their shirt, dropping the drinks nor losing any flowers, they stooped in to kiss caelum's cheeks in earnest greetings, "chatty prof, mhn? got you your drink and myself a drink too. want a tangerine? mum threw one at my head on the way out because my tree is ripe."

Re: IM A LIABILITY - teef - 10-05-2019


Re: IM A LIABILITY - idyllfields - 10-09-2019

stars did fall

they felt their heart jump through their chest as lynn walked closer to them, red rushing to their cheeks and ears at the affectionate greeting. "what is all of this?" caelum asked rhetorically, gesturing to the flowers and hot cups. "thank you, you're too sweet." they continued with a smile, accepting the hot chocolate cup and holding the flowers close with their books. they took a gentle sip, humming with content. "you remembered." their voice was soft as they continued to enjoy it, pleased to find coconut milk used instead of regular.

"oh! yes i'd love a tangerine! it finally started blooming?" caelum leaned their against the pillar in a comfortable slant, tilting their head up to look at lynn. "that reminds me, they have an apple picking orchard open downtown now that fall is in full. students get in free~"

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Re: IM A LIABILITY - teef - 10-16-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


oh, they were downright sinfully adorable. happily sharing their peace offerings, they gave a charming smile as they balanced a half-eaten protein bar and their coffee in their fingers before opening their coat, revealing a baggie filled with tangerines. "muahaha. i knew that you were going to say yes! it's a plentiful harvest this year compared to last year's three sour tangerines!", they mused, watching caelum in an affectionate way, one that they had to hide.

watching them lean against the pillar, they had to restrain from leaning in against their pillar. they nearly missed the second sentence, feeling very happy with themselves at caelum calling them sweet, chest filling with pride when caelum exclaimed that they had remembered. okay, maybe they were a bit lost in affection for their lifelong friend, and maybe a secret romantic at heart, because they leaned in, supporting their weight on their forearm against the pillar, close enough to smell their shampoo.

"the orchard is ready now hey? we should go there soon. i brought the truck today so we have space to put what we pick? did we want to make jams and spreads?" they ask, licking their lips and holding their breath as they looked down at idyll, their marble features dusted the slightest shade of blush, nose warming up still, ears pink with fluster. oh how royally screwed were they, one in love with the painfully innocent.

Re: IM A LIABILITY - idyllfields - 10-20-2019

stars did fall
they took a few more sips of their hot chocolate, quietly enjoying it with an extremely happy smile. they still weren't used to receiving gifts or such positive attention, even from such a long-time friend. every chance lynn made caelum happy was always paired with a shy giggle or simple child-like smile of surprise.

caelum nodded quickly in agreement, laughing with them. "ugh, i still can't believe we dried to make juice with them, too. never again." caelum shifted the bag on their shoulders as lynn came leaning onto the pillar, gigling softly. "i was thinking jams. something about warm toast with raspberry makes my heart happy." fall was one of the best times for their favorite fruits. raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries all in one season. "oh, if we have time we should go into their mini petting zoo, too. i got to feed one of their horses an apple last year and the rest came flocking to me for more food, it was insane." they couldn't help but laugh as they lifted their cup for another long, last sip.

caelum ducked away to toss it into the can behind them, then tugged on lynn's sleeve for the door. "i have some leftover mason jars from my biology project last month. we can put them in there, too. decorate it with some stickers..." they idly continued their ramblings of décor as they went on, peeling the tangerine in the hands and taking small sections as they walked.

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Re: IM A LIABILITY - teef - 12-12-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


breath catching in their throat as they watched caelum move about, admiring their friend in everything that they did. there was a reason that they had been drawn to this individual, and hells if they knew the reason, but they were glad that they had listened to the urge to speak to them so very long ago.

eyes warm with memories, they rumbled a quiet agreement, "we were having fun despite the mess we had to clean up, but i don't think we could have been any happier." they laughed warmly, eyes twinkling in amusement as they followed after them at the sleeve tug, feeling their heart jump a little, no, a lot, in their breast. gah, they're being adorable and they don't even know it! they thought to themselves before chuckling, "let's grab some of those mason jars then and put them in the truck. and then we can go to the petting zoo, hey?"