Beasts of Beyond
JUMP ON IT && intro - Printable Version

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JUMP ON IT && intro - beatae - 09-21-2019

while the pitt got ready with its baring teeth and sharpened claws, noa was quite content just doing as it pleased. the mutated bushdog was simply out and about collecting small plants here and there, checking off a checklist with them as the day had gone on. by the time they returned to camp, morning had just begun to end. the sun was rising to its highest peak, still burning above.

in front of noa were several little bowls filled with vegetation, and slowly, one by one they were mashed into the bowls and flourished into bright, vibrant colors. sweet scented paints from berries, petals and leaves surrounded them.

in front of noa was an excited young warrior they had met while collecting these plants, giddy for their first battle with the pitt.

"we'll tear those pirates limb from limb!" the canid howled out, barely able to keep still as noa spread a green paste down the bridge of their nose. the mutant simply nodded in idle agreement, a smile on their face. "ooh, and when i see their captain, i'm gonna rip off her head and show it to jervis myself!" a foolish goal, but noa remained quite as yellow was added across their forehead.

"are we almost done?" the larger dog crossed its eyes as noa's paw came to their nose, dotting it with white.

"yes! thank you for letting me practice on you. there's a puddle over there so you can see." noa wiped the paste from their paw into their chest, smiling up at the dog as they left to whoop and holler about their 'badass new look'. noa couldn't help but chuckle as the soldier darted off to show off to their friends, gathering their paints together to move on with the next.

template by orion

Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - Kydobi - 09-21-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

A face he had oddly... never seen before. Yet the held the scent of the Pitt so someone had admitted them into the group one way or another. Considering how they weren't being barated, they also weren't slaves.


Kydobi watched them smear some poultice on a rather brash member. Huffing at the idiotic promises of the NPC before watching them bound off. He would get up and chuff a greeting to the small... badger? He couldn't quite tell.

"Hello. I am Kydobi." 

Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - beatae - 09-22-2019

while seemingly small in stature, noa would be damned letting itself become a slave. it was a pitiful outcome in life, and it knew it had much more to give to this world than to be someone's free labor until their back broke from the pressure. or worse. actually having to endure it for their entire lives.

no, noa knew that they were worth much more in this worlds time. not in a narcissistic sense, just a general thought. its family needed them, most importantly. azvameth, while he may be absent, could not separate from his sibling for long, and neither for the smaller of the pair. noa was his voice. his means of communication. his purpose was to be the supporting role. not the underdog.

seeing kydobi approach, noa gave him a toothy smile. "hello, sir. i have heard news about your promotion, congratulations. are you here to task me with something? or just a social call? i know politics can be rather busy." it chuckled, docked tail wiggling momentarily at their own amusement.

"i was simply designing war paints for the soldiers. or, dwellers? it seems to boost morale somehow. what do you think?"

template by orion

Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - Kydobi - 09-27-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Their comment on his promotion threw him off a little, the feline nearly took a step back. Nothing offended him, he had just briefly forgotten about his ranking up.

"Ahh.. Thank you.", he looked at the enthusiastic youth. The whole situation was a little wholesome despite its underlying purpose. Motivation for murder.

"Yes. The painting seems to do justice to the younger ones... no tasks today. Just a little visit, I don't believe I've seen you around before. Are you new?"

Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - beatae - 10-09-2019

while noa understood its subtle purpose, at the end of the day all it did for the bushdog was help practice. if soldiers wanted their fur painted or whatever for the sake of looking scary to their enemies, that was their business. noa just looked for the experience. it was fun, though. easily forgettable about the reason why they had got here in the first place.

the mutant quirked up at kydobi's question, shaking its head. "no, i've been here with my mom and older twin brother for a while. i was a sickly kid, though." they lied straight through their teeth with a chuckle, but its not like anyone would know the truth. noa had truly been in the pitt for some time since birth, but they didn't keep themselves hidden from sickness. more or less... lack of self esteem. it had taken them quite some time to convince themselves they weren't really an 'ugly duckling'. something noa would never let anyone find out.

"you probably have met my mother, though. their name's envy. my dad is roman but... he doesn't come around too often." rather he avoided it entirely. "what about you? i know you're not new, but how did you get here?"

template by orion

Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - Kydobi - 10-15-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile, also sorry for the wait life has been hectic ]

Kydobi looked at them ears flicking in slight surprise. Funny, he recognized everyone that had been here longer than a month.

"Ah, well the name Envy sounds familiar. Roman too..." he had a feeling it would be best to not pry.

Besides their question was interesting, one he hadn't been asked since being here.

" I wanna say I've been here for about 5 or 6 months. Although it feels like years... Anyways I sought out the jungle. This was before all the drama, when Typhoon had made a false alliance and things were relatively peaceful. I came for what I knew, and I've stayed since. The only thing I wasn't expecting was the warbound nature of this place."

Kydobi smiled softly, looking at Noa.


Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - ARGUS - 10-15-2019

"[glow=#cc3232,2,300]War is common in the clans[/glow]" Argus agreed, their tone somber for the moment as the stepped closer towards the pair. THe dragon has watched many places crumble under the ruble of eachother. It was the way they fought for resources, ideals, the right to live was a struggle, and with a place so radical; like the pitt: they were an easy target. An easy enemy for the clans who thought they stood higher than them, it would make catching them unawares all the more swifter in the end.

The names the spoken were familiar to argus, and when registered through the beast they felt something in them seizing up at the thought. Envy... was dangerous; back when argus knew them. "[glow=#cc3232,2,300]It os only natural for one of them to make a profit off of it.[/glow]"

Re: JUMP ON IT && intro - beatae - 10-17-2019

it was glad to hear that envy had made some rounds to meet some of those in the pitt. it definitely made things feel more comfortable, now that these people had even a vague idea of who it was around. the mutant was primarily curious about kydobi, though. the typhoon once had an alliance here? how odd... those pirates didn't seem like the type.

well, it was a false alliance. so maybe it was sensible from some pirates.

"i'm not sure what else to think about here. it's all i know, but i'm really only concerned for my mom and my brother. i want them to be safe while all of this goes down..." noa trailed off before looking up at argus.

"what are we profiting here, again?" it asked innocently. "i don't really bother with political details."

template by orion