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chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - Printable Version

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chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - teef - 09-19-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


they had been asleep for the first time in weeks, the golden dragon curled up in the hot desert sun, head down and eyes closed, ears listening to every sound around them, tense and stressed out just the slightest, tiniest bit.

stirred from their sleep by a voice like chimes and bells, their head lifted from the ground and their barely working eyes brought them to see a black figure standing before them with brilliant blueish eyes, and they felt their body respond in kind, tensing and relaxing and becoming weak. before them was truly an illusion, but their mind held them steady enough to believe that their deceased mate was standing before them, speaking in a language that they could not understand but it became clear that he wanted them to follow him.

getting up, the dragon followed after the illusion at a break neck speed, twisting and diving, never able to close the gap between them. as they approached the border of the jungle, they sped up to follow after the trick of their mind, getting themselves tangled up in the thick trees, talon like claws gouging the trees, their voice whining out in a broken and agonized way, "Chickadee!" they bellowed after the quickly vanishing black shadow that they could barely see. their wounds had mostly healed and the infections that had plagued them from the dirt and sand in the claws of the pirate who had attacked them, had finally began to clean up.

(wait for idyllfields to post then you can~!)

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - idyllfields - 09-20-2019

stars did fall
it had been quite some time since idyll had last run into bai shi. at the time they had just been a rogue, wandering alongside the clans. they had also not been a dragon when they had last met, thus without any sort of ability to see past the physical appearance, idyll would have little to no idea who this creature was.

what they had heard was the recklessness of an animal untrained in the terrain of typhoon's land. something was bounding through the jungle faster than they could keep up with, so they simply followed the creature with their eyes and ears. keeping up the best they could, but also making sure they would remain unseen.

suddenly the sounds halted. there was struggling and sounds of frustration. idyll takes a hesitant step forward toward the beast, jaws open to try and figure out what exactly was their purpose, but the voice that called out had struck a memory within them. all too familiar, as idyll had occasionally wondered where that rogue had gone after that day in the jungle...

"bai shi?" the sage whispered, almost unbelieving. they crept closer, confused on the name they called out but did not bother to question. it sounded pained... best not to bring it up. instead idyll made a point to get in front of bai shi so that the other could see them before quickly realizing the scars across their eyes. "oh... dear. stay still, i will have you down in a moment."

the sage made quick work of the vines. one by one chewing them apart or simply giving a tug to the ones that were already ripped apart, just tangled around. "are you hurt? oh, goodness, i have so many questions." part of them felt giddy to see their old friend. at least, who they considered a friend. it didn't seem like the right moment to bombard with questions though. figure out what was wrong with their eyes, then check for any other injuries... that should be first.

"here, first let me see..." they would attempt to lift bai shi's head closer to their own and assess the damage around their eyes. "who did this to you, friend? you've gotten yourself into trouble?" it was the attempt at a tease to help calm their nerves, but truthfully, idyll was concerned about the answer they would be given.

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Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - Kydobi - 09-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]


He had studied, learned, and sealed the salty scent of pirates in his memory. From the terrible battle, he could never forget. The blood the chaos.

the violence.

The betrayal of a false alliance. Kydobi perked his ears, listening. Listening... Birds. Calls. Wind... Sand brushing against sand...

"Bai Shi? a strange voice would say softly.

What? Urgency swept over him as fear crept in his heart. Inhaling he found the scent was indeed his infatuate. He was almost certain they were in danger. Alone and in the grasp of enemies. His heart was pounding as he traversed quickly through the jungle. Bolting through trees like a ghost.

In minutes he was at the desert. Eyes focused in on a canine crouched over the familiar dragon, Kydobi's most familiar body of them. A deep growl rumbled in his throat as it built up into a vicious snarl. Fear and worry was flooding him. Was the dragon okay? They didn't seem to be moving.

The large feline bounded towards the stranger, ears pinned flat against his skull, tail lashing rapidly. His claws were unsheathed, glinting in the sun like polished razors.

"Step away from them.", an order and a threat. Fiery pools were narrow on the coyote, his face was pulled to where his teeth were exposed. Large ivories made for cracking bone. The wrinkles of the scrunched muzzle only seemed to add depth on his eyes.

He did not want to harm this stranger, so many pittians would've taken the chance to kill them just for who they were. But the chocolate onyx jaguar would never be so brash.

What they could witness was so very different from Kydobi's standard calm, and kind demeanor. Yet when in this state, he was rather terrifying.

Eyes softened in pure worry for the one his heart called to. The widened a little and his face softened at the sight of them..

"Lynn..." he would whisper before snapping his attention back towards the coyote. Anger rushing back into him almost as fast as the testosterone preparing him for the possible fight. To defend the being he held the most affection for.

"What did you do to them?", his voice was low as he lowered his head, taking a step forward as if stalking prey.


Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - bubblegum - 09-20-2019

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - teef - 09-20-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


breath rushing out as if they had been hit by something destructive and larger than them, the dragon gave a deep heavy noise of grief, blurred vision locked onto the illusion that none of them would see. their moments of struggle were interrupted by the sweet and gentle voice of the coyote that they had met before, cautiously calling out their name.

turning their head to look for the coyote, they found them closer than they had thought they would, "i-idyll ..?", their voice was filled with a pain that they hadn't felt in a long time, observing the black furred canine that they had been following, disappear into the coyotes form with a flash of cyan eyes. at the time that idyll moved their head to look at their eyes, they would lean into the contact with a broken whine, letting them cut the vines away to free them, attempting to nuzzle into idyllfields with a soft rumble.

"idyll ... it's been a while. don't worry about my eyes, my own stupidity was the cause of that. I dont even know where to start with things. we need to catch up...", they murmured quietly, slipping from the tangle of trees, heart in their throat at the way their thoughts put similarities between idyll and astro.

they turned their head as they heard and scented kydobi's approach, the big dragon moving as if to intercept him, "ky, I'm fine. It's okay. I know them from before I joined the Pitt.", they assured, standing before idyll in a protective sort of way, "goldenluxury ... good to hear you again." they murmured as they turned their head in the tigress' direction. they had their own reason for joining the pitt, hunting down the bastard that had murdered their mate, daughter and had severely hurt their best friend, as well as having hurt their mother. they weren't mad over the injury, they just didn't enjoy the tigress' presence especially when they couldn't see her as they once had been able to.

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - idyllfields - 09-20-2019

stars did fall
at first, idyllfields had not noticed the scent of kydobi appear. too focused on the damage on their friends face, it wasn't until the beast was literally a few feet away from them. eyes trained on them like prey. the sage could feel their heart leap from their chest into the bottom of their stomach, their breath caught in their throat.

who was this exactly? was this what hurt their friend? by the looks of it he could. the pittians threat fell on deaf ears as idyll refused, shaking their head. "n-no i…" i won't. they would have said if their voice had disappeared from them.

gods, they were terrified. when the beast has then spoken once more, addressing bai under another name, their fear turned to confusion. "lynn…?" they choked up, looking back to the golden dragon. i didn't do anything to you. they lean back as bai nuzzles into their fur, lifting a paw to hold them closer.

their captains appearance is but a god send entirely. a wave of relief washed over them, knowing that the demi-goddess wouldn't allow them to get hurt. though they dodged her attempt to move them, staying by their friends side. they were utterly confused. not knowing to make the dots that the golden dragon was now a pittian like the jaguar as well.

go home? "miss goldie, bai shi is my... my friend." their puzzlement was clear in their voice. "i need to help them- their eyes are infected." it was unlike them to argue with their mentor, especially in front of an enemy. they pulled bai closer to them, holding their breath.

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Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - Kydobi - 09-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: the toxic lover about to jump out XD]

He watched the tigress appear, ordering the coyote named "Idyll" to move. But not before Bai nuzzled him. The dog leaned in and Kydobi quickly stepped forward with a another snarl. His breath had stopped, his heart skipped a beat and something tugged on it

"Don't touch them!"

He straightened up to look at the tiger, hate in his eyes. This was the one who promised a false alliance. The liar who turned and wreaked havoc. Just when it seemed Jervis would listen to Kydobi and change his ways... even if temporary... She ruined it with battles.

She was the one who started everything.

He would fight her if necessary.

"Leave. It's just you two and you're on our land. Leave before I call others.", he began to eye her wing. Deciding should she refused that was what he would first launch after. Drag her down and keep her till others came. Then his eyes shifted back to Idyll.

Stupid name.

"We have medics. You can go before I make you.", he knew he was bigger and stronger. The dog knew it too, Kydobi recognized the fear in their eyes. Seen if every time he had hunted in his life. He was the apex one.

"Help them? Help them? Why would you help someone who is your enemy? Why were you even here? Do not forget it was the Typhoon that lied and went back on their truce.". He was fuming. His heart speeding and bumping innumerable amounts. The possibility that Bai was hurt was terrifying him. It wasn't something that he had ever considered as a reality.

But now that it had possibly happened was really frightening.

"Don't touch him and go! Everyday you guys pose a threat of battle! And you come and disrespect us like you aren't trying to kill everyone of them? You showed no mercy for children. You have no right to be here."

He was staring Goldie down, remembering her. Analyzing her in this moment.

"Take your dog Golden. Before it wanders too far and never comes home.", he was not one to threat but the fact they all were here was really upsetting.


Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - teef - 09-20-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


their voice ripped out of them in a frustrated force, the dragon growling out a warning, "kydobi. back down. goldenluxury and idyllfields are doing the same as i, investigating the borders and lands between.", they do their best to convince him, scratched eye locking more or less in his general vicinity.

they would have been amused were it any other time that he was snarling about touching them, but as far as their confused mind was concerned, there wasn't a reason for the volatile reaction.

turning their attention back to idyllfields they made a soft noise, "my eyes will be alright, idyll, I assure you, do not worry over me. I should let you know that the group that I joined after losing my first, was the pitt. the love of my life was taken by a murderer that resides here, and I came to enact my vengeance upon him." they murmured with a gentle comforting nose boop.

their head would quickly swivel back to kydobi, "ky, calm down. I'm fine. they're fine. it's a no mans land. I know idyll. but it's fine. leave it be. I'm not in danger nor am I hurt." they tried to convince him.

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - bubblegum - 09-21-2019

Re: chasing figures ● illusions & border run-in - idyllfields - 09-22-2019

stars did fall
there head was spinning. they felt like the ground should give way beneath them and swallow the sage whole. this had escalated far, far too quickly for them to wrap their head around it all, but the more each one spoke, the easier it became to understand what was happening. it was no mere coincidence that idyll found their friend so close to enemy lines. the dragon was one of them.

kydobi's aggressive demand to not touch bai was given, drawing away from them and standing on their own, their tail tucked and ears flat. a mixture of both the fear of the jaguar and the hurt they felt that bai had, well, neglected to tell of their alliance beforehand. it was rather strange they hadn't run into each other again for some time but dear gods... they never expected this to be the outcome. to find them on the other side. bai's reasoning had softened the blow, slightly, but they were still unsure of what to expect. what if they never sought their revenge? what happened when they would... inevitably fight each other?

even more, seeing the captain's anger ignited only by their own doings made their heart drop. this was... clearly not the right hill to die on today. goldenluxury had never served idyll an 'order'. they were given tasks. responsibilities. activities. "yes ma'am." their voice is just barely above a whisper as they glance to the captain before leaning toward bai shi.

in the appearance of giving their friend one last embrace, they pressed close to their ear. "look out for me. few days most." then pulled away abruptly, returning to the leaders side quickly and using her wings to shield themselves. "i'm sorry..." they muttered out, unable to meet her gaze fully as they hurried on away from the pittians, onward to home.

home. they wished to simply crawl into their silk sheets and sleep the month away, but they did not expect to simply continue on and forget.

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