Beasts of Beyond
Hello hello! - Printable Version

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Hello hello! - Dr4m4-qu33n - 09-19-2019

Hi everyone! I'm thinking about joinning what I hear is a wonderful community!

any recommendations of where I should start/what I should do? :OOO

Re: Hello hello! - Verdigris - 09-19-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]why, hello!
  good to meet you, I'm Verdigris but most people call me Verdi- I'm an ambassador here, so if you ever have any questions, feel free to hit me up ^^

  usually what people do here is make a character, then start posting with them in one of our four main groups, whichever one suits your fancy
  if you want to make a subaccount to use for all your posts with one character, you can, but it's not required
  what sort of roleplay experience were you looking for? I can recommend you groups, plots, etc. based on that

Re: Hello hello! - tikki - 09-21-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]I know this is a rather late reply to the thread, but hello, and welcome to the site! My name's tikki and I'm a senior moderator here on the site, and am always open for messages as well if you ever have any questions!

A good way to get started on the site in general is to look over our rules to make sure when you do end up making a character and start roleplaying, you know what they can or can't do. If you've never RP'd before, or want to try something new with a character but don't know how, our guide archives has some guides there on how to play different types of characters, as well as guides on how to make a subaccount for the characters and a guide on our site's currency - gems - that you would use in order to buy stuff like art from some people on site, as well as powers for your character from the shop.

I hope you have a great time here!

Re: Hello hello! - Orion - 09-30-2019

Welcome welcome! <333

Re: Hello hello! - tricky - 10-01-2019

hellooo!! if you ever need somebody to plot with or chracter creation help, hmu!