Beasts of Beyond
would you use these? - Printable Version

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would you use these? - tikki - 09-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Hi, I made a text banner of lyrics for my signature and was curious if people would be interested in a premade thread for them to use for anything on site, and also potentially buying them with gems for more personalized ones for characters?

more examples:

Re: would you use these? - gregory - 09-19-2019

i love those kind of banners,,, yes pls,,,,

Re: would you use these? - stilly. - 09-20-2019

:^0 oh man hells yeah tikki

Re: would you use these? - fluffy - 09-22-2019

they’re so pretty! I would absolutely use those

Re: would you use these? - Orion - 09-24-2019

eyes @ the queen one...

Re: would you use these? - miss ririchiyo - 09-30-2019

yes!! i absolutely love all of those, they're all so gorgeous..