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a letter to the past [...] open, flying - Printable Version

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a letter to the past [...] open, flying - cry - 05-02-2018

Dear past you,

  Say goodbye to everyone for me. You'll miss them. More than you'll ever know.

I've been in this hell hole for about a month now. You were turned into a bird (i know, those dumb things that pecked at you from the window ceil? Your life now) and broke your wing during one of your dumbass phases where you don't sleep through sheer determination and stubbornness. You got stuck in this place that the locals call Snowbound. It's a pretty calm place, but you never let your guard down. You made a few acquaintances. Like Jacob or Killua. Ivylee and London. August and this new kid named Harison. They're weird. Like. Super weird. They're not sentient. They're all cats. ... Well. Mostly cats. There's a few dogs and ones a deer too? But like. No one walks on two legs. No one has vim. They all have blood. Like animals. I'm honestly scared.

The one named Jacob has been helping you recover. He's a kind soul. You haven't spoken to him since you fell asleep and broke your arm. He was always determined to hear your voice. It was .... sorta creepy at the time. But you learned to deal with it eventually. The shine in his eyes and the spirit in his voice reminds you too much of Synthesis. He always was my star. I might be scapegoating but... I can just... see something the same... or at least similar... in the two. It's hard. Being so far away from home. But you make do. Like always. It's what you must, right? Like Lotus said. Never give up. Never surrender. And die trying. You're going to get home. I promise you.

Now, who else is there...

The two kids. London and Ivylee. You've only seen them a handful of times. They're sweet little kids. Just... about as normal as little kids get. Bright eyes, charming smiles. An innocent wonder of everything around them. They just wanna do their best, no matter what they're doing... do they even know what they're doing? It was hard to tell. The cat. London. She got injured a while ago. I think she's okay now. Some jackass showed up and just cut her. Can you believe that, Kay? Reminds me of the Rabbit. I'll never forgive that damn useless puddle for trapping me here. Where was I? Right. The kids. I... think they like you? I cannot truthfully tell. Everyone in the group seems to tolerate you.

You've almost been eaten one more than one occasion. Just like home, amirite? There was this one. Jacobs friend. Or perhaps a boyfriend. I didn't know. Didn't care. He thought you were some sort of mindless animal. Tried to gobble you up from behind Jacob's back on multiple occasions. He was lucky you didn't sock him in the jaw. Or... claw him I guess... Tallon him...

I miss having hands. And feet. And my hat. Ace trusted me with that hat and I lost it...

Did you remember to let the dogs out? Dad trusted you with taking care of everyone while he and Mom went on that trip. You were only supposed to be gone for an hour. How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years?... or has it only been an hour? I can't tell. Time moves so fast here. Your brother misses you probably. I can imagine the tears streaming down his three eyes. He's so soft and small. You were supposed to take care of him. Where are you know? Sitting and waiting for your arm to be repaired. If you were still a poly, you could have done that instantly!

Curse this stupid animal body! --Blood splatters the page--

I need to calm down. There is no point in screaming and hollering anymore. What is here is the cards I've been dealt. There is not much I can do to change that. I just need to sort them right and place my hand on the table. My wing is almost healed. I can almost fly. I cannot wait for the day. Flying gave me a sort of freedom akin to being back home. It is not nearly as useful as my crystals, but I'll make do. Moving is so much harder too. It was so much easier when all my limbs were detached. I could simply turn one off if I needed too. Now people can drag me around. How do animals deal with it? It baffles me, to be honest.

In conclusion. You're screwed. I'll be surprised if you make it out of here alive. If you make it out at all. I've searched high and low but there's just no exit. Perhaps soon if I can fly I can search places I could not before. Maybe it's that easy. I dunno. Anyways. Good luck out there.

Katelyn Malo


  Cry closed the journal with a sigh, placing the quill she was holding in one of her talons onto the table below her. She blinked owlishly, tilting her head. Welcome new day. I hope you're not as depressing as the previous one.

  Her wing had been healing for a whole month. She could feel it grow stronger each and every day. Seeing that magpie fly yesterday struck a fire in her heart. she could do this. It was time. No more sitting around and waiting. The raven hopped down from her little hole in the wall (what. It was a twisty cave. Where would she sleep otherwise? the [floor[/i]?), bracing herself for a landing. She huffed, preening her feathers for a few moments before starting her way outside. Hopping was currently her fastest form of movement. So here she hopped. She said hello to no one. She did not even acknowledge them. They did not deserve her attention. They were simply stepping stones for her to hop across to her destination.

  The bird's eyes lit up as she hopped out into the sunlight. Sunlight reflecting off the snow. Ouch. Light. It burns. Cry blinked a few times before turning to the pearly white bandages on her left wing. She tilted her head, reaching over to take hold in her beak. She braced herself and tugged. They came loose... actually a lot easier than she thought they would. They quickly unraveled, twirling and turning into a pile on the floor next to her feet. She kept pulling until the end of the line was caught in her mouth. Cry stared at her wing, twitching the muscles underneath. Her jet black feathers wiggled under the toss of the wind.

She chuckled, raising a brow. It looks fine. Now time for the test. She bent her knees, opening her wings up, and pushed down. Cry cheered out as she pushed herself up into the air. She flipped herself over, gliding in the wind. Cry tucked her feet into her chest, talons play clawing down at snowbounders down on the ground. They looked like little tiny ants from up here. She chuckled, closing her wings close to her chest. She fell, nose first, about to hit the ground when she extended her wings again, catching herself on the breeze. She rocketed into the treeline, twisting and turning to avoid all the trees. She cheered, pulling up. She stared across the horizon. She blinked, tilting her head. She supposed the portal could wait. She chuckled, letting herself fall back down to the ground. Half a yard in the air, she opend her wings, utilizing them as a parachute to touch the ground. She chuckled proudly under her breath, preening her newly healed wing.