Beasts of Beyond
BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - Printable Version

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BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - hushsound. - 09-18-2019

If one asked Hush where he had been for the last five months, then he wouldn't have been able to answer them. He had the briefest glimpses of memories, but they weren't from the last five months. He could remember being in... [Redacted group name, see announcement]? Perhaps that was the name, but he honestly couldn't figure it out anymore since so much time had passed. He could remember being Hushpaw, he could remember having friends, and he could even recall the face of someone he loved more than anything, Hyacinthpaw, but he couldn't remember how he had ended up here. Still, that didn't mean he was entirely helpless. Despite the fact that he couldn't quite parse out why he was heading towards the Typhoon, he still knew he was deep down inside. He was Hushsound, a brave warrior, known as the Hero of the Wild, a golden furred young male that wanted nothing more than to help others and to fulfill his destiny, whatever that destiny was. He still wasn't quite sure what he was meant to do, but he felt like he was prepared for it. After all, he wasn't just a little kid anymore.

However, this didn't suddenly mean that he was the most social person in the entire universe. Sure, he was still perfectly happy to interact with anybody who approached him, but it wouldn't be through words. Ever since he had been just a young kitten, he had almost never spoken out loud to others, instead choosing to either write what he wanted to say on the ground, or – in the worst case scenario of things where nobody knew how to read his words – miming when it was needed. Usually both of these methods worked well enough for him, and helped him cope with the crippling social anxiety that still plagued him. This anxiety was what was constantly reminding him that his hoarse and soft voice was awful to listen to, and that all he would end up doing if he spoke out loud was annoy others. If he had to write all of his thoughts instead of saying them, it meant that only the most important things came out of him, and he honestly preferred it that way, even if it sometimes ended up with others being concerned for him.

Moving over the land bridge that connected The Typhoon with everywhere else, the small feline made his way to where the large bell was, hesitating significantly when he came to the front of it. He didn't want to disturb everyone who lived in the group just so that someone could tend to him, but it also wasn't as if he was going to go and call for anybody. Taking a deep breath, the hero of the wild stood up on his hind paws, giving the bell a firm swing so that it clanged around, alerting anybody who was nearby, and probably also a few that weren't nearby. His ears pinned down to his head at the sharpness of the sound, falling back on his ass and sighing as he looked around. He shifted a bit as he waited for someone, not wanting to be sitting on the dagger sized sword that was in its sheathe at his side, attached to the belt he had snug around his waist. He didn't want to seem intimidating, but the weapon also warned that he wasn't just a cute fluffy kitten to be hunted.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - idyllfields - 09-20-2019

stars did fall
idyll just so happened to be nearby when the clanging of the gates called for their attention. their ears perked up and tail raised, excited for the call of another visitor. not one to keep a guest waiting, the sage hurried over to the heavy gates of the typhoon as quickly as they could, seeing hush's form ahead when they began to come close.

"welcome, welcome! sorry to keep you waiting, i came as fast as i could." the coyote reassured with a grin, shaking some of the sand between their toes. "so, how may the typhoon assist you today?" the sage prompted, their tone friendly toward the stranger.

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - hushsound. - 09-20-2019

It was only a few long, lonely moments before somebody was approaching, and Hush blinked in surprise as Idyll came rushing over, smiling apologetically and already beginning to blab. They seemed pretty damn excited that he was here, and he honestly wasn't sure why. He supposed that it was probably because any new visitor or joiner was important, but he still wasn't used to so much excitement and such a warm greeting right off the bat. He supposed that was mostly just because, up to this point, he had either been all on his own, or he had been joining smaller rogue groups, ones that didn't particularly care if you lived or died when you showed up. Exitement and delight hadn't exactly been the first emotions that had been expressed when Hush had showed up st their borders, silently seeking temporary entry. Sometimes he wondered if he could find a permanent home somewhere, but thus far he had only stayed in groups very briefly, moving from place to place quickly and quietly, like a shadow. Still, perhaps the Typhoon would be different.

Hushsound blinked at Idyll awkwardly for a long moment, before he moved to carefully write in the sand between them, desperately hoping that Idyll could read, "MY NAME IS HUSHSOUND. I'M A LONER, BUT I WAS WONDERING IF I COULD JOIN HERE." If Idyll didn't know how to read his writing, it would certainly male things a lot more complicated. If no one arrived who could read his writing, it would mean that he would have to mime what he was looking for here. Just the thought made him shake his head and sigh, not very much wanting to do that. Miming took a lot out of him, and most of the time he still didn't get across what he actually wanted to communicate.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - bubblegum - 09-20-2019

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - Keona. - 09-20-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
So the bell tolls.  The petite privateer felt her ears perk at the sound.  Ever-so sharp and loud to her, yet useful.  The ring led the tiny feline towards the railroad tracks, where she found herself halting nearby Idyllfields and Goldenluxury.  The scent of a strange cat reached her, yet little sound.

Despite the lack of noise, the captain seemed on-top of the matter.  Keona's brows creased briefly in confusion until she recalled a memory of Suvi.  Prior to her connection to a Tanglewood medic, Kiira, her cousin lacked speech.  Capable of sound, yes, for Keona knew her to whine or make small noises, but she never spoke.  Now it seemed she could, though soft and sounding of a speech impediment.

Whatever the personal case, the fae realized the stranger must also not speak.  He must've communicated his message somehow though.  "… Aloha." Keona felt suddenly out of her element entirely, the fur on the back of her neck pricking.  She'd try nonetheless, even attempting to raise her head to a height proper to 'look' at the newcomer.  Guesswork unfortunately.  "Welcome to the Typhoon.  'm Keona."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - hushsound. - 09-20-2019

The first to approach after Idyll was a large tigress, and Hush felt himself tense up a bit involuntarily. He couldn't really help it – he was used to larger animals representing danger and death, and he found that even though Goldie approached with seemingly nothing but the intent to welcome him, he couldn't help but glance back at his sword. When she used sign language, however, he found himself blinking in surprise, unable to keep the small smile from curling on his face. He didn't often encounter anyone else who knew how to sign, especially with their limited limb movement, but it seemed as though he was in luck this time. He nodded enthusiastically when Goldie signed her question to him, scrubbing out his message in the sand and slowly signing back, his sign language a bit rusty since it went so often unused, "I... I would very much like to join. I have heard that this place was a good place to go if were strong and ready to fight without being some....evil bastard." He hesitated a bit at the end, not exactly sure how to sign "evil bastard" and eventually just messily signing the letters. He then signed, smiling crookedly at the leader of the Typhoon as his tail flicked back and forth, "What's your name miss?" He honestly sort of felt like he knew her somehow, but he just wrote it off as one of his little weird tics or feelings that he couldn't explain.

Then another new person arrived, seemingly confused by his lack of any sort of audible expression. The domestic feline looked at Keona, and began to carve words into the sand, until he noticed... something was off. Keona wasn't looking directly at his face. In fact, it seemed as though her gaze was staring steadily onward, seemingly without actually taking anything in front of her in. It seemed as though Keona's ears were doing most of the analyzing of what was going on around her, and that wasn't exactly great for the mute male that had just arrived to The Typhoon. The hero of the wild looked down in thought for a moment before turning to Goldie and signing sheepishly, feeling ridiculous for not the first time that he couldn't speak without becoming anxious and immediately clamming back up, "Could you please tell her that it is nice to meet her? And that my name is Hushsound? I don't... I don't..." He hesitated in his signing, looking down and fidgeting his paws before placing them back down on the ground. He didn't really know how to explain why he wouldn't speak, but he didn't think he could do it in frantic sloppy signage.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - bubblegum - 09-26-2019

Re: BOTH FACE AND MIND ☆ joining - hushsound. - 09-27-2019

Fair pirates, huh? Well, he didn't fit in that much with the aesthetic of pirates, but he sure was fair, and he certainly enjoyed a good fight. When Goldie mentioned that there was one coming up, his ears perked up in interest, and his head tilted to one side. He wondered who they were fighting, but he could kind of assume from everything that he had heard in his travels. After all, he had heard talk of the Pitt making enemies of practically everyone, along with the fact that Goldie herself had a personal hatred of them – although at the time he had heard the stories, he hadn't known what her name was. It was simply the "leader of The Typhoon." He had always been impressed by the stories of what she had done both as the leader of the Typhoon and beforehand, and he found he liked her even more that he had a face and name to put to the stories. Even her name made him happy, since it wasn't too often that he heard two part names that were similar to his own. Most of them were just one part, or unique words, or simple things like the human names he had read in books in the past.

He smiled gratefully when she communicated his message to Keona, before finding himself blinking in surprise when the tigress asked him if he had hearing problems. He felt a sheepish blush come up under his pelt, and he looked down for a moment before giving a little shake of his head. Sitting back on his haunches, he rose his paws and signed out carefully, his tail flicking from side to side, "I can hear pretty well, or about as well as anybody else. I just... I'm not a particularly talkative person. I prefer to communicate this way, or with my writings." That wasn't truly the full story, since he didn't mention his anxiety or the traumatic adventures in the past that had required him to be so focused on fighting the past that speaking was foregone, but he didn't feel like he needed to tell her. After all, she didn't seem like the type to pry, given the secrets he was sure she was hiding behind her gaze.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]