Beasts of Beyond
the placement of apostrophe - cupcakes - Printable Version

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the placement of apostrophe - cupcakes - fulzanin - 09-18-2019

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Feza was not good at baking. Had she done it before? Not really! Didn't matter, didn't mean anything, there was food around here and she was too busy with her self appointed tasks to bring joy and thrill to her clanmates. Yes, she knew that most of the time it didn't achieve the goal. Patience, she assured herself with. It would work in time. Patience was not her strongest virtue, she could barely stay focused on her current party idea before immediately moving on to the next. She cared not about how sporadic she seemed, because in truth all that mattered was that the ones she lived with were happy and healthy and having a good time living their lives.

The snow leopard was still in the midst of taking inventory of her home. It wasn't an actual home, rather a run down store. Whatever it had been, most of the labels had been scratched away with time. It was another thing that Feza would say didn't matter. Names weren't important, what was contained within this nameless containers was what mattered to her. The floor of her home was white, and had speckled tile. Dusty and old, yes. Feza was working on trying to find some 'party candles and lights' to use so the home wouldn't be so dreadfully dim. There were windows, yes, but there weren't any in the ceiling. Feza didn't know how to create her own windows, and even she knew that trying to do such would likely wind up with her leveling the building. She left it be.

There were shelves upon shelves of party items. They were stored in strange little plastic boxes, or cardboard boxes - which Feza deemed infinitely better - with worn paper labels. Again, they weren't paid any attention. Labels weren't important. She deemed it near blasphemy that the cardboard boxes would be marked in such a way. Feza had been emptying the shelves for days, and reorganizing them to suit her fit. Things she knew she could do parties with, and things she wasn't sure about. The tank of helium she had found, well, that had been put on the 'high priority' shelf. The walls of the building were a bright purple, and one wall in the back had all of the torn off labels stuck there. 'Stpid Box Degenerte' was scribbled in black marker, with arrows pointing at the labels that she had pried off of her beloved cardboard boxes. Not that anyone but herself would see such a thing. It was for her own reference either way.

Feza had been looking through one of the white shelves that had yet to be sorted. They were big boxes that Feza knew were not the same as the usual brown or white cardboard boxes that she deemed godly. They felt card box like, yes. Her claws scratched at the box, then sending it to the floor. It was a colorful box, with white text on different backgrounds. Feza didn't have the time to read them, or inspect the casing further. Her blue eyes were taken by the sight of what was on the cover.


She pushed the box along the sleek, dusty floor with her head. Feza head butted the box all the way back to her 'party planning corner'. She liked to keep all her stuff in corners, but she knew she would never find anything if she shoveled it all into another corner. She slept in one corner, where the bed was sticky with glitter glue and tape, the shaming corner for labels on boxes, and then where she kept her current festivities. The helium tank was there, but the snow leopard ignored it in favor of the cupcakes on the box.

Feza's claws sliced through the tape, and she hurried to set up the small, childish oven that was constructed and prepackaged. Her only struggle came when it was time to actually prepare everything. Feza was no master baker, but she knew that for the glory of party, she had to make do. She fished out whatever instructions that came with the small oven, and set to work. Feza's paws grew messy with the batter and materials. She cared not. Then the snow leopard fetched some of the batteries that she had in her possession, forced them into the oven, and waited.

"I've made cupcakes!" Feza announced. She had brought out a small, equally as crude table to the oven she had used to make the cupcakes. Of course the table had glitter glue on it, and sprinkles of confetti had been tossed to make it seem all the more festive. They were absolutely covered in icing and sprinkles and what-have-you that made cupcakes seem as if they were prepared by a young child. "Come over if you'd like the most delicious cupcake you'll eat at, in the hour!" The icing of question was a conveniently friendly-to-animals version. There was a thin piece of cardboard used to separate the icing from a glop of glitter glue that was present. On the house glitter glue, Feza seemed to be serving, in addition to the cupcakes. A delighted smile was present across her face, awaiting for someone to come by and take one of the treats that she had labored over. How long? Not super long- if it had been any longer then it could be debated that Feza would have moved on to her next party favor. Feza reached with a paw, adjusting one of the paper wrappers that the cupcakes were resting upon - which also had glitter glue carefully applied. The paper wasn't edible, and thankfully the separation made sure that the cupcakes were edible despite the deposits of glitter glue present.

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Re: the placement of apostrophe - cupcakes - wormwood. - 09-18-2019

Wormwood did tend to have quite a bit of a sweet tooth, but it tended to be a very subjective sweet tooth. After all, there was a big different between some good sweet candy, or some carefully prepared dessert, as opposed to... whatever it was that Feza had just made with the child's toy masquerading as an oven. He was aware that the oven technically did fulfill its purposes of baking food, but the way he saw it was: if you wanted your kid to bake something, why not just use a normal oven? Sure, it could be a bit more dangerous, but with parental supervision it would be fine, and plus it would help teach them the valuable life skill of using an oven for when they were adults. Still, it wasn't as if he was a human, and it also wasn't exactly as if there were any humans still around for him to lecture – and this was all under the assumption that they wouldn't just run away screaming at the sight of the unpleasant undead hellhound that Wormwood currently was.

Getting back to the topic at hand, Worm had been out for a walk around the territory when suddenly the sound of Feza's voice reached his ears. His large ears pinned back against his darkly colored mane of hair for a moment, considering not going over at all. After all, it seemed as though he had damaged Feza's psychique enough with his presence in the past, and he had been trying his best not to rain on her parade too much as of late, but... he was also pretty sure if he just didn't show up, she would still be upset. After all, Feza's entire purpose in life seemed to be to cheer everyone else up around her, and even though Wormwood was – from her perspective at least – nothing but a massive sourpuss, it still seemed as though she wanted him to be happy to. In fact, it almost seemed like his constant harshness with her actually meant that she wanted to make him happy more than anyone else in the group, since it would mean that she had cracked even the toughest nut of the group into happiness. Worm actually ended up pretty amused by the thought of that, since most of the time the hellhound was actually one of the happiest and most optimistic members of the group, next to Feza herself – which wasn't exactly a hard title to obtain, considering how many hardships Tanglewood was constantly facing – and he wasn't actually usually as angry as he appeared to always be when around Feza. It was usually just the timing of whatever the snow leopard was doing that led to his fury.

This time, however, Wormwood actually felt no anger over what Feza was doing. Sure, it was pretty messy, but it seemed as though the majority of this activity had just ended up messing up the inside of her odd party store home, rather than anywhere public. Plus it was a decent time of day, and the cupcakes didn't look... so bad. He definitely could've done without all of the extra glitter piled utop them, even if there was a divider, but that was really his only major complaint about this particular activity. So, rather than avoiding another member of the group entirely, he decided that this would be a good chance for him to actually mend things between him and Feza. Padding over slowly, the canine sniffed at the cupcakes for a moment before looking at the other and barking with the tilt of his head to one side, "Delicious cupcakes, eh? What kind of cupcakes are they? I can't really tell, underneath all the glitter..." He made sure that his voice held no malice as he spoke, instead just seeming genuinely curious over what was inside of the messy confectionery goods. After all, he'd only had cupcakes a couple of times in his life, and he had no idea what kind of cupcakes could be made with the silly little human toy oven that she had used.
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Re: the placement of apostrophe - cupcakes - fulzanin - 09-23-2019

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The sight of Wormwood being the first to approach was what swiftly snatched Feza's attention. She could barely note how ironic it was. The only member of the group she interacted with so frequently, the one who was the first to arrive to her festivities, was the one that made her so deadly terrified. Reminded her of the nightmare - technically nightmares now - that had begun plaguing her mind. She hated them. She wanted them gone. They weren't happy and light and festive, and in her mind such a thing didn't deserve to exist in the slightest. If she wasn't being happy and bringing that happiness to other's, then who was she? What would she do without parties to throw? What would everyone do without her? Wouldn't they be worse? More sad? What if her being gone made them more happy? It was a dreary thought. Thoughts. The worst thoughts spiraled in her sporadic mind as equally as her festive ones. The mental processes that didn't allow her to plan in depth were the same ones that let anxiety and despair nip at her. Such depressing thoughts, the ones that came racing forward all of a sudden. Feza had remained staring straight ahead for a good few moments, then realizing that she probably looked very odd. A deer in headlights look on her face was far from the way she wanted to greet the other. A paw raised and swatted at her head, masking the swat to rid her mind of the thoughts as merely rubbing her face.

Feza's expression fell not at the other's approach, but rather his question. Her ears dropped, and a sputtering noise came from her mouth. What flavor? She hadn't even thought to check! Or maybe she had, and then had immediately forgotten. The end of her tail flicked while her head turned to look over her shoulder as if it would somehow help her remember what flavor had been on the packet. "Er." She stammered, attention then turning to the cupcakes. Her fluffy head leaned close, but she, too, was unable to tell the flavor due to the complementary spatter of glitter glue present. Improvise. She'd have to improvise. She could do such a simplistic thing! Feza would never consider herself a liar. She had little skill for such a thing. Her mind didn't hold on to things that long - especially not things that were fake. Lying hurt, lying was not festive. Lying and improvising were two separate things.

"Why, it's surprise party flavor! Yes, that's exactly what it is. It's party flavor. Surprise party flavor. Can't forget the surprise part. It's the most important part. Mhm." Feza answered. Her expression returned to be more relaxed and joyful, closer to normal. She couldn't help the small shuffle and shift of her weight when he got closer. She stifled it as much as she could, stiffening being her method to do so. "Don't you think the glitter makes the cupcakes so much more festive? I do. Apparently glitter glue isn't edible though," she scoffed, "so I put a little paper divider in. Sad, really. Can't make anyone sparkle on the inside like glitter glue." Her expression momentarily turned to a pout. It was deeply saddening, as she had said, the concept of not being able to sparkle on the inside. Yes, it raised the question of how she knew glitter glue was inedible, but she didn't press such a thing. The snow leopard pushed forward festivities, not her understanding of how Feza understood abstract concepts. The edibility of glitter glue was but a brief comment, her raising a paw to nudge one of the cupcakes forward. "But yes, they're very delicious. There was some batter left over. That, at least, was delicious. The cupcakes have gotta be tasty too if the batter was too!" Feza grinned, a happy flick of her tail accompanying her ever present rambling.

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