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successful healing attempt [★] take flight - Printable Version

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successful healing attempt [★] take flight - aine. - 09-16-2019

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Most agreed the concept of compassion failed to arise in the mind in reference to the Pitt.  A hardy, stubborn, violent group made their home under the name.  Weakness discouraged.  Only a certain hazel-eyed vixen felt inclined to a less blood-soaked path.  Drawn to a path utilizing a different skill.

Especially once she realized her potential to draw plants out of the ground, increasing the speed of their natural growth, Aine pondered a route of fixing things.  The idea made her smile.  It felt empowering to right a wrong successfully.

So when the little fox ran into a downed bird, she felt the sudden impulse to nurse it back to health.  To see that she could actually help a bird fly again.  Eager and stubborn to do it by herself, Aine mentioned the injured creature to no one.  Not a single soul. 

Instead, she carefully crafted a small work-place near her garden.  A small den beneath the roots of a large tree.  Not a particular large place, but it offered more than enough space for a young fox and a bird.

The poor avian in question was a raven.  An odd bird to be flying through the jungle, but the fox took little note of that.  Nor of the fact it seemed fairly used to a larger animal's care.  No.  She only cared to make an attempt in fixing the bird's wing.  The left seemed to hang lower than the other in an awkward fashion.  Broken.

It seemed to her the bird possessed no other injuries, luckily, so the matter became simpler; fix a broken wing.  Okay.  The vixen ended up, warily, darting away from their small enclosure, skirting into the event temple.  Aine figured there must be some bandages about the place, so that she could find a way to hold the wing in place.  When she finally found some, ignoring the prickly feeling the temple gave her when she was alone, she quickly bounded back to her garden.  Mission accomplished.

Once the wing was gently placed in the natural position, against the side of the raven's body and held in place, it became a simple waiting game.  Broken bones took time to mend.  In the meantime, Aine constantly snuck out to take care of her feathered patient, giving food and water daily, and carefully regarding his health.

When the day came to remove the bandage, she brought him out into the garden, which had plenty of open space.  There, she watched him begin flying again.  She practically bubbled with excitement.  "Wait, wait, wait!" She whined, realizing this meant he might go.  Fly away for good.  "Lemme show da an' the others, okay? Please? Come on."

The raven seemed to flutter his feathers in impatience, but glided after her sudden rush into camp.  Obviously, he was somewhat accustomed to the whims of children.  Indeed, he sat by quietly as she grinned, rocking on her paws.  "Hey! Da! Mr. Embry!"  The first names in her mind, the latter someone to show off to a little bit, since he knew a bit about healing.  "I fixed a bird! Look; his wing was broken but he can fly now!"

"Go on," she murmured, eyes bright.  He gave her something of an indigent stare for showing him off, but took off just the same, happy to be in the air again, circling around the camp just for a little extra show.  "See?  See, he can fly now!"

Re: successful healing attempt [★] take flight - Kydobi - 09-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

It wasn't Embry that would show. However it was the call for Embry that caught his attention. The familiar voice of Aine was enough to make him check out what was going on.

He had overheard her claiming she fixed a birds wing, that it could fly now. Kydobi knew that some were born with innate healing abilities. Some even possessed impressive powers. However the last place he had expected to see such gifts was in the Pitt. In a young girl.

But he supposed Aine was the best fit.

"Hello Aine," he would greet her with a smile, "Couldn't help but over hear you. Did you really fix that bird? How?

His voice wasn't accusatory nor interrogative. It was light and full of curiosity, even a little pride for the girl. Like her, he did not want the life bathed in blood. He was even considering leaving for such that reason. But he wouldn't.

Re: successful healing attempt [★] take flight - gael - 09-18-2019

The sound of Aine's voice raising to usually high decibels caught the vulpine off-guard.  She possessed a strong volume, when she found use for it.  Ears perked in attentive curiosity, he trotted towards his daughter, offering Kydobi a nod in greeting as he did so.

Soon, his hazel optics flashed towards the sky.  Above, he regarded the circling raven, considering many thoughts at once.  Most predators lacked hesitation to finish a flightless bird off, instead, Aine dedicated herself to fixing the broken wing.  That explains her odd routine as of late.  The faerie kept an eye on the child after all, figuring her odd disappearances into the jungle all resolved around tending to her new garden. 

He supposed she subverted the expectation.  "An-mhaith, Lottie." With a warm smile, Gael raised a paw to the child's forehead, attempting to ruffle her fur affectionately.  He knew first aid well enough to walk through the bone mending process, but he nodded encouragingly for her to answer Kydobi's inquiry.

"Perhaps you can offer a short lesson on how, a leanbh."  Two birds killed with one stone.  He is flying strong.  Gael possessed no doubt his daughter managed the injury properly, but he knew better than waste an opportunity to double-check.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: successful healing attempt [★] take flight - fulzanin - 09-18-2019

we'll see the sun come up again, we'll climb higher than we've been
To those that were bound by their instinct, it was predators that often would create a fearful response. The ever famous fight or flight that determined whether a creature would turn to face their foe, or flee and leap and spring and use whatever means they had in order to get away. A bird such as a raven did strike fear into Astiar. He was bigger, and it was silly. It subsided quickly when size was taken into account. Astiar came trotting over, mandibles clicking three times over. The head of the dragon lowered a little, the neck of the creature arching. Not to where he was looming over the youth that had fixed the raven's wing. That was not an instinctual thing to do, to loom over someone when instinct said that he was one of the smallest creatures of the food chain.

His head again raised at the sight of the raven taking off. His attention was ensnared, the clicking of his mandibles ceasing. Instead, a chatter sounded. Aster's head turned to watch the dark colored bird move through the air in a way that hulking beasts such as he could not manage. Insects did not swoop and dive and turn in a way that birds did. Perhaps it was to ensure that the bird could not hurt him, despite the difference of size. Perhaps Astiar could, if he tried. Instinct didn't allow the room for such a concept of trial and error. If things worked and did not result in pain or ill-pleasure, then there was no need for the dragon to change what his situation was. The mandibles clicked once more, and he fell silent spare the buzz of his wings. Still watching, head twisting rapidly - almost comedic was his balance as a result, staggering on his six feet.
TAGS 9/4/19:
we've got a fire that burns within, we are the dragon hearted

Re: successful healing attempt [★] take flight - Kydobi - 09-21-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

"Hello Gael.", greeted Kydobi with standard head dip. It was nice to see Aine be praised by her father with a pat to the head. Flicking his ears back he heard a familiar buzz.

The Bug.

Kydobi turned to see the massive cicada lurching toward them. Kydobi smiled, "Hello." before looking briefly at the bird. At first it seemed they didn't know how to respond to the flying avian. As he watched, it seemed that the insect was rather enthralled by the bird.

Re: successful healing attempt [★] take flight - beatae - 09-21-2019

"wow..." noa's head turned up to see the raven take off into flight, watching it circle around the group of dwellers with new strength in its wings. noa could never imagine possessing such gifts. healing and the such. they could identify only a select amount of plants that related to their artistic hobbies, and half the time participated in eating them, too. the art of healing creatures. taking injuries and fixing them. saving lives. while it sounded amazing, noa did not believe the stress of that responsibility was paid off.

it was glad that at least aine seemed to hold the love of nature. a good love to have, for a child.

"gael, do you think aine would become a doctor or nurse one day?" it asked the father, docked tail twitching. "i saw the garden a few days ago, at first i couldn't believe someone so young had done it all by themselves, but she's strong. she's smart."

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