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safe and sound --- visitor - Printable Version

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safe and sound --- visitor - conrí - 09-14-2019

Elysium pleased the youth.  The mountain-dwelling group began to feel like home, yet the young wolf needed to know some things before he settled entirely.  He needed to know where the other members of his family dwelled.  Especially since his older sister seemed to disappear, the matter felt more and more prominent.  While he had tracked Lilja down once before, he failed tracking Suvi -- the sister who came into the world with him and their brother, Lonân.

Life and time had ways of tearing distance between families, yet Conri felt determined to at least try.  With a buzz of impatience and hopefulness, the dire wolf paced along the border.  A fascination sparked in his eyes, unaccustomed to the swamp.  With his thicker fur, he felt some relief he found the mountainous clan first.  A good soldier should feel at ease in his home-turf.  Not that this is horrible.

Da said she splits her time 'ere and in the Typhoon.  "Hello?And I'm looking for... Kiira, not Suvi, right? Yes, that sounds right. "Anyone 'ere? I'm from Elysium; 'm just lookin' for someone." Stars, he hoped he went to the right place first, and he hoped she'd been found since the time their father came by looking.
"remember me for centuries" —-- conrí / elysium / misc. / penned by pluto

Re: safe and sound --- visitor - wormwood. - 09-14-2019

After Wormwood's recent violent outburst, he had been spending a lot more time outside of town, avoiding being around others for fear of hurting somebody on accident. He'd been out for a bit of a jog throughout the clouds of heat that stretched between Tanglewood's many trees, when suddenly he heard a soft and hesitant voice break the nice morning silence. The hellhound's ears perked up curiously, and he moved over slowly, his head tilted to one side as he came up in front of Conrí. He made sure to give the male a soft smile and to slow his movements, sitting down about a foot away just so that he would know that Wormwood wasn't a threat, and was just another member of the group that housed the smaller boy's sister. He was sure that his appearance was slightly unsettling to anybody outside of Tanglewood – as well as a few people within Tanglewood – but at the very least now he wasn't covered from claws to chest in blood like he had been just a few days ago.

He barked softly as he let his eyes drag over Conrí, taking in the Elysite's form, as well as his thick fur. Worm doubted that Conrí was particularly enjoying himself within the humid weather that gripped Tanglewood like a vice, even as summer passed the group by, "Elysium, huh? Welcome then. We don't get a lot of people around here from Elysium. So, what's up then? What's your name, and who're you looking for? I'm sure I can help you find them." It had been only a few days ago when Wormwood had been having quite heated words with none other than the male's sister, although he wasn't aware of that, along with the fact that wasn't truly sure who was actually Kiira, and who was actually Suvi. He had heard both names used in referral to the female, living in both Tanglewood and The Typhoon, but he still had no idea which name was more truthful. Perhaps it was like Mirrorimage, where it was two separate souls in one body. That seemed most likely, if he really focused on it.
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Re: safe and sound --- visitor - suvi. - 09-14-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢, t̶h̨e̵ ҉ty͝p̵ho͞on͞ | medic —
If the petite vixen had spent time avoiding others before, she certainly was now.  Tenfold even.  Distancing herself from the town itself, rather than simply hiding away in the solitude of the library.  The yelling, the scorn... She wondered if she spend a few extra days in the Typhoon during her next visit.  To clear her head.  To find faces without anger or hatred in their eyes.

When she heard a familiar voice drifting from the border, she nearly spun on her heel.  She didn't feel like talking (I don't talk).  As it mixed with Wormwood's, she felt even more determined to turn tail.  She stood in place instead, out of sight, uncertain.  Her stomach felt twisted.  Ill.  But that voice... A voice of family.

She doesn't know why there's tears running down her cheek, but even through blurred vision she recognizes Conrí.  Elysium?  He's been so close?  "C-Conrí?Dearthair.  I҉̵̕s̕ ͡͡t̴̵̨h͢a̕͟t̛ ̷ŗįg͟ht̨͘?̵  "… Conrí?"  She sniffed softly, moving past Wormwood to practically ram herself into her brother, burying her face in his chest.  A safe place.  The first in such a long time.

Re: safe and sound --- visitor - conrí - 09-21-2019

At the sight of Wormwood, the boy perked up immediately, tail swooshing left and right.  Already he had someone to ask — what name was he supposed to use again?  "M' name's Conrí Ó Faoláin, an' I'm looking for my sis—"

The fox moves faster than his brain, speaking and using a voice before suddenly so close.  Suvi, never lacking noise, simply never spoke.  His eyes widened a fraction, brain on the fritz until he recognized a core fact.  She was crying.  "—ter.  Su?"  Kiira?  He hardly cared.  "Hey, what're ya cryin' for?  I tracked ya down see, li'
I tracked Lil... Well, I might've lost her again, but I found ya now.

"So yer okay now.  Yer somewhere safe an' I finally tracked ya down.  'm glad I got the place right, I've never been 'ere, or the Typhoon actually — I know you live with both.  I like Miss Tena a lot, but I can visit ya all the time now, yeah?" The boy disliked to see her cry — he was supposed to be the big, protecting brother.  Of course, they were born together, but he'd always been like that.  He and Lonân had been somewhat quicker than Suvi to mature as children, but this fox clinging to him wasn't quite that same Suvi.  She seemed to have nearly caught up to him.

"Hey, why're ya a fox now? Don' li' being a wolf?" He piped suddenly, furrowing his brow, intent on finding a way to distract her from whatever caused her tears.  "An' are you gonna introduce me ta everyon'?"  They only had one with them, but regardless, he felt inclined to push, especially now she could talk, unaware of any tension between his sister and the one present.
"remember me for centuries" —-- conrí / elysium / misc. / pluto

Re: safe and sound --- visitor - suvi. - 09-25-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
A brief panic.  Tightening in her chest.  He doesn't recognize me.  Did she?  Yet soon enough words of concern cut through the air.  Ever-running on, as her brother seemed prone to do.  The familiarity of his voice began soothing her.  Soft, she sniffled, shaking her head, and the tears, away.  The mention of her older sister caught her off-guard, but he continued without a beat.

As her vision cleared, she found her breath.  Ears remained flat against her skull, soft white paws trembling beneath her.  Wolf.  Fox.  Her throat tightens, cutting off a jumble of words, confused thoughts and warring memories.  Always a wolf.  Always a fox.  Both true, untrue.  "..."

"… A-an accident.  I didn't m-mean to be... Both." M̶͜a̢ke̶̡ s̸̸en̶s̵̛͝e?҉̕͠  "I-I mean... I... I-I dunno... I-it was an... Accident," her voice turns softer, a mumble.  The memory faint, lost in the sea of two joint minds.  "B-but 'm okay... T-this way." I think. B͞͠҉̴u͢t̢ ̸̧́w̡̕h҉̨ò̧ ̴̢̛͘a̵̡̕͡m̸̸̷̢̨ ͘̕͏͢͜I̷̛?̷̸̷̶͡

""  Silent the shuffle of paws.  Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek.  Her fur pricks, suddenly conscious.  Hurt.  Frightened.  Weak.  "… Th-that's Wormwood," a quiet offering, blank.  Painful the memory of bone cracking, endless the repetition like a broken record.  A job finished.  Her vision seemed dizzy, for a moment.

"… I-I can take you... T-to town, C-Conrí.  Y-you can stay with me... While you visit." I̵̵̕ ̧̕͟͢͞d̡́ǫ̀͟͜n̶̢͏'̡͞͡ţ͟͜ ̀w̶̧a̕͜n͘҉̢t̡́͡͡ ̕͜t͘͝ò̡͢͡ ̀͜b̴̛ȩ̵͟͞ ̢͝a̸̶͟҉̀l̴̨͘ơn̡҉̵͞e͏̢̡҉̷ ̴͠a̵̶͡ǹ͜͡͝ỳm̷̀͞o͠͝͏̵̡ŗ̕̕e̢͏͜.̷
✯ — suvi kiira ní faoláin. female. medic of tanglewood. beta of the typhoon. arctic fox.  ref. bio.

Re: safe and sound --- visitor - torren - 09-25-2019

M u d i t ā . n.
Prince Conrí Ó Faoláin, the young wildcat resisted the urge to correct.  Far from their homeland, the prince began to believe the fae perhaps disliked the use of their royal titles -- Torren realized he too, tended to avoid passing out his title since it bore no importance so far from home.  Rather he failed to pretend he lacked the poise and formality of a royally-born cat.  His entire manner of holding himself spoke beyond measure.

Conrí, seems to him, more like to fall in the category of heroism-seeking princes.  His obvious protectiveness and compassion of his sister shone as a beacon.  The sight of someone so intently concerned for Kiira brought some relief to the wildcat.  As the days passed with little improvement, he grew wary for the fox's health.  And she's avoiding everyone.

In response, a smile began forming across his maw.  Politely, he inclined his head towards the larger canine.  "Conrí," the distinct accent felt familiar on his tongue, "welcome to Tanglewood.  My name is Torren Winther.  I'm a friend of —" now that was an interesting predicament.  "Your sister."  Both names, he feels inclined to believe, seemed to fit her perfectly now; they both belonged to her.

"I will accompany you as she shows you the town as well, if you like."

Re: safe and sound --- visitor - conrí - 09-29-2019

"Hey don' worry 'bout it," he motioned with a shrug, eyes bright.  "'m glad I know what ya look li' now though." The gray and white reminded him of their father somewhat.  He supposed the colors stood out in his fur too, though he had darker highlights in the gray.  He wondered if she could return to a golden-furred wolf, and if she'd want to.  She had always been small, regardless, and he found himself doubting she cared all too much.

Quickly, his eyes moved, taking in names and faces.  These were her clanmates, just as the members of Elysium were his.  Her somewhat subdued voice doesn't seem to bother him, accustomed to shy -- albeit usually friendly -- tendencies in his sister.

"That sounds good.  Maybe I'll give ya a tour of Elysium some time too, yeah? 'An you and da can show me 'round the Typhoon." The youth grinned happily, his tail wagging behind him with greater fervor.  Curiously, he regarded Torren with the sudden thought he knew the 'Winther' name but uncertain and lacking the care to look into it immediately.

"It's nice to meet ya, Torren.  Any friend of my sister's a friend of mine."
"remember me for centuries" —-- conrí / elysium / misc. / pluto