Beasts of Beyond
TEMPO ☆ bear - Printable Version

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TEMPO ☆ bear - wormwood. - 09-13-2019

After the incident with Roman – or Trojan, even though he was unaware of another spirit, or several, in Roman's body – Wormwood had found himself in a very foggy state. His entire mind felt like it was shut down, and he could only feel the static between thoughts as he stumbled through Tanglewood's territory, the hellhound's gaze glazed over and trailing along randomly as he slowly moved from log to log over muddy land, his legs occasionally slipping thanks to the grogginess still having a stranglehold on him. He hadn't even properly cleaned up Roman's blood from himself yet, and he could feel it drying and crusting against his front as he moved, occasionally wrinkling his nose ay the unpleasant feeling and the coppery smell in the air. Both Moth and Selby had been concerned about him when they had come upon the scene, but he had just let Crow deal with Roman's limp and collapsed body, and he had gone wandering off to clear his mind. He no longer felt as though he was full of rage, and as small animals darted past him, living their daily lives, Wormwood found that he had no desire to attack them or brutally consume them, like the desire he had when Roman's unconscious body had been right in front of him, ripe for digging his fangs into. Now he just found himself... observing. He doubted he was doing a great idea of observing, since his kind wasn't really processing anything right now, but he was still doing it.

The first thing to actually rouse him from his sleep like state was a strange scent reaching his nose as he passed over the border that separated the jungle and the forest. Glancing around curiously, he slowly made his way towards the scent, his eyes faintly lighting up with the first sign of curiosity since he had started this trek. Eventually he found the source of the scent, and his eyes lit up – it was a large brown hair laying on the dirt, evidently chomping down a deer that he had caught earlier. The beast eventually looked up at him, aware of the new presence in his vicinity, and Worm grinned back at the creature, still out of it as he let out a soft yip of greeting. However, the feral creature didn't seem interested in making friends, as he lumbered to his huge paws and roared, evidently trying to scare Wormwood off. However, Worm was hardly in a state to actually make the smart decision, and instead his mind drifted to the horrified expression that had been on Moth's face after he had attacked Roman. His ears pinned back at the unpleasant memory, and he decided that he was going to do what he thought Moth would approve of. If she didn't like him attacking somebody, surely she would appreciate him hugging somebody, right? He quickly moved forward and wrapped his arms around the aggressive bear's neck, his tail wagging from side to side as he continued to make happy little noises. It was at this point where the bear finally snapped, however, and he let out another loud roar, his paw swinging around to hit Wormwood straight in the face. The hellhound let out a loud yelp as he fell to the ground, his head pounding and his brain finally seeming to "turn back on", after what had happened in his bloodlust state.

His eyes widened considerably as lucidity returned to him, and he stared at the enraged bear fearfully. The creature was encroaching on him, teeth bared, and he felt blood dripping down the side of his face from being smacked initially. He carefully scrambled up to his paws, barking softly, "Shit... sh-shit, please don't hurt me. I'm sorry..." His efforts were for nought, however, as the feral beast didn't care at all about what Worm was saying. The creature charged forward, bellowing out in a roar as he moved to slash at Worm's face again. The hellhound quickly whipped his head back, and the bear's claws caught onto the silver necklace that was usually around Worm's neck, the little crown one that had been given to him by Poetking years ago. The chain easily snapped and the necklace fell to the ground, rejected. Wormwood made no attempt to grab it, instead just quickly backing up when the bear lifted itself up again, ready to attack once more. Worm let flames engulf his front as he felt claws scrape his shoulder, and he shoved the bear away with as much might as he could muster, the beast groaning in pain from both the flames and Worm's bone claws.

As soon as the bear was off of him, the hellhound quickly turned and launched himself off back towards the main camp of Tanglewood, stumbling over himself and logs, and pretty much anything else that was in his way as he quickly scrambled into the swamp. Eventually he reached the edge of the main town, and he nearly collapsed once he finally felt safe again, sinking down to the ground and panting heavily. Blood was still dripping down from his head and from his shoulder, and his head was still ringing from both the bloodlust and the hit from the bear. He would've called for Selby, but he didn't not want to stress the male out more, so he just laid at the edge of town, panting and bleeding as he struggled to catch his breath again.
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Re: TEMPO ☆ bear - DELILAH. - 09-13-2019
