Beasts of Beyond
name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - Printable Version

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name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - DELILAH. - 09-13-2019

delilah's biggest pet peeve issssss
people chewing too loud right next to her, she hates that. especially if they're a sloppy eater.

her odd habit is fiddling with her tail when she's nervous.

Re: name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - suvi. - 09-13-2019

Kiira, though she does not understand why, cannot handle the ticking of a clock for long periods of time.  The sound bothers her and she thinks it's important, but she doesn't know why.  Ironically she carries a pocket watch at all times.

An old habit that I do not touch on super often with Kiira is that when she is extremely nervous or overwhelmed she starts reciting constellation names.  Sometimes in alphabetical order.

Re: name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - RED - 09-14-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]pet peeve: chatterboxes. in a serious situation, he doesn't like having to sit through a monologue - he's not unsociable, though, and enjoys a good conversation. but when something needs to be said, he wants to hear it straight and to the point. which is why he gets along so well with worm

habit: he rolls his stone hand in its socket as one might roll their wrist to crack it. he's also probably the nasty ass eater that pisses delilah off lmao

Re: name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - wormwood. - 09-14-2019

wormwood's biggest pet peeve is probably people who dodge yes or no questions and refuse to give him an answer. he likes having conversations and getting to the roots of problems fast so he can help, but when somebody is dodgy with him he can't do anything

an old habit that he has that he still sometimes does is chewing on his own claws when he's nervous. he used to do it a lot when he was a cub, and he still does it occasionally now, but chewing on his bone claws usually just ends up with his jaw hurting

Re: name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - fluffy - 09-17-2019

selby’s biggest pet peeve is people who say harmful things to other people intentionally. he believes it to be one of the most impolite things one can do.

his odd habit is humming to himself while doing busy work.

Re: name one odd habit that your muse has? biggest pet peeve? - trojan g. - 10-04-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth's biggest pet peeve is people talking over each other

&& an odd habit she has is just picking things up and walking off with them without meaning to