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SAD / power discovery - Printable Version

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SAD / power discovery - COSMIIX - 09-12-2019

[glow=white,1,400]BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IT WON'T BE ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU !。+゚.[/glow]
Stark had finally gotten Larkspurkit to rest and he took the time to see if he had anything abilities that would help him along the way, he had gone out into the cold staring out at the mountainous terrain that surrounded him. He would glance down at his collar with the reactor that was seemingly attached to him, he took a deep breath concentrating and would imagine himself lifting up the earth that was currently beneath him. He couldn't remember how to specifically use these abilities of his, he would reopen his eyes feeling something prodding his shoulder causing him to jump back to stare at the piece of earth that rose. "Alright, this should be easy. We can do this, Stark. Ya can do it," He proceeded to concentrate all of his power onto the curled bit of earth, he closed his eyes feeling the grand piece start to turn into small grains that began to form itself onto his body. He had to be careful with how he'd go about this, he didn't want to end up getting any of it in his eyes, he made a protective layer around his eyes that was made out of metal that would hopefully keep the harmful debris from his eyes. Eventually he had a protective layer around his body most of the rock having been a hint of red and the metals being. He flinched feeling warmth dripping out of his nose, he was having a nosebleed, he decided to ignore it as he took a step forward in his new "armor" that would hopefully keep him safe. The protective layer of earth and metals had formed itself around his collar and arc reactor almost using it as a base for all of it, Stark managed to find some ice seeing his reflection and he couldn't help but laugh in a rather hoarse manner. He had really done it, he couldn't believe it but he was actually happy for once being able to accomplish such a feat. Now, he could protect those he loved without worrying about him being too weak.

Little did Stark know was that his defense mechanism would cause more damage than protection as he had originally intended it to be. He hadn't realized that something - no, someone had been watching him - it was too late as he would turn around to see a large grizzly bear staring down at him letting out a loud growl. Stark wasn't as fast as he used to be and he could imagine it was due to the material that cloaked him, he took a step back recalling the last time he had a run in with one of these brutes and it made his heart ache remembering who had been there to save him. Alas, Steve wasn't there to save him from the big bad grizzly bear this time. He took a shaky breath seeing the bear aiming to swat him away with their powerful paw, Stark moved quickly clamping his jaws down onto the bears arm hearing them bellow in pain but it didn't seem to hesitate in biting down onto the back of the Alaskan Malamutes neck. It wasn't long before he was thrown into the bark of a tree, he hadn't realized it but the material that layered onto his body that was meant to protect him was dealing damage and penetrating into his flesh. He would let out a soft wheeze feeling the pain spreading through his body. He was about to electrocute the bear until he heard a small grunt from the shrubbery behind said beast, he noticed two little heads peeking out at him staring with eyes of curiosity and fear... It made him grow tense.

He limped away once the protective mother let out a roar, he managed to drag himself all the way out until he reached the pulley system and collapsed within one of the small carts. Once he had fallen, laying there, would his armor fall apart around him as he bled from his nose and from the back of his neck, he let out a few coughs feeling his body ache quite certain that some of his ribs had been broken by the throw. The fear within the bear cubs eyes reminded him of a grim day, a day that he regretted that was embedded within his mind and he was only ever reminded of it whenever he saw Pimostra. Her flank and that damned 'S', he hated what he had done in the past. He had been a mindless idiot who could have done the right thing and all of it could have been avoided, it hurt so much. He remembered when Licoricetwist had decided that he hadn't been a good enough father whilst Rocksalt had avoided him and rejected the aspect of speaking to his own father. These memories would cause a few tears to sting his eyes, he swallowed feeling his throat going dry "M'sorry..." His body began to shake as he laid there, his gaze growing blurry from the tears that began to flood his eyes. He felt that he had arrived at the Elysium's main territory, he would struggle to get to his paws but he pushed himself forward. He could feel his body had been weakened.

Instead of calling out for help, the canine would let out a few heavy sneezes continuing to travel despite how everything around him was spinning and he was growing dizzy. The trail he made with his pastels were not alone, the pawprints there were accompanied by droplets of blood from his injury and bleeding nose. He managed to get to his home, he fell near his doorway much too weak to continue on. He let out a few sneezes as he found himself having a bit of trouble catching his breath once more. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: SAD / power discovery - Straw - 09-17-2019

  Straw had been having an alright day prior to this. Padding around through town and enjoying the steadily-cooling weather wasn't especially productive, but it was nice for a mental health break. Hearing a couple of sneezes, however, she found herself curiously proceeding towards the source.

  Then she smelled blood. Lots of it, at that.

  Swallowing nervously, she broke into a run, her ears twitching as she searched for the bleeding creature. Finally, her eyes landed upon Stark, at his doorstep, wounds in his neck and the rest of his body dripping blood. Inhaling sharply, she ran to his side, watching his chest intently until she saw him take a breath. He was still alive, but he needed help now.

  "Playerone! Warringkingdoms!" she shouted, looking back over her shoulder. Those were the only medics she remembered. Her voice wasn't suited for yelling, but in this case she would have to make it work. Clearing her throat, she hollered again, "Stark needs help!"


Re: SAD / power discovery - larkspurkit ! - 10-03-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
lark had been napping quite peacefully before stark had left. to improve his vocabulary, it wasn't uncommon that the two would be lying together reading, helping lark mimic vowels and sounds. his pronunciation was something to be minded, as he had begun to call stark 'stink.' it was progress from the grunting sounds or repeat of his own voice, though.

when he had fallen asleep, tucked up in a tiny blanket next to some stray nuts and bolts, he had dreamed vividly of him and stark. bright colors filled his dreamland with vibrant reds, yellows and blues. pinks and purples filled their heads and tasted oh so sweet.

his peaceful frolicking dream was suddenly broken when there was a loud thump against the door. the kitten jolted awake, rushing toward the sound and pawing it open. he jumped back, seeing straw and stark on the ground. the smell of blood and fear sent his head spinning and he leaned against the malamutes head. "buh…" he mumbled, grimacing at the blood drpping from stark's nose.

"buhbuhbuh!" larkspur pointed at it with his paw, mumbling more.


Re: SAD / power discovery - Hope Arcanium - 10-07-2019

I carefully trotted over to Stark’s position, hearing the desperate call of my name and the request for aid. That I could give, as I had done before, especially for Stark. He was in trouble, and I aimed to stop the bleeding as I inspected the wounds.

Hang in there- you’ll be okay...” My tone was soft and reassuring, focused on the task at hand.

//what all sounds does he have? c: