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Oh baby! | reintroduction | - Printable Version

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Oh baby! | reintroduction | - Honey - 09-12-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

[ooc: well! here she is! I haven't been the most active with her but I will from now on!!!!! also if anyone is interested in adopting one of her siblings please click the link in my sig! I'm extremely active Smile for sake of simplicity I'm only gonna have her had aged a month Smile ]

The sun was setting, its reflection kissing the edge of the water. The sky was a blend of pink and orange, truly cotton candy skies. The world was cast in a rosy hue, soft bird calls in the distance. Even the ocean was at peace in this little cove, the waves softly caressing the shore.

Right now she was alone in the little cove. Large rocks in her peripheral. It was a little cold, a slight breeze carried the smell of salt and seaweed. Usually the ocean stunk for her strong nose but today it was oddly refreshing.

Whoever appeared would've seen a small single pup, watching the waters. Sitting perfectly still, the wind brush her large ears in whatever direction it may blow.

And she was thinking about a lot. Too much for such a young pup. It took an awful lot for her to not sag her shoulders. Right now she was searching the horizons for an answer. Where were her siblings? Where did her mama go? Time was passing and everyday her heart sank. Her brothers, her sisters.... What happened? How did she lose them?

The biggest question of all, the question that made her heart swell and squeeze in pain. Some nights she would go on her own and call out for them in the quiet of the night. A single echo was the only response she ever got. It was weird, she had only ever known them. and then mother disappeared and it was just her siblings and then suddenly it was just her.

And although she was surrounded by people, some who really cared...

she was all alone.

A whine escaped her as she sighed, she laid down and rested her paws on her head. Tail tucked.

Re: Oh baby! | reintroduction | - fulzanin - 09-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu had a different approach of being separated from her family. Rather than remember her family, the little dragon outright forgot and pushed it down. Perhaps she was younger, and it was easier to forget the memories of old friends, and old family. Her birth family, dragons of her own kind. She liked it here, spare how cold it was. The jungle she had been hatched in was a foggy memory that barely remained on the edge of her consciousness.

The scrabble of her talons announced her presence. The little dragon was on a mission to find somewhere to fish. The ocean had fish, didn't it? Her claws grabbed onto rocks, lifted herself up, and she flung herself off them with little care. She had been rising up on top of one when she noticed the pup. Sanzu's ears raised in a curious manner, and a long flick of her draped tail followed. She leaped down from the rock and landed heavily on the ground, then bounding over. Who was this? She hadn't seen this person before. It was a childish curiosity that drove her forward. Her pace slowed when she got closer, wings tucking by her side. It was windy, which she hadn't expected. Her raised ears dropped closer to her head.

"Hi," Sanzu said, electing that she would sit down a pace or so away. This person was very colorful, the first thought that came to mind. Browns and whites and shades in-between. Her red eyes widened as she stared for a moment, and in her absent thought the tongue of the dragon flickered forth. "Whuzzit you doin' over here? Fishin'?" The dragon's head curiously tilted, and then she leaned forward to try and look at the pup's face. Sanzu couldn't quite identify the emotion that was present, which she supposed was fine. "'R watchin' th' sunset? Ittsa very p'etty, yea," A nod of her followed, a wing outstretching to nudge at the other young creature. The lowered position, paws on the head- it did little to allow Sanzu to grasp the hardships that were going through the other's mind. It could be debatable if she could even understand it at all, if it was explained to her. She talked nonetheless, curious about the other's activities, the long talk of the dragon wagging behind her.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: Oh baby! | reintroduction | - Honey - 09-17-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

At the sound of ivory scraping rocks she would turn to see a little dragon. Honey had yet to meet this girl and despite her current state she couldn't help but get a little excited. Nervous even.

Slowly her tail began to wag at the prospects of a new friend, "No... I'm not very good at fishing. But I'm great a hunting! Or- at least some day I will. Especially with others!"

They commented about the sun and she nodded her head, ears flopping up and down with the movement.

"Yes, it is very pretty. I'm Honey.", she smiled half heartedly.

Re: Oh baby! | reintroduction | - Tena M. - 09-17-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Voices drifting from the cove caught Tena somewhat off-guard.  Her vibrant blue hues blinked, then darted towards the sound.  Curious, she began the short trek over from where she'd been, wandering across the shoreline.  She needed to explore the beach more, to map out the little hidden places in her mind.  Since the main camp sat within the mountains, she hardly spent enough time to fully scope the area.

Her tail twitching behind her, the petite sand cat popped her head into the cove, smiling when she spotted a familiar face.  "Hey Honey," she called jovially, attempting to recount the last time she spotted the little pup.  Well.  Regardless of the time past, it was nice to see her meeting Sanzu, since they were both children.  "And hello Sanzu."

In the cove the dimming light of the sky kissed the ocean.  Sunsets, she decided, never lacked beauty, regardless of the environment.  Even in the desert, the myriad of colors, blending into the sky and clouds or sand dunes made for a beautiful sight.  In the mountains, the sun seemed to become swallowed up by the land and sea.  Here, Tena watched the colors meld into the water in a fascinating mixture.

The young magna lacked an intensive attention span however, her gaze quickly returning to the children.  "Do you know your ways around here?  It'll be dark soon." But she had to add a quick, conspiratorial wink, "I might need some guidance."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: Oh baby! | reintroduction | - Honey - 10-17-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

[ooc: mobile, apologies for late reply!]

Tena would arrive, a familiar face to the younger pup.

"Oh hi!", she smiled at the sand demji. Her ears would flip forward, perking when they asked for help.

"um... Yea? I think I know my way back."
