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「 HELLBOUND ︱ JOINING. 」 - Printable Version

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「 HELLBOUND ︱ JOINING. 」 - Daphne - 09-10-2019

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]What are you? Where do you belong?

It is a question that you find yourself unable to answer, unable to think about without the painful feeling of anxiety clawing up your throat. Perhaps it is because you know that it is something that can never be answered, a question that you must learn to accept you will never find closure with. It's hard not knowing, hard being left in the dark when all your efforts to understand lead to more dead ends.





Eldritch Monster?

So many answers, but none of them could ever possibly come close to explaining you. For some of your siblings you know this gives them peace, allows them to pretend that they aren't freaks of nature—that they have a chance to be normal in a world designed to destroy them. It puts you on edge, causes the call of the void to scream louder and louder as you tumble down a road that you cannot come back from.

It was when you looked into your baba's eyes that you knew the truth ( or as close as you could get ), that everything you would ever accomplish would mean nothing. Your existence is a sham, an abnormality created by two beings who were never truly meant to create something—at least, not together. Of course you aren't alone in this world, not completely, there are other beings out there who share your fate; could you even call them family? In a sense they are your siblings, but what kinship do you share with them? Are the bonds you forged in the other realm true, or the continuation of a devious lie. It was something you would never know, but something that would haunt you until the end of time.

Nothing, you think.

Maybe that's what you are.

Daphne would rather die ( [i]again
) than ever admit to being lonely; however, she knew that the ache in her chest was not one that she could alleviate on her own. After everything had happened, after each of her siblings found themselves spiraling into different directions as they all claimed a small piece of this universe, Daphne found herself alone. Always pitifully alone. It wasn't hard at first, being by herself that is. No, it had been exhilarating in only the way a child feels the moment they gain true freedom—or the illusion of it. Daphne relished in her ability to be herself without worry of her family, without worry of rules, laws, or other conflicting factors that may stand in her way. She held no responsibilities, a type of lifestyle that one knew would and could never stand against the test of time. The feeling was strong, yes, but was quick to be snuffed out.

It blazed like a wildfire, and left ash and dust in its wake.

She would never admit it aloud, swore up and down she wouldn't, but maybe if she found a place to call her own—if only for a short time—maybe she would overcome this annoying desire. It made her weak, at least in her terms of immortality. She wouldn't be picky about where she started, but she knew that it had to be a place that would welcome her without a second thought. So she found herself here, idly watching the tide roll over the sand as she took a moment to compose herself in the body she had created. It felt being like this, having something to hold her being together rather than allowing it to spread freely; there was a part of her that detested the restriction, but another who relished in being so put together. It was confusing, frustrating, and Daphne found herself excited.

"Hel-lo!" she yelled, chest rumbling as she spoke for the first time.

She had no place, but she was determined to make one.

[ ooc ; oof it's been awhile this might be a little scattered / clunky, just ignore it i have no idea what i'm doing ]

Re: 「 HELLBOUND ︱ JOINING. 」 - wormwood. - 09-10-2019

It was interesting, being once again in a place where every face around every corner wasn't familiar to him, but it was also sort of exciting. It meant that he didn't have to be alone with his thoughts, and could instead spend his time finding out about these new others in his life, as well as though who had yet to come. He shared a similar feeling with Daphne – one of feeling alone, and abandoned by your birth family, the ones who were supposed to be there for you forever. Sure, he now had a new family, composed of both all of the people in Tanglewood that he had come to love so dearly, along with all of the new people here that were quickly becoming more souls for him to protect. But still, he would never have the people who had raised him ever again. He would never have Poetking at his side again, nor would he be forced to ignore his Mother's nagging or his Father's glares. His parents were gone, both buried beneath the earth in different places, and killed by different violent means, while Poetking was gone, off on his own little adventures to a place that Worm never even wanted to think about approaching again. It would have made him more sad, if it weren't for the fact that hatred had been growing in his heart for his birth family for a long time.

The hellhound had been resting from his long trek from Tanglewood to here, his ears pinned down and his body relaxed as he ignored the troubling dreams that so commonly tried to plague his sleep these days, when all of a sudden he heard a voice calling from below. The rotted blue male slowly got up to his feet, making his way downwards to where Daphne was, curiosity plain in his golden gaze as he spotted the other. It was pretty interesting, seeing another hellhound, even if she was some sort of odd mix, and certainly wasn't the same as the Decrepit darkhound standing before her. He barked softly as he gently nudged the ground with one of his clawed paws, still getting used to the feeling of sand between his toes instead of swampland, "Hello there, miss. Can I help you with something? Joining, maybe?" He couldn't help the faint happiness in his voice, always excited for newcomers to either of the groups he inhabited. After all, each new person represented another soul for him to get to know, and perhaps a new member of his rapidly growing family.
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Re: 「 HELLBOUND ︱ JOINING. 」 - Keona. - 09-10-2019

[align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
Alone.  What was loneliness to someone who sought solitude?  To one who grew tired and overwhelmed by the constant presence of others around her.  An empty feeling in her gut, when the sun no longer touched her fur and the beach grew quiet.  A nagging sense of a missing piece, even as she lifted her chin up, pale hues determined.  She just wanted to be independent; to demonstrate she could take care of herself.

The fae honestly didn't know her age.  She barely hung onto the memories of her birth-place.  The tastes and sounds.  The constant rocking.  She could barely recall the voices she once knew because they'd become entirely replaced by the Typhoon; she might as well been born here, she was so young when her father left his crew so they could live on land.  While she remained the appearance of one still rather young, Keona hung onto the need to prove she wasn't a helpless, useless child.

Along with her quiet nature, the privateer found herself lingering in her own company more often than not.  Not completely intentionally, but how could she complain of solitude when company wore her out quickly?  An introvert's stress contradiction.

The tiny feline patrolled every so often, by herself, as per old habit.  As every so often, she heard a voice this time around.  Then another, somewhat more familiar.  Soon Keona popped up behind Wormwood, blinking a pair of sightless sea-green hues towards a scent she did not know.  "Aloha." Since Wormwood presented the typical inquiries, she fell silent, ears perked attentively.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.