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SHE'S A MANEATER / return - Printable Version

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SHE'S A MANEATER / return - ROXANNE R. - 09-09-2019

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She looked around seeing something quite familiar, her heart fluttering within her chest, it was her first love and so far her only. The Typhoon. A home she had never left or hadn't strayed away too far, she welcomed the feeling of sand between her toes as she walked forward with a giggle escaping her. She stopped in her tracks turning her head to the ocean seeing the suns reflection within the grand mass of water that often worked like a mirror, she took in a deep breath recalling those that had been there before and those she had grown to love. Pincher, Goldie, Jacob, Rosemary, Vandal, Caesar, Greed, Captainpaw, and Planecrash. God, she missed them. Even if she had time to herself away from the Typhoon, she had never been alone. She still had the tegu that Rosemary had gifted her, Lorelei, who was currently riding on her back. She was nearing the entrance so she began to do something peculiar, she patted the sand in a certain pattern and she made sure it was loud enough. Eventually two scaley beasts erupted from the ocean,swimming in her direction, one being larger than the other, a pair of saltwater crocodiles approached her. The biggest one hovering its head over her small body, she would reach forward touching the beasts chin only to smile and murmured quietly  "We're home, Kalayavan." They truly were and she was happy to be home. "character's speech."

Re: SHE'S A MANEATER / return - bubblegum - 09-09-2019

How ironic, that she would come home at a time where the female is in such a similar state as one could find her at nearly any point in time last year. Injured, tired, overworked, but still that sense of power flowing through her. Still that determination she never lost, even when he memories had been stolen, even when she was beat down to a pulp, barely alive, fearing for the world. Though, to be fair, she is certainly stronger now. In every way conceivable, she is stronger. And, she is healing. The wounds were not by any means the worst she's seen, and it's not the last time she'll see something like them, more than likely. The worst part had been the lost energy, the pain from her cut across her neck, and that would soon disappear too. She was not a little girl anymore. She was not scared or sad or pathetic. She is a captain, victim of an attempt to be assassinated, and she would not back down. She wasn't known to do so before.

Faces of the past seemed to trickle in now more than ever, and she thinks it may be a sign. Perhaps the Gods wish for her to see her family before she fulfills her purpose. Maybe she will finally see death a final time. Either way, she couldn't complain. This was something she would be grateful for.

The captain would trek over towards the familiar female, heterochromatic eyes blinking towards her. She instantly recognizes her. It would be hard not to. "Well, well. Look what the croc dragged in. Aunt Rox," she'd state with a smile upon her features, pushing herself towards the female quickly. Goldie would aim to wrap the female in a hug, wasting no time to welcome the female back the best way she knew how. "You're smaller than I 'member." She jokes quietly, referring to the fact that last time she'd seen her, she was still a growing bengal cat.

Re: SHE'S A MANEATER / return - wormwood. - 09-10-2019

It seemed as though Wormwood had arrived in the Typhoon just in time to meet yet another Roux that could tell him stories of Goldie when she was young, and perhaps even stories of Typhoon when it was similarly young. It was pretty surprising, since Worm wasn't exactly used to family returning for people, but that didn't mean that he wasn't happy for Goldie, and for everyone who was returning back. Goes knows that he wanted certain people to come back these days, since they had been taken away from him. Of course, this was why he didn't want to interrupt a happy family reunion as he approached the pair, his eyes lingering on the two crocs that were following the newcomer. He was used to crocodiles, being from Tanglewood and all, but the crocs in his other home were rarely ever sentient or domesticated, and even went so far as to attack people if they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, he felt a little bit nervous seeing the giant aquatic creatures so nearby, but it seemed as though Rox had a handle on them, so he could relax a bit.

Once Goldie had done her own little reunion thing, he finally felt comfortably enough to approach, offering Roxanne a little smile and moving to sit nearby. He cleared his throat before barking, the hellhound's raspy voice still sounding unused and hoarse no matter how much he chatted away. "Ah, hello there. I... don't know you, but if you're part of Goldie's family, I like you. M''name's Wormwood, but you can just call me Worm if you want... your, uh, your pets are very impressive."
[glow=black,2,300]YOUR CHANNEL IS UNREACHABLE[/glow]

Re: SHE'S A MANEATER / return - VANDAL R. - 09-10-2019

Vandal doesn't recognize the scent at first. From the other side of the wall, it catches between her teeth, and she curls her lip to get a better taste of it from underneath the layer of saltwater brine. She passes her green tongue over it once, twice, trying to place the identifier until a memory shakes itself from the recesses of her mind, brushing off clumps of dust until it becomes brighter, clearer—the particular memory is dotted with cake slices and explicit jokes and a Siamese sitting calmly beside her, offering a young Captainpaw a ride on her crocodile.

When the memory is crisp enough that she can see even the fine details on her fur, the name leaps past her lips in a quiet exclamation of recognition. "Rox..." The name itself is enough to pull her out of her reverie by the ear, bringing her attention to the present as the scent unfurls into something more familiar; she repeats the name again, as if to convince herself that she's not just imagining it, but then muffled voices are surfacing from the other side of the border and she's sure, she's sure that it must be her.

"ROX!" Her voice is louder when she leaps to the top of the wall, aided by her wings and a careful burst of air. When she sees the familiar feline on the other side, smiling gently at two crocodiles, it's unmistakable. "You're home," she adds under her breath, voice choked as she jumps down and closer to the gathered creatures. Her first few pawsteps are slow, tentative, but it doesn't take long for her to pick up speed until she's past Wormwood and just a few inches from Goldie and the returning Crewmate—and then she keeps going, never staggering, never slowing, closer and closer until she's attempting to take both Rouxes into her arms. "Ro-ro, you're home! You're home!"

Re: SHE'S A MANEATER / return - ROXANNE R. - 09-10-2019

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She could feel her fur prickling up slightly at the sight of the progress that was coming her way but it didn't take long for her to recognize who it was, her heart suddenly felt full once more knowing well who this was. She was about to say something but was interrupted as she was brought into an embrace, she didn't mind it at all as she'd bury her nose into Goldie's coat and try her best in wrapping her arms around her even if it was currently an impossible feat. She couldn't help but purr at the joke only to scold rather playfully "You have certainly grown into such a beautiful, young woman, Goldie. Your father would be proud, he is. But you weren't allowed to grow faster than your own aunt!" A playful scowl formed itself onto her maw only to hear the hissing of her crocodiles alerting her of a not so familiar face, she drew back from the hug a moment taking a grip onto the collar of the largest crocodile who seemed more cautious than the other. She would offer a cheeky grin "Sorry bout that, Kalayavan, doesn't really take a fondness to strangers! Isn't that right my wittle baby boy ~ ? She cooed to him petting the top of his snout with her paw, it was quite the funny sight seeing such a small feline tame or keep such a large beast calm even if Kalayavan's eyes didn't divert themselves from Wormwood.

She blinked hearing what Wormwood said and couldn't help but snort, so she got default validation for being related to Goldie, well, that was a nice change. Though at the mention of impressive pets, it had gotten a loud, long hiss from Kalayavan though Roxanne immediately silenced him by putting his large jaws upon her. She let her paw brush against the large brutes snout only to say with a light shake of her cranium "They aren't pets nor will they ever be told such by myself. They are family, Kalayavan is my little that I've raised since he was a lil croc. It's a pleasure to meet you though, Wormwood. I'm Roxanne Roux but feel free to call me Roxxie. These are my darlings, you've already acquainted yourself with Kalayavan. This is his daughter, Brunhild, and the darling perched on my shoulder is Lorelei." She offered him a smile about to say something else before feeling herself being squeezed into another embrace.

It was Vandal! Oh, how she had missed her sister in crime! By now, Lorelei had gotten annoyed by everyone invading her personal space scuttling to rest on top of Brunhild. "VANNIE, IT'S YOU! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" The winged Siamese piped out only to wiggle her hind legs since they were kinda hanging there "Oh God, you guys are very strong huggers." She said playfully holding onto the both of them with a purr escaping her. "character's speech."

Re: SHE'S A MANEATER / return - fulzanin - 09-11-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]"Finally, something that actually looks familiar." Tanteri came swooping down, landing in quite the hurry as he always did. His blue head was turned to the side, his eyes resting on the crocodiles. To the prehistoric creature, a crocodile was a welcome sight in this strange and foreign realm where people had grass covering their bodies. His long tail twitched sharply behind him, only turning his gaze away after figuring out how swiftly he could get back in the air if it lunged at him. He didn't know who this stranger was, or why she had crocodiles near her. The other's seemed to know her, at least in some strange mannerism. Family? He assumed by the hugging that they at least had a close bond. It was a strange sight to him, and the beak of the pterosaur gave a sharp click. What even was that? It was apparently called a 'hug', or so he could assume from the newcomers words. He squinted a little as he turned the word over in his mind. It was odd, and didn't roll off the tongue to him as most other words did. This foreign place with their strange foreign terms and strange grass covered bodies. The presence of another scaly creature brought an equally as foreign comfort.

"I'm Tanteri." He decided to introduce after a moment, his blue gaze having returned to the crocodilians. They occupied more of his interest then the newcomer did, in all honesty. No, Tanteri felt no amount of sorrow for such thought processes. The scaly form was familiar, and he cared not for the danger that instinct provided to him of how easily it could slay him if it so desired- rather for the strange assurance it brought to him.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: SHE'S A MANEATER / return - Florence - 09-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Etherealgate felt out of place as she approached, eying the hugging and the obvious familiarity between her clanmates and this newcomer with a sense of longing. Despite trying to be a friendly face, she was not close to anyone who also called the Typhoon their home. Not in this way. She thought she had been jealous of the protective relationship Dove shared with Celeste, but this was something different. This rang of family and love and a closeness only time could bring. A closeness that she had never truly shared with anyone. A small voice in the back of her head reminded her that jealousy was an ugly emotion and that she should be happy for this reunion, and so Eth dismissed the emotion as quickly as it came, instead taking to smiling at the other girl – Rox? – and the people gathered around.

Crocodiles were an interesting choice in traveling companions, but they lended the unfamiliar girl a certain uniqueness that Eth found herself instantly respecting. "I'm Etherealgate," She introduced, pulling her golden stare from the scaly beasts and to the other feline, "Welcome home, I suppose. Might I ask what your friends' names are? They're rather impressive." And anyone who can tame a face of death certainly deserves respect in my book.