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LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEE / rain - Printable Version

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LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEE / rain - spacexual - 09-08-2019

i heard you were looking like the moon — tags
He has not moved so much the past couple of days. Perhaps it was something to cause concern - the boy would wander around most days within the swamp, taking in the new sights and lessons from the world that is still so foreign to him. But, ever since arriving back with Wormwood, he's found his mind wandering elsewhere. He quietly lays in his clearing, puddles all around him in the damp marsh, resting upon a rock.

There is one thing he has wanted to learn more than anything so far, and that was, simply, to realize how to control his fire.

It was the source of many of his problems now. It was what held him back, kept him chained, continued to label him as a weapon. He did not want to hurt anyone. He did not want that to be his purpose. He thought they had escaped. He thought they were free now. But, no. He was not truly free. If he were to go out and see the world farther, there is always the chance he will hurt someone, or someone's friend, or burn something. The forest is off-limits less he risk taking it down entirely. No one may touch him. No one may even come near him. And it hurt. Oh, how it hurt when it got bad.

As long as he burns, he is trapped.

He must find a way to end it. He should not be on fire like this all the time, surely. Certainly, there must be a way to fix it. He knows it fluctuates. He's witnessed it rise and fall, like breathing, and then he's moved it, too; focused it to other areas of his body, and even pushed it away from his body, instead having it surround him like a shield. There has to be a way for him to control it. He's trained it before. For years. He may not be there anymore, but it can't be so different. There needs to be a way to figure it out.

It would seem these past few days have been productive. He's sat to himself, almost meditating in a sense. The voices were quiet. The memories were silenced. Instead, he kept his focus to his surroundings. To this world he is still getting used to. To this world he still has yet to see so much of. The flames have lowered and lowered, at times fluctuating, but certainly progressing in the direction he wishes. Ease had wrapped over the boy in a way he's never quite experienced. If only the heat would subside entirely.

If he could do this, maybe he could be a real member of Tanglewood, and he could make real friends, and he could be a son Wormwood would like him to be. Maybe he wouldn't ever be used again. Maybe he'd never even have to think of himself as a weapon again.

Though, it likely wasn't as simple as that. Wishful thinking. It was how they survived all those years before. It was how he still believed everyone is capable of good, despite everything. Maybe this is a sign, too, that maybe, just maybe, Roy is just as much a part of that everyone as anybody else. There had to be good.

It is cloudy. Night would soon fall over the territory of Tanglewood, and Roy has thought more positively, more calmly, than perhaps he ever has in his entire life. No bad dreams or haunting memories or voices to whisper their disapproval. Just the world around him, and a simple goal, with the results he could have with achieving it. He feels a slight breeze, glowing orange eyes peering around him quietly as he feels a sudden drop of water hit his nose. The tiger peers upward, more drops joining in until it was a party of water. Rain. It hits his fur slightly cold, and his tail wraps closer to his body. He closes his eyes slowly, feeling the liquid against his body.

It slices into what is left of his fires, and soon, any heat that had protruded from him, went away entirely. He opens his eyes, lifting his head slowly as he looks over himself. There was no fire. There was nothing at all. Just him.

Patches of missing fur are scattered across his tattered, wet skeletal-looking pelt. Scratches and signs of burns sit randomly through his body.

The fires are gone.

He simply peers to himself. Just him.

Re: LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEE / rain - wormwood. - 09-08-2019

Regardless of what Roy may have thought, Wormwood would have been proud of his son with or without his flames until the day the hellhound drew his last breath, but he had to admit that there was a sort of sadness to the fact that Roy couldn't actually come into the little town most of Tanglewood's populace resided in. Not because Worm wouldn't visit him – in fact, the hellhound had decided to make it a habit to visit Roy at once daily, just to make sure the tiger didn't feel as though he was cut off from everyone – but because the canine knew full well that Roy would've preferred being able to explore Tanglewood more thoroughly, and interact with more of the others that resided there more regularly. Not everyone was as dedicated as Wormwood was to going and seeing the boy, and he had no doubt that Roy would eventually get tired of just having to deal with his adoptive father's face being the only one he knew well. This was why he was quite happy to encourage Roy with trying to control his own flames, and he would've been helping in any way that he could, but in all honesty it wasn't something that the older hellhound could really help that much with. This was just something that Roy needed to conquer on his own, with quiet encouragement.

The chaser had been vaguely concerned the first few times he had gone to see Roy and had found him doing nothing more than sitting in place, not doing his usual acts of exploring around, and at first he had been terrified that Roy was still trying to punish himself. Since Beck hadn't a chance to punish him directly, Worm was worried that Roy thought it was suitable for him to punish himself by just laying very still, not allowing himself the usual exploration he seemed to enjoy. However, this didn't seem to be the case, since rather than anything bad happening, or Roy getting worse for wear, it seemed as though something positive was actually being accomplished. Worm made sure to continue his visitation, even if he didn't say anything in fear of breaking his son's concentration, and he found that each time he did Roy's flames seemed to have died down somewhat. Sometimes only in minor ways, with only a few sparks disappearing, and other times in major ones, with enormous chunks of flames disappearing from the tiger's body. Worm had felt happiness every single time he saw another tiny part being snuffed away by Roy's pure concentration, and he had been wondering how it had been going that day, when a storm broke out among the clouds above.

Worm had already been on his way when it began to rain, and he found himself silently wishing not for the first time this week that he still had his wings to use as makeshift umbrellas. Still, he wasn't going to turn back without seeing how Roy was doing, so he continued to hop from log to log, being careful not to plummet into the muddy punishment that lurked below. Eventually the male reached the place he had seen Roy meditating recently, and he was surprised when the usual scent of crisp burning flames didn't reach his nose. Instead, he just smelled snuffed out smoke, and felt an insane sense of curiosity take him over, making him trot forward quickly. Soon he saw Roy, and when he saw the tiger sitting there without a trace of fire on his body, a grin immediately broke out over his muzzle, accompanied by an enthusiastic wagging of his tail. He quickly moved over to where Roy was, giving the other a moment of contemplation before gently touching his nose to the boy's head, barking with his voice full of warmth and happiness that he hoped his son reflected, "Roy... Roy, you got your flames to go down! I'm so proud of you... that must've taken a lot to do. And it means that you can even come and explore more of the territory... isn't that great?"
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Re: LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEE / rain - spacexual - 09-09-2019

i heard you were looking like the moon — tags
He blinks, his stare towards his body interrupted as a familiar individual breaks through and touches him gently. His gaze drifts towards the male, tail tip twitching. His head tilts to the other's words, almost not processing them immediately. But then, a genuine smile emerges, breaths soft. Somebody was proud of him. And now he won't hurt anybody, and now he can see so much more. This was the right thing to do. He just needs to keep it up. He just needs to make sure it doesn't come back. And then, and then he can be who he wants. And then he can be free.

His gaze immediately turns towards the forest, just a small distance away, still within sight despite the rain. "I've never been in a forest before." He'd state with wonder. Oh, but what if he can't hold it up? No - no. He has to. There was a village, too. He wanted to see all of it. The only time he's ever been in any sort of city was after it had been burnt down, remnant of a lost war. But, he can't think of that now. That is a bad memory, too. "Do you think I can?" Roy asks hopefully, turning back towards Wormwood.

Re: LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEE / rain - wormwood. - 09-09-2019

When Roy smiled up at him, Worm felt a genuine grin spread across his muzzle, not only because of the permanent grin always etched into his features, but also because he's delighted. Wormwood really was extremely proud of the boy, and even though he didn't want Roy to think that he was lesser because of his flames, he did want him to know that Worm was proud, and that he had done well. When the young tiger asked if the hellhound thought he could see the forest, Wormwood nodded eagerly and barked as he gestured towards the trees further in, and towards the village that held his home, along with practically everyone else's, "Yeah, I really think that you can, Roy. You might even be able to go into the town and visit everybody. I think that would be really fun, especially considering everybody wishes you could stay in town. Plus Moth's there, and maybe you could convince her to go with us and explore the forest while looking for stuff." After all, Moth always seemed like she enjoyed going out to collect things, and it seemed like if she could just go out with them on a nice walk to explore, she could relax. With all of the stress that the new medic had been under recently, she would probably be delighted to go and come with to show Roy around.
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