Beasts of Beyond
[ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - Printable Version

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[ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - MERGED - 09-08-2019

[/td][/tr][/table] thomas had never had to walk so far in his entire life. well, a mixture of walking and swimming in some places where the water was just a tad too deep to walk through at the time. he didn't know why he felt so compelled to walk across the railway, but he had done it and there was no way he was turning back now. when he finally reached solid land, the island on the other side of the railway, he heaved a sigh and let himself lean against a boulder that was sat nearby, the cool surface offering him at least some comfort after the long, very much boring walk to the island. so far, it seemed to the place was abandoned.

at least, as far as he could tell. however, he didn't want to risk it. he wasn't stupid, he wasn't just going to walk in completely blindly. if some predator found him and decided he looked tasty- by all means, please. take a good bite, im sure i taste delicious. even his thoughts were sarcastic, just as he was in his words most of the time. however, sarcasm wouldn't help him if he was about to be eaten. taking a deep breath, he scrunched his nose for a moment. ”hello?” his call was fairly quiet, not wanting to draw i something that might actually want to eat him.

he may feel like shit, but he didn't want to die quite yet.

Re: [ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - Splitvisage - 09-08-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Walking was a way of life to Darksouls; reindeer happened to be well-suited to migration, and he was a wanderer by nature besides. Swimming didn't come so naturally, but so far he had been fine with only occasional trips into shallow water. If he had to go into deep water, he could, but he preferred not to just yet.

  While he was omnivorous, vegetation was more efficient for him to eat than anything else, and his jaws were built to eat small rodents at the very most; felines were far too large. Besides, they tended to be sentient, and eating another creature that could think in the same way as himself didn't seem right.

  The soft call of an unfamiliar voice drew Darksouls over, his brows furrowed. As quiet as that had been, he had to wonder if the person was okay. It wasn't unusual for injured creatures to appear at their borders. Stepping out of the undergrowth, he lowered his head to look at the stranger. "What brings you here?" he asked lowly. "Do you need water?"

Re: [ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - COSMIIX - 09-08-2019

[Image: HjwE4Za.gif]
He was still rather new to all of this, the mutt still had to get acquainted to everything that was currently around him. A new atmosphere where nobody knew anybody or well the strangers who joined the group, the thought was rather exciting even if he wouldn't admit it outloud. He kept most of his opinions to himself so he wouldn't end up saying the wrong thing and looking stupid in front of a crowd, he wasn't the brightest bookwise but when it came to survival he knew it down to the bone. Eating other sentient creatures didn't really seem all that appealing to the large male or right for that matter, he had done his own wrongs in these years of his life but he'd never bring himself to eat someone similar to himself. It almost felt like cannibalism to him. The thought made his muzzle wrinkle with disgust, he eventually spotted the reindeer from before and it seemed he was talking to someone else. Walking over, Eerikki blinked at the sight of a feline, he had seen plenty of those throughout his travels though he never actually did stop to talk to them aside from asking for directions or his whereabouts. His ears twitched as he took a seat nearby, his two serpent tails swaying back and forth observing the smaller creature only to hiss amongst themselves, only Eerikki ever knew what they were thinking or saying. It'd be a downer if he couldn't exactly understand the living beings on his ass but he did thankfully or he supposed he could be grateful.

Re: [ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - celestialrobbery - 09-08-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
Admittedly, Celeste had been laying low for the past two weeks. She couldn't help it-- she'd gotten a lead on one of the relics and had to pursue it. It wound up being a bust, which sucked, but she knew she had to keep looking. She'd felt the pull of the relics as it lead her here, and she knew her search wouldn't be in vain.

But for now, she heard the call of a "hello" and decided to approach, the mutant feline flashing the stranger a bright, warm smile as she moved closer to him. "Hey there!" She said, noting the new joiner that she also had yet to meet. Damn, she was really slacking on her clan duties these past few weeks, huh? "I'm Celestialrobbery, but just Celeste is fine. Who are you?"
now she's gonna mourn you!

Re: [ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - MERGED - 09-08-2019

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; float: top; background-image: url(; background-size: cover;"]
[/td][/tr][/table] a moose was in no way an odd sight to the male. to him, a moose was quite a welcome site, however.. whatever the animal that come up after him was a much more startling sight. his head had drawn back in slight fright, blue eyes going wide as he stared up at the two, admittedly, much larger creatures. ”i.. was just wandering. good christ you two are.. very large. and hopefully don't have a taste for feline.” he chuckled nervously towards eerikki, ears pinning back and tail curling around his feet.

finally, someone his own size came around, and he let out a sigh of relief. ”I am.. thomas barrow, but i would prefer mister barrow over my name. simply.. more polite.” he introduced, offering a slightly shaky smile. ”i take it that i've stumbled into a groups territory, then?

Re: [ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - Florence - 09-08-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]"You have. This is the Typhoon."

Etherealgate had arrived silently, a winged shadow that had come to a halt besides Celestialrobbery. Of her clanmates that had gathered here, the firecracker of a girl was the most familiar to her and she would not deny that she liked familiarity. "I'm Etherealgate," She extended with a faint nod of her head, studying the stranger her opposite intently. Mister Barrow? That was so formal. Did he not desire a more casual name? Or were manners that important to him? Eth could not say. Her isolated upbringing had made her lack more conventional manners, but she supposed she would do her best to honor his wishes.

"You can call me Eth, Mister Barrow."

Re: [ ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS ] joining - dovedeparture - 09-09-2019

The winged form of Dovedeparture joined the rank and file of the Typhoon, emerald eyes cast upon Thomas. Having caught the entire conversation as it unfolded thanks to her enhanced senses, Dove could tell this newcomer was of a peculiar sort. Where most asked for informality, he requested formality. Manners. Etiquette.

Perhaps she had been living among this rag-tag bunch for too long. What she once would have found commonplace now seemed... out of place. Strange.

"Dovedeparture," she extended, easily. "Pleased to meet you. I hope you find your stay here enjoyable." Dove found herself all too easily wrapped back up in the need to speak kindly and sweetly. Part of her screamed to deviate from this course, for she no longer needed to be so prim and proper, but another part begged her to maintain her old ways.
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