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[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]gore tw

First came fury. Then, pain. He reasons that the punishment fits the crime - what he had become was something worthy of the wounds it wrought. If he was not to beat himself down to the man he once was, someone else would. Jervis had taken the knife from his hands and carved submission back into his bones. Now, he only ached.

The bleeding from the deep gouge in his chest has only just begun to stem. It flows in sluggish streams, onto his arms where he tries to hug the sucking wound shut; where the skin is deeply flayed, it pools in the well of his arteries and torn muscle. As he attempts to move forward, each thin, desperate breath punctuates the flow with a sickly hiss as air escaped out of the wound from his lungs. He’s doused in the stuff: when Jervis attempted to pry his horns out from his skull altogether, the veins which ran through the base were severed, and deep claw marks across his body spoke volumes of Jervis’ entertainment. The fact that he was still alive could only be attributed to the fact that he was not of this Earth. Anyone else - he hardly knows if Beck made it back to Tanglewood alright, or Sam, for that matter - would not have survived.

He’s lucky, if surviving a brutal torture made you lucky. The fates figured he could take a few more beatings, so here he was: bloody, beaten and broken in the most literal sense. He leans heavily on one leg, the other twisted in an unnatural direction. A kink in his tail speaks of where the bones were cleanly snapped.

Red avoids thinking of the circumstances that brought him home. The very dragon he’d set out to kill had captured him, looked on carelessly as their leader carved him to pieces, and then decided on a sudden change of heart to bring him home. A change of heart did not necessarily mean mercy, though - his wounds were hot and swollen with early infection, and the rest of his bruises and marks were clearly left unattended. He’s barely conscious, unable to look over his shoulder at the fast-exiting Pittian without a wave of vertigo doubling him over. Red leans heavily on the signpost that marked the edge of town, a low groan resounding in his throat after he tried (and failed) to call out for a medic. Hand pressed to the sucking chest wound, he sinks down onto his haunches, shock taking over.

Red was home.

Re: THE LORD SAID GO TO THE DEVIL — RETURN - wormwood. - 09-07-2019

When the stench of blood met the hellhound's nose for not the first time of this week – or the last, he expected, with all the misfortunes befalling them lately – he had immediately felt a sense of deep dread. Keeping as calm as he could in the situation, the male carefully plucked up the roll of bandages that he kept around just in case, and exited the room he had been resting in, ignoring the waves of hesitation that begged him to continue his residence in his home. It wasn't long before he reached the edge of the town, and his heart sank when he saw a scene before him that only bandages would never hope to fix. This required medical attention rivaling Sam and Beck's, perhaps even worse, even though Worm couldn't assess that at his current level. Because of this, all that the hellhound could hope to do was help reunite the large gorilla with a source of medical attention. A sense of panic and excitement and an utter explosion of emotions struck him all at once just from the sight of Red back in Tanglewood territory, but he ignored them all, moving over to the other and barking softly, "Red, it's Wormwood... Jesus, they got you bad, didn't they? H-Here, use me as a crutch, alright? I'll get you closer to town, where they can treat you properly... Selby, Moth!"

His call for the medics was as loud as he could make it as he moved to position himself so that Red could use him to help his movement, a deep breath of anticipation being taken in for the weight of the other. He was immediately struck with a sense of gladness that this new form still retained almost as much muscle as his old lion form despite the shrink in stature, or he probably would've been crushed under Red's brute strength, even when exhausted. As he waited for the other, his golden eyes traveled faintly over the wounds that covered the entirety of Red's form, his heart sinking more and more as he noticed every little extra thing that he hadn't when he had first approached. He doubted that this would in any way be a quick recovery, and he found himself struck by the fact it would probably mean Red couldn't be out and about as much as he probably would've hoped. He'd need friends around to keep him company, much like Beck had needed... still needed, given his recent outburst and adages onto his already severe injuries. The memory of the ghost panicking made his heart sink further, and a heavy sigh of regret left him, wishing that everything could just be calm for a few fucking minutes.

He knew that eventually he would be able to celebrate the fact that Red was back. After all, he hadn't realized just how much he had cared for the big guy until the other had been yanked away from him, trapped in the place that had hurt so many others he cared about. Ever since then, the anxiety he had usually been feeling thanks to other things was only heightened, and he found himself pacing the border often, desperately searching for any sign of the gorilla's return. They had their differences in the past, but that didn't mean that Worm wanted him to end up like this, and honestly the sight of it would've made him empty the contents of his stomach if it weren't for the fact that he was so utterly wiped out of panicking. Eventually, when Red was properly patched up and in his own place at the bunker, wrapped up in the jacket that Worm had left for him and trying his hardest to hide his appreciation for the friendship bracelet Wormwood had childishly given him... that would be when the hellhound would be able to celebrate Red being back. But not any sooner.
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Re: THE LORD SAID GO TO THE DEVIL — RETURN - selby roux ! - 09-09-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby was tired. Beck’s meltdown near the quarry had caused his stitches to tear, setting his recovery back a fair bit. On top of that, the sawbone found that it was now necessary to keep the poltergeist sedated for the rest of his recovery, administering another dose of the sedative during every visit. It was after one of these visits that the feline found himself walking home, bag in tow. At least, he had been going home until he heard a frantic voice calling his name. He gave a little sigh to himself before dutifully trotting in the direction of the voice, lugging his bag behind him.

When he arrived at the scene, his eyes went wide. Red was in a terrible shape. Just at a first glance, Selby could see scratches and stab wounds, along with a terrible looking twist, possibly a fracture. Craning his neck, he spotted that the ape’s horns had been snapped off at the base. Taking a moment to get over his initial shock, he cleared his throat and spoke. "Set him down. I can get a few things taken care of here."

Selby came closer, setting his bag down and rifling through it to pull out a suture kit, a roll of bandages, some dressing, and his spray bottle. He settled down near Red’s abdomen. "Glad you made it back alright. Take these for me?" he said quietly, offering Red some pain medication and deciding to start on the stab wound just beneath the sternum.

The medic studied the injury, and finding that nothing important had been punctured, he flushed the wound and began suturing it carefully. He’d always hated stitches, but at least they weren’t a particularly hard task. Selby applied a thin layer of a poultice to the wound and wrapped a bandage around it. He did the same for the various scratch marks, working with care and efficiency. He then looked up to the horns that had been snapped off. He’d never dealt with anything like this before... Unsure of whether or not he was doing the right thing, Selby treated them like normal wounds, minus the sutures. Moving to the cut across his nose, the medic stitched it together carefully and bandaged it.

Selby then moved towards the ankle, feeling it carefully and deducing that it was fractured. He selected a sturdy looking stick from the ground and used it to set up a sturdy splint. "Keep off this leg until I give you the okay, alright?" he said, skirting around to look at the kink in Red’s tail. Gently feeling it, Selby found the break. "I have to set and splint this. On the count of three. One... Two..." And without further warning, he quickly set it and wrapped it up in a splint. "Keep this as still as possible or it might kink while it heals."


view point: image

thank god image couldn't throw up. the whole 'being dead' meant that he didn't really get sick or feel sick, just.. tired. mirror, on the other had could get sick, he could get sick from disgust, but being attached to half a rotting body did wonders to keep mirror from doing so. he guessed he was glad for that at least. however, he wasn't glad that his brother drug him along to see this sight. it almost made both of them gag, but image had to hold back, his ears pinning back as he moved his head forward to get a better look at the scene, considering his brother wouldn't let them get any closer.

he wanted to make sure that this stranger- red, apparently- would be ok. "wi-"

"will he recover alright?" mirror spoke over him, cutting off the question he had been about to ask. let me speak, i just want to talk, image thought desperately, snapping his jaws shut and pulling his head away before turning it to the side. he wanted nothing more then to just ask his questions, be helpful where he could, but he knew that that wouldn't be happening with mirror around.. and it wouldn't be happening with himself around either.

"it'd be quite upsetting if that wasn't the case." oh, you know you don't care, just stop talking! his thoughts were practically screaming, screaming so loud that they hurt his head. it was an odd feeling, pain. however, he guessed he couldn't complain about pain when red was so badly hurt. then again, his half of the body was slowly rotting away, so maybe it was a bit warranted.


"we would be happy to help if you need it, im sure." for once, him and mirror were on the same page. for some reason, that warmed his heart- but he knew it wouldn't last long. then he heard the snap of a leg being set and his head stuttered back, fogged pupils shrinking. god, what a disgusting noise.

tags | updated 9/9/19: