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the distance of here over everywhere - power discovery - Printable Version

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the distance of here over everywhere - power discovery - fulzanin - 09-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Truly, Sanzu had been minding her own business prior to this. She had been searching about for something to chew on, as her teeth were feeling itchy. It was a strange and foreign feeling. Her teeth were itching and she, herself, felt itchy. The dragon chalked it up as one of the few concepts that remained from her birth-family. They molted off their green scales, and it served as an excellent fertilizer. If molting failed, then the scales would begin rotting on top of the dragon. Not pleasant- not that Sanzu knew of the horrors of that issue.

Her talons were scratching behind her ears when her red gaze settled onto a (rather broken) chair. Her deepest desire was to learn how to fly, to take to the sky and whisk away into the clouds that floated high above. Her tail wagged for a moment, wings fluttering. She raced forward, talons stretching in her bounds. She was expecting to bound on top of the chair, for her talons to sink into the already torn leather of the chair and then scrabble up to jump off. Or perhaps she would sink her teeth into the leather or chair leg, and settle the itching of her teeth.

Sanzu didn't expect to go flying right through the chair. She tumbled over herself a few times, and a startled screech sounded. She scrambled back to her feet. The red eyes were narrowed to thin slits, and shakily her talons reached out to paw at a nearby pebble. Her green colored paw phased right through it, and it only made the dragon more frightened. Her whole body seized up, and then she recoiled. She was screaming in panic, curling in on herself, then springing up again. Her search for something to chew on became a frantic search for something she could touch. Pebbles and sticks or other random items, her talons and form all went right through.

"I- I can' touch nothin' and- and-" Sanzu stammered. A young creature such as her resorted to outright bawling when the solution to her problem failed to rise by her frantic search. She slumped into a loose ball on the ground, shaking and sobbing. It was a childish reaction to the fright of suddenly being unable to touch objects that, before, Sanzu hadn't even noticed she was able to touch. The dragon's big ears were pressed tight against her head, and her tightly shut red eyes let her tears come freely. It was the terrified shrieks that came from her parted maw, wings curled close while her tail was hapharzardously sprawled out in it's entirety behind her.

//power discovered: intangibility

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: the distance of here over everywhere - power discovery - Straw - 09-06-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]High-pitched screaming was one of the easiest ways to send Straw into full alert mode. The fact that the voice sounded like Sanzu's was even worse. There was no positive reason for Sanzu to be screaming at the top of her lungs, and so Straw immediately dropped the book she had been holding and made a beeline for the source of the noise.

  Upon arriving at the broken chair, Straw scanned the scene. Sanzu was there, with no apparent injuries, and no one else was around. Still, Sanzu was in obvious discomfort, crying and curled up in what was likely an effort at self-defense- Straw could form a picture in her mind of what was going on, and the sensations she associated with these symptoms were extremely unpleasant. Poor kid. "Hey," Straw murmured lowly, reaching out a paw to gently tap Sanzu's shoulder.

  Her paw passed right through the scales, like nothing was there.

  Straw tensed up, her eyes blinking in confusion. Was she seeing things? Granted, she would be the first to admit she had mental issues, but it had never manifested like this before. Waving her paw through the scales, she tilted her head. "Uh..." she uttered, her tail twitching. Had Sanzu just turned into a ghost? There was no way for that to have happened since the last time Straw had seen her...

  "Tena," she called out, glancing over her shoulder. "Sanzu's... uh... she's okay, physically, but something's weird." Maybe Tena would know, and if not, she could think of someone who would know. Turning back to Sanzu, Straw whispered, "It'll be okay. We'll fix this."

Re: the distance of here over everywhere - power discovery - lavi s. - 09-07-2019

To hear a scream and someone call for Tena certainly bore ill news.  The youth came scrambling towards the sound, eyes wide with concern.  Physically... The jedi couldn't help but find his breath easier when he realized the problem.  "Hey, Sanzu," he spoke softly, eyes twinkling.  "Look, I can do that too."

With some concentration, granted, but soon the fluffy Andean mountain cat lost his own corporality.  After many moons living as a ghost, he found the change somewhat easy, if not a little concerning.  "See?  Now, I did it on purpose, and I know you didn't.  But that's okay.  Sometimes we can do things, and we don't realize we can until we do so on accident."

"Now, I just have to concentrate and I'll be back to normal.  But that takes practice, so I have a different idea."  He had no clue why the child could become like this, but he felt sure of the fact she could change back.  "I need you to focus on the memory of touching something.  Can you do that?"

Re: the distance of here over everywhere - power discovery - fulzanin - 09-08-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]The feeling of the others paw moving through scales was foreign. She was used to feeling the touch. It presented her with a ticklish feeling, and it made another sob sputter forth from the dragon. Her eyes were glossy from tears as she lifted her head. “Fix’it fix’it fix’it I don’ like thiz,” Sanzu was pleading, trying to grab on to Straw and only wound up falling when her paws didn’t make contact. She was growing more stressed, her chest heaving from the sobs. She laid there, defeated on the ground, ears drooping so low that they were touching the ground next to her head.

When Tena said that she was able to do the same thing, the little dragon had only the briefest flicker of ignorance. She didn’t want to believe such a thing was normal- she wanted to go back to what she deemed normal. Searching for perches and baking cookies and chewing on whatever she could gum on. Not this, not this incapability to touch anything. Not rocks or persons or even her own self. She didn’t question how she wasn’t sinking into the floor- her distraught was already severe enough. Sanzu’s hysterics barely allowed for her to hear the words that came from Tena, hyperventilating and borderline screaming in her sobs again.

Shakily, the young dragon decided she would at least try. She knew how cold stones felt. Smooth and icy cold. She didn’t like the cold in the slightest- it made her green scales almost ache. The cold was not the friend of a dragon, a cold blooded creature who certainly could not create their own heat to combat the cold of the mountains. She weakly reached out to paw at one of the rocks again, trying to imagine feeling the coldness and smoothness of the stone. Sanzu swatted through the stone a few times before finally winding up knocking it to the side. “Is i’t fix’d?” She asked, her tone hanging on the edge of desperation. She didn’t want to have to focus every single time she wanted to touch something. Sanzu hiccuped, the tears still dribbling down her face. The crying made her exhausted, and her wings hung loosely from her sides. Still barely clipping into the ground, the webbed limbs, but her feet seemed more aligned with actually touching the ground she sat upon than clipping into and through it.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: the distance of here over everywhere - power discovery - Tena M. - 09-09-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Hearing her name called in a panicky situation never felt relaxing.  The petite sand cat practically tripped over her paws towards the scene, having first heard Sanzu's scream then Straw calling for her help.  Luckily, Lavi seemed on the task, with the proper experience too.  Her hammering heart settled as she watched the Jedi showcase his own ability then tried to talk to the dragon through it.

She'd nudge him in thanks but she wasn't keen on the idea of going right through someone.  Instead she gave him a quick smile, before focusing her bright blue hues on Sanzu.  "You look back on track now, yeah.  You're okay, kid."

"Lavi used to be a ghost," she murmured to the young dragon softly, winking conspiratorially.  It was a fact she doubted many knew, and she sort of hoped he didn't feel offended by her mentioning it, but in her experience kids loved being part of the know, especially if it wasn't common knowledge.  "I'm glad he could help you figure it out."

"If you ever feel stuck, you got all of us to help you."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free