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OTHER FRIENDS ☆ yoga - Printable Version

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OTHER FRIENDS ☆ yoga - wormwood. - 09-04-2019

With every stressful thing that had gone on recently, Wormwood had been feeling rather... unstable. Not unstable like before, where he had been wound up so tightly he was on the edge of crying every day, but wound up in the way where his jaw was constantly clenched, his muscles never relaxed, and he felt like lashing out whenever anybody so much approached him and he wasn't expecting it. It definitely wasn't healthy mentally or physically, so he knew that he had to do something. At first he had been at a loss for what could possibly help. After all, it wasn't as if he could magic away every little thing that was freaking him out or occupying his mind these days, especially with the oddly violent intrusive thoughts that were beginning to plague him at random times. He didn't know why such things were happening, but he had no way to just magic those away either, and his brain felt so damn plugged up that it was driving him absolutely crazy. Worries for Sam and Beck, worries for Red, Selby, Crow, Beck... the list went on and on, and even as he just thought about it he felt himself tensing up.

Shaking his head firmly, the rot colored hellhound had gone scouring through his bookshelf before he found something that could've helped: a beginner's guide to yoga and poses. Obviously the guide was designed for human beings, given the pictures that lurked inside, but he figured that he could still figure out a way to translate them to his unusual form. Clenching the book carefully in his powerful jaws, he had moved outside to the corner of their little town, where sunlight was streaming down through the trees at the edge of the swamp that usually blocked out the sky entirely. Positioning the book beneath the sunlight, he carefully took one of his claws and flipped the book open, using a delicate butterfly touch to begin flipping through the pages to look for a pose that looked like it would stretch his muscles out properly. Being in his current state of stress and faint soreness, he didn't even think of the fact that his muscles in his current form were much different from the muscles of his large and flexible muscular lion form. Because that, he chose one of the more complex and twisted poses, leaving the book open to it and moving back to begin trying to replicate the form. Stretching one of his legs up and over his head, he tried to twist his mangled form into the supposedly relaxing pose, but almost immediately there was a sharp shock of pain, and he let out a startled yip as he yanked himself back into his nature pose. He once again glared down at his new canid form and took a deep breath in through his nose before turning back to his book, glancing through it and looking for something that wasn't nearly as complex or painful.

Eventually he found a pose called "downward facing dog", and he figured that was a good place to start. After all, now he was technically a dog, and this seemed as though it was just duplicating a pose that was common for him to do when he was waking up nowadays and stretching himself out. Putting his tail down – he did have some modesty, after all – he moved back away from the book and raised his rump into the air, putting his head down and stretching his spine out upward. Eventually there was a pop that sounded vaguely concerning, but actually made an excellent feeling of relief spread along the muscles that made up his back. Letting out a pleased sigh, he mumbled softly as he held the pose, his eyes falling shut, "Jesus Christ, that feels so much better...." He didn't mean to attract any attention to himself, given how he'd gone to a little corner of the camp to do this, but he was still pretty obvious in the odd position that was attention grabbing, and was pretty funny compared to the stress and grimness that had been passing over Tanglewood so much recently.
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Re: OTHER FRIENDS ☆ yoga - wormwood. - 09-06-2019

Wormwood doesn't mean for the rather unimpressive canine yip to leave his throat when V's voice echoed through the relative silence that had inhabited the air around him before. He supposed he shouldn't be too surprise that somebody approached him, considering it wasn't like he was out in some hidden part of the Tangle territory, just a little at the edge of the town they called home. Still, he hadn't even heard the female's footsteps approaching him, and he honestly immediately wanted to blame his new form. He was still adjusting to the change in the way his senses operated, and while his large batlike ears did wonders for hearing things farther away, he found that his nose did better than his ears when things were up close and personal. He supposed that with his nose straight down into the dirt as he stretched, he couldn't blame himself too much for not smelling V's approaching form before she was smiling and laughing a bit at his odd position. He wasn't angry at her for laughing a bit at what he was doing, but he still felt a faint heat of embarrassment beneath his newly shaggy fur as he slowly lifted himself back up, not wanting to hurt himself by yanking his spine back up too quickly.

Turning to face V, the hellhound smiled sheepishly, his mouth that was seemingly constantly pulled up into a constant sneer or snarl looking actually sort of warm with a tiny grin occupying it instead. Gesturing at the yoga book sitting on the ground nearby, the male explained softly as his tail wagged from side to side behind him, betraying the comfortable feeling he experienced when V was around him, "Ah, hello V. I guess what I was doing must look pretty odd when you don't know what it is. I was doing yoga, like the stuff in this book here, see?" He shifted the book over a little closer so that she could see it, unaware of her sight issues but still wanting to be considerate as he sat back on his haunches, flipping absentmindedly through the pages to give her a few examples of what exactly he had been trying to achieve. He did have to admit that the anxiety he had been feeling near constantly was a bit abated by the exercise, but it certainly hadn't completely disappeared. He doubted it would anytime soon, or even ever if he was being especially pessimistic that day.

Once he had flipped through a few of the different poses with V nearby, he explained in his new rough and dry voice, his words being pushed forth by twisted and rotted hellhound lungs, "It's basically a sort of exercise that's supposed to help you relax and stretch out your muscles to male them feel better. It can even help you with your fitness as well. I don't think it'll spontaneously make it so I'm not wo worried about everyone, but... I thought it could help a little, you know?" He gave her another soft and tired smile, trying to communicate that he was alright even though he had made it sound like was struggling beneath the weight of the anxiety he had been feeling lately. After a moment, his eyes seemed to light up with excitement at a potential idea, and Wormwood suggested softly as he chuckled, "If you would like to, you could try doing a couple of poses alongside me. Like I said, it can be pretty beneficial to your health, and it's just sort of a different kind of training... only if you'd like, since you seem curious."
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