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MY DEAR MY DEAR - Printable Version

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MY DEAR MY DEAR - number nine. - 09-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Over the couple of years that she had occupied her current chocolate colored feline form, she had become used to the fact that this new body was actually in fact, male. At least biologically. Still, despite the fact that she was used to it, she still sometimes forgot about it. She couldn't hear the sound of her own unusually deep voice, and she sometimes didn't realize how much bigger she was compared to some other felines, as well as her older small white feline form. She had just become so used to it that everything melded to the way that it used to be in her head, but sometimes she was reminded starkly of just how male she came across now. Today she had been carrying in several different pieces of prey she had gone and caught, and when she had dropped them off in her own little stockpile, an NPC had approached her and said "thank you for your hunting, sir", before walking away. She had been so caught off guard that she hadn't had a chance to correct him before he was already gone, and she was just left opening and closing her mouth.

However, that wasn't the only incident that happened that day. She had been in the nursery type part of their mountain home, and she had been taking care of and occupying some of the children while their parents got a break. She had been laughing jovially, batting moss balls back and forth and teaching them rudimentary fighting moves, when one of the mothers came over and commented how nice it was for him to help out, especially since most guys wouldn't have bothered spending their time with a bunch of the children. Nine had sputtered a bit, but ultimately hadn't ended up correcting the female, instead just turning back to her task and ignoring the bit of embarrassed heat that burned beneath her thick fur. She wasn't sure why it always caught her so off guard every time it happened, but it always managed to be so out of the blue to her, despite the fact that her body led to it quite a lot.

Finally, a last mistake was made when she had been out sunbathing, napping happily and just listening to the last chirps of summer as she did so. Eventually an NPC came over, asking if "he could come and help move something, just for a moment", before she could return to her napping place. Yet again she hadn't corrected the assumption, just getting up to her paws and moving over to help move a piece of furniture in their little home. In the back of her mind she considered correcting the NPC several times, but ultimately decided against it, just sheepishly finishing the task before returning to her resting place to relax.

Now it was several hours later, and she was laying out on one of the little stone outcroppings of the mountain near the main camp area, watching as the sun set on the horizon. She felt like she was stuck in her own head as she laid there, unable to truly appreciate the beautiful colors that filled the sky because of the fact that she was questioning many things. Why was it that she never felt the need to correct people when they thought she was male? Initially she had just thought that it was because she was too polite to make them feel bad, but that honestly wasn't true. There were plenty of times where she was very straightforward either someone, and just told them they were wrong. And sure, she was polite, but that didn't mean she was frozen at the thought of being slightly rude unintentionally. Then she thought that perhaps it was just because it was a bit too much of a hassle to tell everyone she came across she was female, but that didn't really track either. Word traveled fast enough around Elysium that soon enough everyone would get the message, so it would probably actually be beneficial for her to tell someone they were wrong. And yet still, she found that she didn't have a burning desire to tell anybody.

Feeling an odd sort of crawling uncomfortable wave pass through her fluffy body, she rested her head against the stone beneath her and sighed heavily, wondering what was wrong with her. She felt comfortable in pretty much every other aspect of her life right now, so why was this different? An unhappy little noise left her muzzle, her eyes falling shut briefly as her tail lashed behind her, betraying her true troubled mood despite her calm body language saying otherwise.

Re: MY DEAR MY DEAR - fulzanin - 09-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]If there was an abrupt drop, one could be assured Sanzu had investigated it. The little dragon's talons often scrabbled at chairs, cliffs, and buildings in an attempt to find suitable perches to leap from. Her young mind said if she found a certain height and jumped, and threw her wings open, she would be flying. It was her deepest desire. Other than baking cookies. The sweet treats and hanging with her newfound family often covered her desire for flight. It was always there, of course. Just buried under whatever was currently happening.

Currently was another one of those strange trots around, looking for some outcropping to leap off of. It was of course a bee-line when Sanzu noticed Nine at one of those aforementioned abrupt drops. Her talons scrabbled against the ground, her pace swift to bring her over to the feline. Yes, she wound up tripping over her own claws in her hurry, but it was fine. The little dragon eventually bumbled on over. Her ears pricked and raised as she heard the other sigh, and after a moment of consideration passed, Sanzu squirmed her way over closer and tried mimicking the other's position of the head rested against the ground. There was a noise of unhappiness as well, bringing a small frown to the dragon's face.

"You 'kay?" Sanzu asked, one of her ears raising and the other one lowering to convey her internal confusion. To such a young mind, the troubles of adults was far and distant. They truly didn't matter, as Sanzu truly didn't know they existed. The truth, it was a straightforward thing in her mind. It never came to mind about the troubles of other's, as usually she was too enthralled in her searches and interactions to fully grasp those struggles. "You lookah..tyired." She noted after her red eyes remained staring and trying to read the other's expression.

Her own lanky tail tried to mimic the lash of the other's- Sanzu always could be seen mimicking the movements of her clanmates. Nine she looked up to a lot, having seen her around more than some of her other clanmates. It was a lot more comfortable for Sanzu to assume that if Nine did something such as move a limb, then it was safe for her to follow in suit. "Whuzzit?" That was her usual question word: no matter if it was 'who' or the 'what' that it sounded the most like. Her head remained resting against the stone, and she tried to twist her head to look more at Nine. She wound up sprawling on her side, but her red eyes still glinted with the faintest hint of childish concern.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: MY DEAR MY DEAR - COSMIIX - 09-05-2019

[glow=white,1,400]BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IT WON'T BE ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU !。+゚.[/glow]
"What's eating at ya, kiddo?"

The Alaskan Malamute would walk over having heard the unhappy little noise that Nine had made, he would sit down in front of them a few feet away so he could give them a bit of space if need be. He took a deep breath in before releasing a sigh, he just hoped that he could try to help in a way since he wasn't much of a help to his own kids back when he had the chance. Leadership had gotten in the way and the thought made his heart ache within the chasm that was his chest, he would flick his ears back pressing them against his head. He had done everything wrong back then and he could only hope he would do better nowadays especially since he couldn't really turn back time, he always relived those moments of his life though within his dreams which sometimes was and wasn't something he was usually fond of. Then there was nightmares that dragged him down and held him there to relive something that had never happened but he'd wake up every time in a cold sweat and breathing heavily only to watch everything spin in front of him. He almost refused to go to sleep sometimes encouraging his insomnia but even then there was moments where he'd pass out from exhaustion. He couldn't help but offer a smile at Sanzu as they came over to join them. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: MY DEAR MY DEAR - number nine. - 09-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Making a soft noise as Sanzu and Stark approached, Nine looked down for a moment before raising her head to face the two. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she could really confide in her fellow clanmates. Eventually she just sighed and spoke, deciding if she couldn't confide in her fellow Elysites, who could she confide in, really, "Ah, it's just... do I come off as too masculine ta you guys? Three different people taday have called me sir... and I didn't even have'a problem with it." She was pretty sure Sanzu wouldn't understand, considering the fact that the child didn't even really seem that concerned with her own gender or species or anything like that, but perhaps Stark could be of some help. She couldn't say she had known Stark very long yet, but he was still an adult, and could probably help her out, with what she was struggling with. She had never truly contemplated her gender before, but with this new body, and particularly with Lewis back... Lewis. She hadn't even thought about the male. Did he even like her in this new body? Oh jesus, she hadn't even questioned it. Hiding her head underneath her paws, she groaned loudly.