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This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Printable Version

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This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Blazic - 05-01-2018

A bird - Not a very large bird, mind you, but maybe somewhere in between the size of a crow and a raven, swooped down low.
Alright, what was this? White stuff. Snow, they called it. She thought. The bird stood out greatly, her feathers black though iridescent, shining blue where the sun reflected onto them. Her back, however, was nearly completely white, ranging from the back of her head down all the way across her tailfeathers, shoulders speckled with gray. No, this wasn't right at all. Where was she? The winds were too strong. Much too strong. Her pinkish red eyes glared at the white expanse below her. No no no, this would not do at all. Not right. Wrong. All wrong. It was too cold, and it was hard to fly. Maybe because it was cold, to be fair, but the winds were too strong as well.

At that thought, another wind gust hit her which she was not expecting. Stupid mistake. The magpie caught the wind again barely feet above the ground - It seemed like she was in a valley? Oh. Valleys were even worse for wind. But! A tree. Okay, she could do this. Just find a place to rest, and get out when you had your strength back. Right?
With a few quick flaps of her wings, she slowed her momentum and caught a low branch, shaking it and sending a small lump of snow to the ground.

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

The kitten with his warm sweater wandered around and sniffed at the snow before pawing at it. The snow was weird.. It was pretty, but it hurt his little paws. Though that was the least of his worries now, as he heard something hit the ground. He turned and noticed the snow hit the ground. He looked up and stared at the tree, amber eyes wide. "H-Hello?" He asked, fur bristling.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Blazic - 05-01-2018

Yes, yes. Not right. Too cold. This is all wrong.
The female magpie rustled her feathers, trying to keep warm. No bugs, no plants that she could see. She had to get out soon. Okay! Okay. So, to do that -
The sound of a small kitten made her jump slightly in place, as she turned her head and looked down at the kit. Fluffed up, wearing a sweater. Lucky him.
"Little one. Hello. Where are your parents? What is this place?" She spoke in short sentences, not elaborating much, though her grammar was alright. Her voice, however, was a slow, methodical warble, almost metallic sounding. She flapped her wings in place once more, simply to draw attention to herself, before gliding down and landing on the snow, about on eye level with Harrison. With her light weight, she could stand on top of it without sinking in, but that didn't change the fact that it was very cold on her feet.

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - →AUGUST← - 05-01-2018

August had been doing a lot of wandering around recently. He hadn't made too many friends yet, and he wasn't sure what to do to take up his spare time, so he just walked. And walked. Then, once the sun would start to set, he would head back. Unless there was something planned to happen.

Seeing the bird and the child talking wasn't too much of a surprise to the deer. He wondered momentarily why the kit wasn't being watched by someone, but decided he counted as a 'babysitter' since he was already trotting over to speak to them. The bird brought up memories from before he'd died; memories of a similar bird flying in circles around his head, using his antlers as a resting spot. August wondered if that bird was still alive. He hadn't seen them in a while. Who knew what happened to them while August was dead.

As he approached, he lowered his head as far as he could without bending his knees or leaning down. He stared at them both, blinked a few times. "This is nothing bad, right? I do not want to deal with something bad right now."


Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-01-2018

There were always different animals that existed in the clans, and birds were one of them. Although they weren't as numerous as some of the predators that did live in the clans, there were some of them scattered about here and there. The young male had seen plenty of different species that lived in the clans, whether they be mythical or mutated it did little to phase someone like him. Although he did have to say that Silent was someone that he probably didn't want to fight all that much considering how massive he was and that the other just creeped him out. Not enough for him to become afraid of course, but the assassin wasn't going to take his chances like that. Killua only knew of one avian that was living in Snowbound at the moment, and he didn't exactly get along with her for whatever reason. Cry seemed to have some sort of vendetta against him despite him not doing anything for her. Not like it mattered toward Killua because he never really paid attention to how other's spoke about him behind his back. He knew no matter which group he decided to reside in, that he was going to be met with unhappy faces while he was there. Well, they were just going to have to live with it until he finally found his goal in life. Killua usually didn't think of most birds as joiners, being a serval meant that his primary diet was rodents and birds a majority of the time. If he was eating that is. The young male had no reason to really hunt unless he decided to in the spur of the moment. He also did have to feed food to his snake companion that he occasionally had with him, but he had recently fed Koru so there was no need for him to do that either. The albino serval was one of the species that lived inside of Snowbound, an interesting animal considering that his species enjoyed warmer climates and just being away from the cold in general. To Killua, being in cold climates was almost perfect to him, and the assassin wouldn't want anything better. He had grown accustomed to the cold thanks to his fur growing out and almost ending in fluffy curls. He took great care of his fur to make sure it was pristine. Despite having no care in the world of spilling organs, he didn't like to have his pelt dirtied all that much. Either way, if Killua had been the first to notice the magpie, the Snowstrike probably would have ignored her until she decided to speak. Birds weren't usually all that much of a threat to a skilled fighter that wasn't afraid of a bird. While he was patrolling though, he caught a slightly familiar scent, and instantly his fur was on edge. The hell was that kid doing all the way out here? Killua wasn't sure what to think of Harrison when Jacob found him on the border and took him in as practically his own. There was a corpse near the border, and Killua didn't have the specifics on who died and how it was related to Harrison. He wasn't going to ask just yet though, as he had to figure out what the kid was doing so far away from camp. A scowl spread across the albino's facial features as he didn't want to necessarily be a babysitter. He barely even got along with those that were his age anyway. His air elemental's worked perfectly either way, where it made it to where he didn't give off a scent and where his movements were almost completely muffled so it was practically impossible to hear him coming. As he was trotting toward the direction where Harrison was, he started to hear voices, his large white ears perked up as he wondered who the kid was talking to. Not one of them obviously. However, while he was making his way over, the scent of decay filled his nose. August. At least what's what he believed the male's name to be when he had first talked to him. He thought that the deer would have at least wanted to get some rest before doing anything else. Oh well. Killua stopped as he approached the scene, looking at the small black kitten who was having a conversation with the bird, then giving a small nod toward August to acknowledge the other's presence. The assassin stopped himself directly behind Harrison as he looked up at the avian female. Obviously, she was cold considering how fluffed up her feathers were. "Yo. His parent is... here." Killua told her calmly, although he wasn't sure he felt okay with lying to the young male about what had happened to one of his parents. "But you, shouldn't be so far away from camp. Jacob's gonna be upset you know." Killua scolded, his sapphire blue eyes narrowing, but there was no bite behind his words. It wasn't his job to really scold the kid, just to keep him out of trouble he guessed. His attention turned back toward the bird though, tilting his head slightly. "This is Snowbound. Who are you?" Killua got straight to the point as always. If the other wanted to get back to camp with them to get warm it was better to skip the formalities.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Blazic - 05-01-2018

The bird let off a small chitter. Tiny cat. Mewling. Scared. Easy pickings.
But mammals weren't really her first option. But, if there was nothing else, and she needed to...
Her train of thought stopped as she saw a deer. Smelt like decay. Still walked. Infection? It was still cold. Don't infections stop in the cold? Maybe they didn't. She didn't learn much about the cold places. How did she get here, anyway? Must have been really off course during the night.

Herbivores tended to protect others. Other non-predators. That was just how it was. Maybe if she was quick? The bird kept on thinking for a moment, before she realized the deer had spoken.
"Nothing bad, as far as I know."
She flared her wings once, a passive gesture. Then, turning to hear another voice, she got quite a spook in the form of a cat. A predator. A cat that eats birds. She lifted into the air, landing on a small craig of rock. How did she not see it coming? Why did it not pounce? Her mind was racing, she shook her head before realizing that it had spoken as well. She needed to get better at that - Magpies tended not to listen to other animals if they didn't need to. Predators you run from, and the idle thoughts of herbivores didn't have much consequence to her.
"His parent should watch over him better, then. Not leave a kitten out while there are predators." She ruffled her feathers again, fight or flight response at the ready.
"What is snowbound? Is that... This area? I see. Snow is the white stuff, yes?" Her words, her warble, seemed to have somewhat of an accent - she sounded foreign, very foreign.
"Magpies tend not give their name to strangers. To predators, who would rather eat you than have a nice chat. You seem the exception. Why? It matters not. This shall be the exception as well, I suppose. I am Jewelia. But names are for exchanging. What are yours?" She cast a look out to everyone in the clearing from atop her rock.

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - →AUGUST← - 05-02-2018

August lifted his head and shook it out a little bit. "Good. Bad is annoying."

When Killua showed up, August watched as the bird moved to the rock. The bird was fast, jumpy. It confused him, but he remembered that birds tended to be jerky and quick like that. He'd just have to deal with it. He knew what it was like to be a prey item, and knew that for birds, it was probably much worse considering they didn't have bones growing out of their heads to use as weapons against predators.

August didn't bother nodding back to Killua but glanced in his direction, ears turning towards him to listen as he spoke. They turned back to the bird as she began speaking once more. He listened closely and then waited for a moment as was beginning to become his usual. "Hello, Jewelia. I am August. I want you to know that the predators here.." He paused, thought of the best way to word it. He couldn't think of a way to say it properly.

"They are not so bad. Good for protection, they are nice."


Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - cry - 05-02-2018

  Cry hissed under her breath from the tree branches she was residing in. So they were replacing her, were they? She was injured. Weak. Useless. Why keep that stupid flying rat around? She couldn't even fly! The silvery raven clicked her beak, staring down at this...Jewlia. What a fancy name. It disgusted her.

  Cry jumped down from the low branch she was stalking in. She hopped over, tilting her head at the sight of the magpie. Ugh. Magpies. They thought they were so big and strong and smart... Look at me I can recognize myself in a mirror! Anyone can bloody do that! They were just tiny wanna be ravens. Nothing else to it. The larger bird puffed up. You can leave if you're so uptight. She spoke simply. She did not want this prick here anyways. She just oozed charm and royalty. It was disgusting. She could almost hear her saying she didn't want to get her feathers dirty. She could almost see a crown above Jewel's head.

//Ignore cry, she assumes and just sorta hates everyone. Welcome to the clan. Can't wait for either the great friendship or bitter rivalry these two birds will have c:


Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - pallid-i - 05-02-2018

He fell silent as the others arrived, though when Killua spoke to him, his ears perked up and he shuffled his paws. "Sorry mister Killua..." Harrison apologized with a soft voice, embarrassment making him heat up. He then looked back at the bird and tried to wrap his paws around her in the hopes of bringing her close and giving her warmth. "I'm Harrison, Jewelia! My pa is Jacob and he's so cool and big!" After a brief pause and a quick look, the kit titled his head in curiosity. "What are you?"
i couldn't even keep you

Re: This is all wrong // Joining post! /// Open - Blazic - 05-02-2018

Too many animals. Not enough Magpies. Prey talking with predators, cats not killing future rivals.
This place was much too different for her liking. How did she get here? Talking again - more words.
"Bad is annoying indeed." She hoped that would be enough to placate the deer - they hadn't said much to respond to, in any case. Not her fault. Autumn. Okay. That's a name. And, saying predators... protect prey. Odd, very odd. She shifted her wings idly.

Oh, a corvid. A taste of home, perhaps? She swiveled her head at the black bird. Not a magpie. Sad. But, unlike the drivel of mammals, an avian, a fellow corvid especially, was good to listen to in almost all cases. Words of warning, or... That. It seemed the corvids here were different as well.
"Uptight? How do you mean, Raven? And I'm going to leave when I can, I would have been anyways. Far too cold." What did they have to say in her uptightness? No, she meant, she wasn't uptight. Nope. Not at all. Any good bird would spend an ample amount of time cleaning her feathers. This was a bird she would not like. Probably. But... She had to play nice. A murder of crows is not something any sane bird would mess with - odd there was only one here, though.

And then the small kitten - the first creature to make themselves known to her, did something odd. He hugged the magpie, pushing his warm body against hers. She couldn't help but give a small warbling laugh. Baby mammals could be adorable sometimes. It did help, though, sharing heat. Made her less cold. As expected.
"Harrison, yes? and Jacob. Good to know. I am a magpie. Oh. I think there's another type, actually. I'm the bigger one. Australian, I believe we are called?" And with everyone around, there was bound to be some source of food.
Other than kittens.