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LOVELESS YEAR && intro - Printable Version

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LOVELESS YEAR && intro - larkspurkit ! - 09-02-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
wondering on his own was nothing new to the tom, but at least back in the alleys they were simpler to understand. it all looked the same and eventually he always made his way back home somehow. here things were larger. broader. smells were different in every direction. eventually larkspur got lost somewhere in the flower fields. his head lifted high up to try and see above the tall stems of wilting or yellowed, dead flowers. already long gone, lark had the misfortune of seeing them in their full bloom; not that he would have admired it anyhow.

his kitten brain was hyper focused on wandering however far his paws would carry him. eventually he came across what seemed to be like an abandoned picnic. the blanket was dusty and the basket half-open. lark didn't take notice to the ants, gnats, and flies that hovered over the wicker and continued his way toward it. he poked his head inside, grey eyes going wide as he saw a roach right on top of a moldy peach.

"LARK!" he squealed, diving in and crushing the roach underneath his tiny paws, grasping it between his claws and pulling it out of the basket. he landed on his back and shoved whatever he could into his mouth, half of the roach sticking out of his mouth as he crunched on it in content. with the other half discarded, lark was now engrossed in the pale blue hues of the sky, purring loudly as he watched the clouds lazily roll by.


Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - Tanga - 09-02-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

A massive brute would watch with amusement. A smile spreading across his maw as he watched the kid slap down the bug. But it quickly faded with disgust when the brat consumed it.

He would get up from his sitting position, a little slowly. Walking up to the tiny orange thing. Hey! Almost as big as the Magma. The man would let out a chuckled at his own joke. A deep rolling sound.

"You, little child,"he said as he got closer, "Remind me exactly why the only thing I like about kids is making them."

Quite funny! Where was his audience? A booming haha would explode out his chest. Eventually he was stop, no doubt a tear shed for his creativeness. Kanga's eyes would look at the contents in the basket when his nose scented something foul. His rather "handsome" face would crinkle up in disgust.

"Now don't you eat that. I mean go ahead. But it'll give you the shits little boy."

He was a little afraid to touch it. His paws were bigger than the kitten. Plus Kanga was not known for his "delicate" touch. If anything he was known for the exact opposite.

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - number nine. - 09-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Number Nine had been out on a walk through the territory, enjoying the rapidly cooling sun on her thick fur, and the feeling of the little patches of grass that caught between her claws as she walked along. When she smelled the scent of one of the newer members – Larkspurkit – she smiled. He was very tiny and cute, and it had been adorable when he had first joined with Stark and the kit had thrown himself at her only to end up unsuccessful. She had always enjoyed teaching kids everything that she knew, since she liked teaching fighting and hunting and everything kits were always so enthusiastic about since it was all so new to them. When she saw the child, she smiled and began to approach, watching the younger male from a distance. She laughed softly when she saw Larkspur throw himself forward to crush a bug beneath his paws, and she was about congratulate him on his little "catch", when all of a sudden he had scooped it up into his mouth.

Yelping softly, the larger of the two felines jogged over quickly, and was just in time to hear what Kanga was saying to the child. The female winced at the harsh words and crass jokes that the tiger was saying and making in the presence of such a small child, but tried her best to ignore him, just shaking her head and shooting him a disapproving look. She then turned her attention to Larkspur, shaking her head and saying softly as she pointed out the bug that was still dangling from his mouth, "Even if he shouldn't have said it like that, this man is right, Larkspur. You shouldn't eat something like that. We've got plenty of good prey that you can eat, and if there's nothing that you want in our supply already, I could always catch you something. Or Stark, I suppose."

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - fulzanin - 09-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Had Sanzu ever considered eating bugs before? Not really. The little dragon loved watching bugs flutter about, and would indeed chase them from time to time. Her favorite to chase would have to be grasshoppers. She would fling herself forward to follow their giant leaps, squealing and shouting as she tried to grab them in her talons. Not that she had ever been successful, but such didn't matter to her in the slightest.

It had been the shout that sounded at the pounce that had caused for Sanzu to come over. She had only arrived to see the bug eaten, and had been too marveled by the sight to notice the interactions and noises. Bugs, those could be eaten? She hadn't known such a thing was even possible. "We's hun'in' bugs? C'n I help?!" Her tone was light with excitement. A flap of her wings aided her bound as she came closer to the other youth. Ears were raised and a delighted grin graced the scaly face of the dragon, even if her attention was already on searching the grass for other bugs. "I'mmsa help Lar'spurkyit hun' bugsies!" Sanzu gave a delighted chatter, shifting her weight rapidly from side to side.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - Pele N. F. I. - 09-03-2019


Pele loved children, it was a trait that carried over no matter how many times she was killed(though she didn't know this). Small, innocent lives, an endless sense of wonder. She had been like that once, long ago. Now she strove to protect these lives where hers hadn't. It was her purpose, she felt.

"We're trying to get him not to eat bugs San, why don't we see if he likes cookies?" The demoness came over, giving the dragon a small, friendly bump to her shoulder with her head. At least for now it would stop him eating bugs, she could talk to his guardian about a proper diet later on. Stark sometimes didn't seem all there when it came to health himself. Perhaps she could talk to Tena later about getting a real medic rank reinstated instead of just a title.

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - larkspurkit ! - 09-03-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
kanga's approach was only noticed when larkspur heard him, his voice filling his mouth with a nutty taste. his eyes narrowed while he rolled his tongue over the taste, trying to keep it before it inevitably disappeared the moment the tiger stopped speaking. he rolled over on his side and looked up, sticking his tongue out. "lark spur!" he huffed out, jumping to his paws to size up the much, much larger male.

"spurkit! spurrr kit!" he stamped his paws the way a bull would before a charge, his rump wiggling back and forth before running head-on toward kanga and aiming to head-butt into kanga's ankle. if successful, larkspurkit would only gain a dull thudding to his forehead and slump over, his chest to the ground and his legs sprawled out beneath him.

the orange tabby lifted his head when nine came along. he wasn't quite understanding what they were telling him not to do. not to eat bugs? but bugs were food! food was yummy. bugs were yummy. "laaark." he whined, rolling over onto his back and pawing at nine's face.

sanzu and pele's arrival brought larkspurkit's attention to the mix of colors they set off. pele was a bright neon pink that flashed behind his eyes, and sanzu being an eually as blinding yellow that made him squint. "c... coooo." was all he could manage, flexing his tiny claws for the aforementioned cookies.


Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - fulzanin - 09-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu gave a small mumble when her shoulder was nudged. Her red eyes swiftly turned to look at Pele. A pout grew upon her scaly face, tongue sticking from her mouth. "I did' say we gonnya eat 'em!" The dragon whined. Her ears dropped, and her tongue retracted back into her mouth. The little dragon was curious as to how they tasted, yes, but she had never actually managed to catch one.

A small snort was given when she watched the other youth barrel into Kanga. It swiftly turned into a giggle, and her momentary pout was forgotten when the comment of cookies registered. That was her favorite activity in the whole world. Baking and cookies both were absolute favorites in the mind of the dragon. They turned her calm demeanor into a more hyper bouncing state, wings spreading from her sides. "Cookies?! Yes, yes, we should' make cookies, Larkspurkit!" Sanzu said. A swift fling of her talons sent her scrabbling off after the small feline, trying her best to not bump into Kanga as well. "You wan' make cookyes too?" The young dragon asked, ears raised to aid her expression of sheer delight.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - COSMIIX - 09-05-2019

[glow=white,1,400]BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IT WON'T BE ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU !。+゚.[/glow]
Stark was never too far from the kitten so he was able to catch what everyone was saying. So, the kid had ate a bug? Well, he supposed this was normal child behavior although his own kids never really did eat any insects themselves. He chuckled quietly as he approached with a tired smile on his maw "Lark, buddy, ya don't gotta eat bugs n'more. We got food at home," He'd say rather tiredly though his gaze shot over towards Kanga hearing the crud humour, his nose twitched feeling his muscles tense up just slightly "Careful what ya say 'round m'kid, Super sized Garfield." He noted that Nine, Pele, and Sanzu were there. Then they began talking about cookies, he was sure that Larkspurkit would be on board for cookies seeing that was more appealing than a cockroach or two. "Yeah, some cookies sound quite good." He mused sitting down as he offered a wag of his tail to both the children sitting down near Nine with both ears perked forward. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - Tanga - 09-06-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

More would show up. Even if he shouldn't have said it like what? It was the damn truth.

A green thing would come, young he would assume. But it also seemed to thing that eating bugs was a great idea as well! Well fucking goody. Kanga rolled his eyes and exhaled. A lot happened in a moment. More showed up, spoke of cookies.

Then Kanga saw the kitten charging him. Instinctively his left paw raised to swat him away like some fly. But luckily he realized and stopped himself. Then the small thing crashed into his leg, barely causing it to move. However the kitten certainly did. Sprawled on his belly and all! The tiger almost felt bad, really. But a it was quite funny, he let out a deep chuckle.

"Haha! To be so young!", to be so small! It must suck, really. And even when fully grown the boy wouldn't ever near him. It gave the brute another dose of pride. He was a creature that took immense comfort and drew majority of his confidence from his size and strength. This was also the reason he often threw it around others, proving his was bigger and stronger and therefore better. IT only swelled his pride.

Then he realized Stark was addressing him, he took his time laughing before deciding he would bother replying"If the kid doesn't have the logic to not eat a bug what makes you think he would understand an ambiguous word in a little suggestive joke?". Besides Elysium needed him. In fact everyone would be glad to have him. Even the Pitt. Especially Tanglewood.

He had been around these lands to understand the turmoil and just how much higher the violence had caused his worth to rise. No one would want a tiger of his stature against them. Especially one with power and prowess like himself. Kanga just knew the Pitt would be more than happy to have a very able bodied like him.

And guess what? Knowing that everyone would accept him swelled his ego bigger than ever.

"Besides you guys aren't doing the best job watching the mite. Nor training him, but I suppose he is a baby."

Kanga didn't understand kids. Nor did he like them a whole lot.

Re: LOVELESS YEAR && intro - larkspurkit ! - 09-08-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
it was only when stark arrived did the small kitten leap to his paws. his headache suddenly disappeared and sluggishness vanished, he practically jumped for the husky the second they made eye contact. "LARK! LARK! LARK!" he squealed, ignoring the light chiding he received. had he the opportunity to do it again, lark would lunge for another roach in a heartbeat. the crunch was just extra satisfying to feel.

the unruly child reached up for his caretaker while standing on his hind legs. "laaah. lark." his pink nose then buried itself into the fluff of his chest while he kneaded the dog, a loud purr rumbling through his small body.
