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glitch [★] CONTROL - Printable Version

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glitch [★] CONTROL - suvi. - 09-01-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
Perhaps others began noticing.  After enough time back, surely someone's caught on but the petite vixen refused to admit to an issue.  'You don't look so well.' 'Are you okay?'  'You should rest.'  Rest.  She could not rest.  Her unmatched hues grew dimmer, rimmed red more often than not.  Her alabaster and white fur seemed to cling to a shrinking form.  The Pitt hardly fed her for the moons she'd been imprisoned, malnourishment and dehydration soon taking their toll, yet surrounded by allies, she should be getting better.

She was not getting better.  Not better enough at least.  W̢͡͠h͘͠͏y҉͟ ̨͞͏b̷̀͞ơ͢͢t͝͞h̡̛́͏e̶͢r̵̷͢͡?̶͏ T̷h̵͡͡e̴͠y̸̶͠ don̷̸'́t́ c̢͘ą̕r̶̴͡e̸.̶  Alone.  The petite vixen feels almost certain she spent most of her life alone, despite the contradicting memories of her duel souls.  She hardly desired that state of living but she had never found it intentionally.  Simply, she'd found herself alone so often.  She hardly meant to shut herself out when she did find herself surrounded but trust never came so easy to Kiira ( too easy for Suvi ).

As she lingered by the library, the youth glanced down at phasing paws, ears flattened.  '... I sh-shouldn't exist.' 'Don't say that.'  A deep breath later, they returned, digging into the dirt.  She felt dizzier every time, her failing strength struggling to bring her back.  The fear of fading away entirely keeps her stubbornly grounded, fiercely commanding her body back whenever it disappeared.

Only, she lacked such a command against displacing glitches.  When her entire body disappeared then, it was not from fading corporality.  Instead, she reappeared somewhere else nearby, quite unintentionally and oft unhappily.  Her paws may have returned but a blink later, Kiira realized, discombobulated, she was higher up than before.

The petite fox collapsed on a luckily sturdy tree branch, trembling in exhaustion and surprise.  She'd try to get down but she barely possessed the strength to move her paws around.  Her tired eyes failed first, consciousness slipping away like falling sand.

Perhaps not the intended way everyone meant when they told her she should rest.

Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - wormwood. - 09-01-2019

Wormwood did not know Kiira – or Suvi, he honestly still wasn't sure at this point – well, but that didn't mean he didn't care for her. He cared for every member of Tanglewood that wasn't trying to actively murder him, and Kiira seemed as though she was a skilled medic in the group, and just generally seemed to be a very kind child. However, he hadn't seen her around too much lately. Granted, Worm wasn't everywhere at all times, but he tried to be around as much as possible and check in on others frequently, and he had noticed that Kiira seemed to be hiding herself away. He had been quite concerned with himself as of late, as he was still adjusting to his new hellhound form and trying to figure out why he was trapped in this new and odd form. Still, even in his worry about himself, he had also noticed that the girl seemed to benfading away, and not just because of her odd fading habit and glitching, but also because she seemed to be losing mass. She wasn't taking food from their prey stocks nearly as often as anyone else, but he had figured he was just missing things.

That was, until, he saw Kiira about to fall on her face out of a nearby tree. He had just been passing by slowly, until he heard a loud creak and the sagging of a nearby tree branch. Looking up, the cold death blue male's eyes widened when he saw Kiira about to fall asleep. He let out a soft surprised yip before moving directly beneath the medic, barking softly as he tried to maneuver himself so that Kiira wouldn't fall directly down and break her bones, "K-Kiira! Miss Kiira, you can't fall asleep up there. You're gonna fall down, and hurt yourself! Please wake up, I'll catch you..." He leaned his head forward carefully so that if Kiira did fall down, she wouldn't be pierced on any of his sharp new bone horns. He missed his wings at that moment, since they would've been nice and pillowy for the female to land on, but instead now all he had was the fluff lining his spine, and while that was suitable, it certainly wasn't as wide as his wings. He also would kill for air elementals, since he could keep Kiira up much easier.
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Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - fulzanin - 09-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza couldn't say that she knew most of the people of Tanglewood. If they did not show up for her parties, the mutated feline did not interact with them. Of course, there was also people such as Wormwood, who came to see what her loud activities were. Truthfully Feza saw it as ironic, that the hellhound that frightened every tuft of fur on her body was the one that she interacted with the most. She felt like it was getting better though. If she wasn't noisy, she didn't invoke the other's shouts. It was hard for her. The noise was the one thing that soothed her: silence was such a sickening thing. Feza knew that was why she gravitated to the noise. In this instance, the noise of calling to a sleeping feline up in a tree. The snow leopard didn't particularly know what to think of the sight, and found herself trotting over. It was confusion that was spread across her face. Wasn't it a normality for cats to climb trees? She was certain that she had heard such a thing from an NPC, but Feza hadn't truly been listening to the conversation. She was all too enthralled in her own antics to care. Yet upon hearing the concern of Wormwood's tone, it was curiosity that overrode her fear, and her slow pace turned into leaping bounds.

"Is she..not supposed to be up in the tree?" Feza questioned when she came close. Her head tipped back to look at the other up in the branches of the tree, and her blue eyes squinted. Was she..fading in and out? What an oddity. Something Feza had certainly never seen before. It arose more curiosity, and a concern. Apparently she was not supposed to be up in that tree. "If she's gonna fall, I can go up there and try to get her down." Yes, Feza was small: for a snow leopard. In comparison to domesticated felines, being three foot tall was still a sturdy size. Her wings spread a little, and her feet kneaded at the ground. Snow leopards didn't climb trees; they didn't fly either. Feza saw it as not important. For now, there was the issue of someone resting up in a tree. "You think I could carry her? She's..fading out a lot. I wouldn't want to drop her." Feza's tone was concerned, her long tail flicking behind her. Could she even carry someone down? What if the other slipped through her paws? It made her a little frightened- she wouldn't want to risk the wrath of yet another one of her clanmates upon her. She moved closer to the base of the tree, walking around it a few times, trying to figure out if it even was feasible for her to get the other down. Feza-ble. The snow leopard bit down on the laugh: even she knew it would have been deemed rude in such a predicament.

Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - torren - 09-04-2019

"Kiira?" The wildcat soon found himself beneath the tree alongside Wormwood and Feza.  His eyes, wide and concerned, locked onto the small fox.  'Is she... Not supposed to be up in the tree?' Certainly not, the prince decides instantaneously, his thick tail swaying nervously behind him.  He knew of no tree-climbing foxes.  Torren grit his teeth, tracing the length of the branch, attempting to measure the stability of his friend's unintentional perch.

If not for the way her body seemed to lose corporeality, he might try carrying her down himself.  He may need to shift into something larger to do so, but he felt the willingness, just as Feza did.  If she fell on her own, she may injure herself.  And she's not taking care of herself, is she?  Torren thought she seemed thinner than she should, especially after nearly a moon back in safety.

"Arctic foxes don't climb trees," he murmured softly, blinking at Feza before making his decision.  "Hold on, I'm going up there.  I don't think I can carry her, but she needs to wake up at least.  She got herself up there, she might be able to get herself down." Her body's adaptations failed to include trees, unfortunately, in this circumstance but if they could guide her through an attempt to glitch on purpose... Hopefully that's possible.  Quickly, the youth launched himself onto the tree's trunk, digging his claws in for stable purchase.

He climbed up until he reached an appropriate height, though he stayed firmly hooked to the trunk, worried their combined weight might cause her branch to crack.  "Kiira?" He repeated her name gently, hoping his voice might rouse her now he was practically beside her.  "Kiira, you need to wake up."

Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - wormwood. - 09-04-2019

Wormwood blinked and looked up as Feza and Torren approached, and he let out a relieved breath, his legs faintly shaking as he barked softly, "I wouldn't be so worried if I thought she had gone up there intentionally, but I'm pretty sure she just phased up there... thank you, Torren. I can't climb up and get her myself in this form." His new canine form was far from appropriate from climbing trees, and he didn't have his wings anymore to just fly up and grab her. He remained closely underneath the tree branch Kiira and now Torren were both in or around, carefully positioning himself so that if the worst did happen and somebody fell, he might actually have a chance to catch them. He pressed a paw against the surface of the bark, wondering if he could actually try climbing, but his new bone claws slipped down from the wood without a chance of digging in, and he sighed heavily, cursing internally. There was no way he could do it himself, so he had to count on Feza and Torren, and only provide backup in case something went horribly wrong.

Watching as Torren carefully moved up the tree, Worm's batlike ears pinned back in worry, his eyes shining anxiously as he gazed upward. Eventually he harked softly, glancing between Feza and Torren, "Careful, Torren! We don't want the both of you falling down..." He hadn't seen Torren around too much lately, but he still didn't want the young prince getting himself hurt at all, and he was already freaking out about Kiira, so the added worry of the other male moving up was driving him crazy, making him wish desperately that he could shift back to his usual winged lion form before.
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Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - suvi. - 09-04-2019

T͏H͘͢È̛͢ ͞T̨̛YP̛HO̸͠Ò͏͠N̵͞
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The voices don't quite reach her until they're close.  Regardless, sleep-deprived eyes fought her gradually stirring conscious.  A few minutes maybe... 'You can't fall asleep up there.' 'Kiira, you need to wake up.' Chattering birds.  She was fine... Wait, why are they worried about me falling?

An ear flicked, suddenly perking attentively.  Her eyes followed, finally, half-closed.  They find Torren quickly, narrowing in confusion.  When she spots Wormwood and Feza below her, the gears turn more rapidly.  Heights never bothered the petite vixen, but the sense of vertigo hit her like a brick.  She knew better than to get into trees.  Damn it.

Roughly, she took in a deep breath, teeth catching the inside of her cheek.  W͟h͝y d͡o̷ ̶t͡h҉e͢y c̕are?̶  ̡̨̀̕͟͞T̷̷͢h͡e̵͜y͞͡ ̸̕did҉̡̕n͡'̛̀t͏ ͞҉́bo͘͠t͡h͢͏͘er̵̡̨ ͏́t҉͠o͟ ḑ̕͟o̵̡ ̵s͝҉̨ǫ ̕͟b͢͞efo̴͘͝r̵͡e.͟͟.́͠͏.̛̀  "" How do I get down?

She feels more alert now, though her eyes seemed to burn.  When did she last sleep?  The time alludes her.  Not important.  Not right now.  Her tail fades as she glances up, then down, a pit growing in her stomach.  "I-I didn' m-mean to... G-get up here." Obvious.  "I-I don' know... How to get down."

Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - fulzanin - 09-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Okay, okay, I have a plan. If they fall, I'll grab Torren, and you can grab the other one." Did Feza know which one of them was which? Not really. Not that Feza truly cared. Her expression lightened a little when she noted the original stuck person was now awake, and to her seemed alert enough. A small flick of her tail accompanied her beginning to pace. It was a minute pace, mostly two steps one way and then a few steps the other. Her feathered wings unfurled from her sides. Feza had absolutely no experience in the realm of climbing trees. She only assumed that she could fly up there and grab at least one of them and carry them down. Yet she felt doubt. She'd never carried much more than boxes before- especially not another living, breathing person.

Her expression swiftly deflated again- hadn't their hopes been that the other would know how to get down? Torren couldn't carry the glitching feline down. "Do you, do you want me to come up there and try to carry you down?" Feza asked. A vague waggle of a wing followed suit, ears flattening down a little. "Torren, you can get yourself down if I get her down, right? Or do I need to do two trips? If that's what we're doing." Feza rambled, her blue eyes looking about and gauging the distance up the tree. She hadn't ever done such a serious mission before. Perhaps it would lessen the wrath of the cardboard boxes? The thought made her face scrunch up in thought, trying to debate the logistics of her strange religion if only for a moment. "'Cause, 'cause uh, you can't stay up there. You gotta get down some how." The snow leopard kept talking: of course she did. Feza was noisy, and constantly was speaking or muttering to herself. Thankfully, this time it was centered around the several ways present to try to get them both down from the tree. It was a time like this where Feza tried to bare down on her sporadic thoughts, and tried to focus them on the task at hand. "I can make two trips, I'm pretty sure."

Re: glitch [★] CONTROL - torren - 09-06-2019

C i n g u l o m a n i a . (n.)
Thank the stars.  Tension he barely noticed within his every muscle dissipated when Kiira opened her eyes.  Clearly exhaustion took the toll on the fox he noted, watching her fight her way to greater alertness.  His tail flicked, antsy as she took everything in, praying she didn't out-right panic due to the predicament she found herself waking up in.  When did she last sleep?

How do we get her down?  His original plan still appealed the most to him, even as Feza's voice drifted from below, causing him to pause.  "Oh no, I'll be quite fine, Feza.  No need to worry about me.  I wouldn't come up, if I couldn't come down." Well, not entirely true, he could almost hear his sister's voice -- Torren felt inclined to help those he deemed friends without second thought, often with the unfortunate circumstance of finding trouble for himself as well.  In the current case however, he doubted he warranted any concern.  "Lemme try something, okay?"

"Okay, Ki," he murmured softly, flashing his friend a warm smile.  Her uncertain voice seemed to make his heart squeeze -- he had to help her somehow.  "I, if you'll accept my humble opinion, believe you are capable of getting yourself down.  Safely." Of course, the prince worried with the idea she may simply be too tired to make any sort of controlled attempts, but he'd already began speaking.  "But you need to believe that too, okay?  Have you ever done this on purpose before?"

If she had, they had something to work with.  It's worth a try, at the very least.  "If you have, let's start there, okay?  How does it feel, or what conscious effort has to happen, so it works?  If you can lock on that, well, the distance isn't that far, yeah?  You just have to reach Feza and Wormwood."

Another concern butted into his mind, weary if she managed the trip she might collapse again.  Torren felt inclined to make every attempt to avoid such but he possessed no clue just how much teleportation took out of her.  Regardless, he swore silently he'd continue assisting her after she reached the ground.  Maybe she just needs a friend watching her back.

"I have complete faith in you, and I'm right here, and I'll be down there right after you, okay?"