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sedated // “100th” post - Printable Version

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sedated // “100th” post - selby roux ! - 08-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//it’s actually his 101st post please don’t come for me

Selby stumbled home in a stupor, unable to focus on anything except for Pastel’s suitcase. His only sibling, his only family except for Crow, was dead and gone. The thought was so bizarre that he almost laughed aloud. How could she be dead? It seemed so unlikely. Pastel had always been strong, always seemed capable. The medic hadn’t worried about her safety all that much during her travels. Accidents happen, but she was more than able to take care of herself. As he shut his door to his room and locked it shut behind him, he did laugh. The situation was so absurd. Arrow dead, Pastel dead, Leroy dying. Was death so inescapable? He laughed more hysterically, then suddenly got a grip on himself and stood silently for a long moment. He set her precious bag down carefully by the door, the quiet thunk horribly audible in the otherwise silent home. His eyes felt heavy, and his limbs seemed to drag as he carried himself to bed. Selby fell asleep the moment he was no longer upright.

He slept for two days.

When he awoke, his first thought was of his thirst. He pulled himself out of bed and was about to open the door when he saw it. The bag. If his mouth had been able to go drier, it would have. The feline swallowed hard, unable to look away from her trunk. She really was gone, huh? The gravity of it all seemed to weigh upon him all at once, and he sank to the floor. Selby sobbed quietly to himself, not wanting to disturb his father. He rocked himself slowly, his skinny body heaving with his near silent cries.

It was a long time before Selby was able to stop crying, even longer to stop rocking himself, and even longer after that to pick himself up from the ground. It was impossible to tell how long it had been, especially since he hadn’t been paying much attention to the sun streaming in through the window. If he had been forced to guess, the medic might have guessed noon, but it was at best an estimate. He glanced back at the valise that had started it all. Every time Pastel had returned, she had come with gifts. He doubted this time that it was different. He briefly considered breaking it open, but he knew that it was something he should wait to do with Crow. It would be a long time before his father would be ready to do something like that.

Selby unlocked the door and slipped quietly down the stairs, painfully aware of the little pit-pats that erupted from his paws as they made contact with each step. He drank some water, and though his stomach felt empty, the medic was aggressively unhungry. Casting a gaze around the main room, he found it devoid of any life except for the plants that Crow had hung up. Not knowing what to do with himself, he headed for the front door. Pausing at the threshold, he called out "I’m heading out. I’ll be back in a little while." He had know idea whether or not the words had registered with his father, and he didn’t stay to find out.

Selby wandered around aimlessly for a bit. He contemplated heading for the tree that she had been buried under, but his feet refused to carry him in that direction. He wasn’t ready to see her. Not yet. Instead, his paws took him to his old home, the grassy knoll under which he lived clearly visible from even a great distance away. The spore plant stood thriving in the remains of his ruined garden, and Selby scowled at it, not in the mood for its nasty memories.

Deciding to make the most of the trip, Selby moved to enter his home. He might as well pack up some of things now that he was here, right? Just as he reached the door, he felt something light flutter down to land on his head. Reaching up a paw to grab at it, he stabbed it with a claw and pulled it off his head to examine it. A pink, curly flower petal had landed on him. A rose petal.

The feline looked up at the overgrown bush that had taken over the garden box in Selby’s absence and felt irrationally angry. How dare that plant, which he had planted for his sister, thrive when she was dead? How could that be? He hissed at it, then reached up to grab at the nearest branch with his teeth, yanking it down in a quick jerking motion. The plant was thin there, and the section of bush came off easily under his ministrations. The thorns hurt a little, sure, but that was life.

The medic foolishly reached up again, selecting a thicker branch and yanking it more roughly than he had the previous. The thorns scratched at the corner of his mouth, but the pain was easy to ignore in the satisfaction of ripping down that wretched plant. In fact, he kept going, the metallic taste of his own blood driving him into a sort of frenzy. His methods grew less and less effective and the branches thicker and thicker, and soon Selby was also using his paws to attempt to destroy the bush. His failures made him angrier, which made him more frantic, which made him less effective, which caused him to fail, which caused him to become angrier. He lost himself in his fury, finding it easy to ignore the blood in his mouth, the deep scratches at the corners of his mouth, the smaller wounds on the top of his nose, and the deep gouges in his forelegs. He kept going, only pausing to spit out mouthfuls of blood.

Re: sedated // “100th” post - wormwood. - 08-31-2019

Wormwood had been quite concerned when he had first seen the reaction of Selby to his sister's death. Worm certainly couldn't blame him – he had mourned an innumerable number of days when Poetking had disappeared, and the other male hadn't even died, he had just abandoned Wormwood and everyone in Tanglewood. Still, it was incredibly unnerving to see the usual calm and kept together Selby reacting with such despair, not being even able to figure out what he should do next when he had come upon Pastel's body. Worm had admittedly reacted wrongly in the moment, blaming himself for the death of a girl he hadn't even known, when in reality it was the fault of that bastard Jervis, but he had regained his composure since then, and had even tried to help out when they had been figuring out where to bury Pastel. He had flown throughout the forest that surrounded Tanglewood's main swamp, searching all over for a suitable fruit tree that would fit the legacy the girl had. Eventually they had found one, and she had been buried carefully underneath it, and afterwards, Selby had vanished from everyone's views, save for maybe Crow.

In the two days since Selby had disappeared into his house to rest his distraught form, Worm had been subjected to his odd transformation into his current grotesque hellhound form, and he knew that not everybody knew it was him yet, so he was hesitant to approach many people without an explanation. However, it seemed as though approaching quickly was an urgent need, given what Selby was doing at the moment. The oddly colored canine had been passing by Selby's old home when he heard a commotion. The snapping of branches, and faint grunts and hisses of anger filled Worm's newly enlarged ears, and he frowned worriedly, moving over to where the medic was yanking urgently at the bush in his garden box as if it was what had killed his sister, rather than the bastard leader of The Pitt. Worm wouldn't have stopped him – after all, this could he a good catharsis for the male, as he clearly needed it – but he quickly saw the thorns and the blood, and immediately his frown deepened, worry driving him forward to where Selby was tearing both himself and the bush apart. Although at this point it seemed as if the bush was doing the most damage.

Leaning forward, the hellhound tried to carefully avoid the spiny branches near his face as he attempted to grab Selby by the scruff of his neck to pull him back and away from the plant, being especially careful with his newly sharpened teeth as not to hurt the younger male. He said gruffly as he tried to pull the male back and put him in front of the box rather than inside of it, hoping that he didn't sound too harsh with his newly raspy tone of voice, "Selby! Selby, knock it off, you're not doing anything now other than just hurting yourself. This isn't going to make anything better, you're just gonna end up another person to heal." He figured he would be straight and to the point, not wanting the smaller feline to lash out too horribly, although honestly he expected the worst. He was glad to see that Selby wasn't in a total state of lethargy right now, but this wasn't much better, since all it seemed to entail was ripping himself apart and sacrificing his own health over his grief, which Wormwood knew about very well. He was only just now beginning to recover from everything that had happened as of late, and he couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that Selby was in right now, but making himself bleed out wasn't going to bring Pastel back, no matter how hard he tried.
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Re: sedated // “100th” post - toboggan - 09-02-2019

Wormwood's desperate calls yet reverberated inside the hound's breaking mind. Bouncing around Leroy's skull as if it were a hollow vessel, the loudmouthed quotation bedeviled every waking moment of his.

"Leroy! Leroy, I need you to come with me to the junkyard as soon as possible. Crow and Selby... they're not okay. Someone is dead, somebody close to them, and Crow is completely zoned out, and I thought you could help, and just... please come, alright?"

The male's condition wasn't fitted for a trek to the scrapyard at the time. He'd risen at the then-lion's summons, only to collapse moments later. Fatigue corroded away at his mind, rendering Leroy into an eternally-tired heap of shag, limp muscle, and bone. An urge fought the exhaustion, however. An urge so great, it dispatched waves of energy into Leroy's system. Without warning, the enervated proxy was brimmed with life, and inspiration. Pastel mattered not. His disease mattered not. All that mattered was him telling the pussycat to shut his big, fat, loose-lipped maw for once in his perfect life. Unfortunately for the irked cur, Wormwood had disappeared moments after requesting the proxy's presence. In the fashion of a movie camera, he had once again departed to the centre of the action.

The fate of Pastel Roux was nothing less than a tragedy. Based on Wormwood's muddled wording, the canine could infer that the deceased individual was the general's adopted daughter. Hell, he accepted it as fact before even acquiring Crow's confirmation. Her demise saddened not the hound. She hadn't shown her face around these parts in a few months' time, hence the soft-hued feline's passing left him unfazed.

It was Crow that concerned him.

The alabaster tom's deadpan glare pierced right through Leroy's roughneck motif and struck a chord within the wolfhound's failing heart. Generally emotional over trivial topics, Crow was about as dry as a raisin during the days ensuing Pastel's cessation. And it scared Leroy. Death drastically changed Tanglewood's leader for what was hopefully the time being - but with his own termination just around the corner, Leroy feared yet another change awaited Crow, this one more dire than the last.

Space is what the mourning yearn for. They'll say "you don't need to go". They don't mean it. Being by themselves is what they truly want. Assuming that time is what heals all wounds, and acknowledging the fact that time is best passed while alone, the proxy would evade the Roux family household for the next while. Instead, he would spend his own time getting the fresh air he so fiercely needed.

Wobbling along the worn road, he spots a scene a fair stretch away. Selby, discombobulated by the looks of it. And Wormwood, apparently supporting the Sawbones.

He closes in on the fray, and discovers that the hellhound's aid came in the form of a sermon. At this, his heavy brows began to furrow, his dehydrated lips falling adjacent to reveal snarling dentition. Quickening his pace, the mongrel hollers a vexed "Hey!".

Coming to a halt, his fiery glare stares past a jet black nose towards the much smaller beast's ugly mug. "Look, Wormwood," the second-in-command starts coolly, careful with his words, "I appreciate ya helpin' Selby here, but yain't in no fucking position t' lecture him - even if ya only meant well by it."

Eyes flicker to the healer, making notice of the tattered vegetation trailing him. The younger Roux wasn't all there by the looks of it, taking his threadbare appearance into account. The sharp tang of blood lingered around his person. The thick, crimson fluid painted his forelimbs and area around his maw. A smaller cut had made a home out of the healer's snout, as well. Wormwood had done the right thing by hoisting the smaller feline out of harm's way.

His tone bearing traces of callousness this time around, Leroy returns his focus to the hellhound.

"We all wanna say th' shit that first come ta mind when somethin's wrong, but usually we only say what's best."

"But you just have t' say everything, dont'cha Wormwood."

Re: sedated // “100th” post - selby roux ! - 09-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby, mixed up in his misplaced fury, was unable to hear Wormwood’s approach and was therefore very surprised as he was hauled away from the dreaded roses. He hissed lowly, hating the touch and the change in direction was both disorienting and upsetting. He glanced up at the offender, trying his best to identify the odd form. This person was a stranger to him. Why did they know his name? Did news of Pastel spread so quickly? Was he now known by his deceased sister?

It was difficult to tune in to the words being spoken to him, but he realized that this was Wormwood. His fury melted away, but was replaced with an intense feeling of shame. The feline became embarrassed by his disgruntled appearance and felt the need to apologize. "Sorry," he rasped, finding it difficult to speak with the cuts at his mouth. He spat out another mouthful of blood, careful to aim away from his fellow tangler. "I’ll... I’ll get this all.. all cleaned up. Don’t worry ‘bout me." Why was it so difficult to speak? "Sorry," he said again, without quite knowing what he was sorry for but feeling ashamed of himself nonetheless.

It was still hard to focus, and when Leroy made his appearance, Selby was surprised yet again. He didn’t understand everything said, but he could tell that the proxy was upset with Wormwood. "Sorry," he wheezed, and there was a tight, painful feeling in his throat. Would he ever run out of things to apologize for? It certainly didn’t seem so. "Didn’t mean... didn’t mean to make a scene. Don’t be angr-ang- upset with him, please. My fault."

And then, without warning, his eyes welled up with thick tears. Selby hiccuped quietly as the tears started to fall, unable to stop them. His fierce yellow gaze dropped to the ground, and he focused on an interesting rock.

Re: sedated // “100th” post - wormwood. - 09-02-2019

Wormwood had been looking down in Selby with concern in his newly golden gaze when Leroy approached, and the hellhound didn't even lift his head because he was worried about the injured male in front of him. He finally glanced over at the proxy when the other mentioned his name, and immediately his long ears pinned back in aggravation, anger bubbling up in his chest immediately. Leroy was doing nothing but spouting bullshit, and he certainly wasn't helping the situation at all, given Selby's immediate distraught reaction to Leroy's anger. Ultimately, Wormwood decided to pay him no mind, turning back to Selby and grunting gruffly at Leroy, his frustration finally bubbling up and over into his words. All he had been trying to do for ages now was just help people, and he had  barely said three sentences to Selby to explain why he had pulled him away from his frantic task, "Fuck off, Leroy. Maybe you should be a bit more concerned with the injured clanmate in front of you, and a little less with what I'm doing." He wasn't even going to entertain an argument with the other right now. He was absolutely exhausted of being lectured and yelled at, and he wasn't about to become an emotionless fuck like a bunch of other people here.

Turning his full attention back to Selby, the hellhound shook his head and barked softly to the feline in front of him, looking over the other's wounds and wincing a bit, "No, it's not your fault Selby. None of this is your fault. You're just grieving, and you went about it in a way that most people do, even if they end up hurting themselves. There's no need to applogize, okay?" He glanced behind Selby up at the garden box and the bush that had formerly resided in it, frown deepening when he saw the blood that still lingered on the sharp thorns that twisted outward from the plant. When Selby mentioned cleaning up, Wormwood immediately shook his head from side to side, not wanting Selby to concern himself with cleaning anything up right now in his current state, "Selb... no. Don't worry about this right now, okay? You need somebody to patch up your scratches at the moment so that they don't get infected. We're all always gonna worry about you, you know. We're like a family around here, right?" He smiled reassuringly down at the other, the kindest smile that could possibly grace the twisted face that he now possessed, which he hoped wasn't too upsetting to the grieving young man.

He then said softly, glancing around as he spoke, "Somebody else can clean this up, alright? You go to Delilah, or Kiira, or whoever you wanna see that can patch you up. If you need any help getting to them, I'll go with you. I don't want you trying to patch yourself up and hurting yourself worse in the process... we all need help sometimes, eh? If you don't need my help, I'll help clean up all the dirt and plant stuff and everything here... maybe Leroy can even help." He sent the proxy the most frigid of glares that he had ever given anybody as he said this, before turning back to Selby to see if he would go and get medical treatment, as he should've in his current state, or if Worm would have to cave and just let him heal himself.
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Re: sedated // “100th” post - Perseus - 09-02-2019

The rustling from afar had never occurred to him as something he should check out. In fact, it seemed almost normal. Some animal could be out tending to their herbs or digging a place to keep their things, but what was truly happening was far from the usual. Perseus only happened to ignore it for awhile. Until the bickering started.

Blood's familiar twang, yet subtle, rushed through his sensitive nostrils. His ears perked, turning to the sky. 'Knock it off!' came Wormwood's shrill scream. The German Shepard moved to his feet with his head swerving in the direction of the sound. Within moments, he was off. Though he stumbled as he navigated blindly through the darkness with nothing but the four senses he had left, Perseus eventually found himself at the scene with what support he could offer. What laid in front of him was atrocious.

From Leroy's bitching to Wormwood's spiteful words, there seemed to be nothing but calamity here. Quite simply, he decided to tune them out. The only words he would offer were: "Man up and help Selby out," he barked, "You two chatterboxes aren't contributing whatsoever." Clouded eyes offered them a cruel glare, hoping they'd get his message. After all, they both dearly cared for Selby. Couldn't they see that they were on the same side? Fighting about who cared more about Selby wasn't going to solve any of the problems.

Through Selby's muttering, the canine wandered in front of them and sat down. Perseus listened to their words silently, debating on how he should approach the problem. Deciding, he moved his head forward. In a moment of silence, he'd attempt to slip his head onto Selby's shoulder and press against his neck.

For what Perseus could not offer in words, his actions would speak volumes. 'It's not your fault,' the movement practically whispered. 'It'll be okay.' His actions were supposed to provide comfort, perhaps even a bit of estranged empathy from Perseus. He'd stay there for awhile if successful. After all, he was giving himself up to be a shoulder to cry on... Even if Shelby didn't want that.  In these trying times, he was unsure of what to do. Truly, it was all Perseus could provide besides wisdom based on his past experience.

Staying still and not pulling away, Perseus listened intensely to Wormwood's suggestion for medical attention. Now he was thinking. Seeing that the others were not here, presumably preoccupied, the canine spoke up.  "I'll do it." A paw maneuvered towards the two, offering a flick of his wrist. "Someone grab me dock-" To soothe the scratches. "-honey-" Dealing with Selby's scratchy throat after all of the emotional straining pleading. "-and bandages if you will." Those were for Selby's general wounds. As for the mouth, he'd figure that out as he went along. He couldn't see that currently.
template by orion

Re: sedated // “100th” post - selby roux ! - 09-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It wasn’t that Selby couldn’t hear Wormwood’s reassurances, it was more that they didn’t quite make sense to him. How could this not be his fault? His body heaved with a heavy sob that he just barely managed to quiet. He had made a scene. It was his fault that Leroy was upset with Wormwood. His fault that Wormwood was upset with Leroy.

A new voice broke through to him, and he looked up from his pebble to see Perseus. He had been there when they had discovered Pastel’s body, Selby recalled. He hadn’t said much, but he had sat with him from a respectable distance. The small act had meant a lot in the chaos of the moment, and Selby would never forget that.

Then the blind dog came over to approach him, and the hound’s head came to rest on his neck. Selby froze, his breath hitching, then went boneless against the touch and sank into it, quietly weeping into the shoulder offered to him. It was hard to stop once he started, and his quiet sobs racked his body harder and harder. He barely noticed as Perseus gestured over his shoulder to Leroy and Wormwood, so absorbed in his own sadness.

Re: sedated // “100th” post - wormwood. - 09-02-2019

Wormwood tended up when Perseus approached at first, his hackles raising as he prepared to defend himself, but Perseus's words, while a bit gruff, were pretty much exactly what he had said: now wasn't the time for arguing. It was the time for Selby to be getting the help that he needed. He nodded, and when the other canine started to list off things he needed, the hellhound turned and bounded off to where he knew they had some supplies stashed away. Thankfully he had been training himself on what certain herbs looked and smelled like, so he actually knew what dock was, and soon enough he had the herb and honey and bandages gathered up in a small bag, since he could only carry one thing in his jaws at once. Once he had the supplies that Perseus had noted off, Worm left the supply building and carefully closed the door after himself, hopping down and jogging at a brisk pace back to where the little group was. Putting the bag down on the ground beside Perseus, the male barked in a slightly nervous voice, hoping desperately he had gotten the right herb – it looked exactly as dock had been described to him, but he still felt weary that he'd grabbed the wrong thing, "There should be the honey, dock, and bandages. If you need any help holding anything in place while you're patching Selby up, just tell me if I can." He made sure that Perseus knew where the bag was, since even though he knew the older male was perfectly capable, he didn't want to cause him any more hassle than was needed.

He moved to Selby and gently pressed his nose against the medical's ear in a soft motion of caring and reassurance, before he stepped back and sat back down, watching before glancing over at the torn apart rose bush. It would be a pain in the ass to clean, considering that the dirt was everywhere, as were splintered branches and blood and everything else, but he was sure it could be cleaned up with a bit of effort. He wasn't sure if Selby would ever use this garden and the boxes inside of it ever again, but even if he didn't, he didn't deserve a permanent reminder of the mess he had made in his panicked fit of tears and anger. So he moved over to the box and began to push the dirt and branches together with his paws so that it could eventually be moved into a sweeping tray and disposed of easily. His dark and shaggy paws were getting a bit dirty from the impromptu sweeping, but he shrugged it off, figuring that he could deal with washing them off later. Right now he just wanted to clean up, and keep an eye on Selby.
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