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do what has needs - fishing - Printable Version

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do what has needs - fishing - fulzanin - 08-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Instinct brought her here. The little dragon was resting against the bank of the river. Her belly and body was pressed against the stone, eyes staring at the running water before her. The hunger refused to leave. It didn't matter how long she bathed in the sun, the dragon's hunger didn't lessen.

Photosynthesis made up most of her diet. The sun bestowed her scales with energy, and the scales made glucose in return. It provided her with energy, but it didn't sate everything. An empty belly had woken her that morning, and had deeply confused her. Why she was so hungry made little sense to her. She had sunbathed for a good few hours the day prior. She shouldn't be this hungry!

Sanzu had set off in the chill morning air in search of something to munch on. Something more filling than cookies. A small and young predator on the prowl, searching for food. Instinct lead her to the river, the one she was crouched down at. It was questionable how long she had been sitting in one spot. Her tail was curled behind her, and one paw was raised as she awaited for a fish to swim past. Did she know if any fish even lived here? No. Not really. She was too hungry for her mind to raise the idea of hunting for something else.

A paw was slammed into the water when Sanzu thought she saw movement. She grumbled as the small fish sped off through the water, leaving the dragon empty handed. Frowning, Sanzu sat upright as her webbed wings moved to accommodate for the motion. "Marp, come on," she whined, her ears dropping. How hard could fishing be?! Why was this so hard? She pouted, her body going a little limp. The river wasn't all that deep, and so Sanzu decided that she would wade out so that she could catch the fish.

Soon she was sprinting about. Water was being thrown up in bounds as the dragon chased after whatever she thought she saw in the river. Her bouts of energy went spent with no gain, and eventually she left the water when it grew far too cold for her to stand for a moment longer. Again she pouted, trotting out from the river. She was soaking wet, and gave herself a shake. Her tongue hung from her mouth, and a whimper parted her jaws as another grumble of her stomach sounded. With a sigh, she settled on the bank again, staring at the water to try the stealthier approach once more.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: do what has needs - fishing - number nine. - 08-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Number Nine, ever since she had gained this large and powerful new feline body, found that hunting was both harder and easier than when she had been the small white feline of her past. It was more difficult because the body was much more noticable, klutzy, and loud, but it was also much easier because she found that she had much more power packed in the muscles that were tightly wound underneath her thick brown pelt. Ever since she had gotten used to the body, fishing had become a method of hunting much more common for her to do, since in all honestly fishing didn't entail that much stealth. After all, one could just plop down on the bank of a body of water and stay stalk still until eventually they could shoot out as fast as their body could manage and snatch the aquatic creatures up. This had been something she had gotten pretty damn good at it over time, after getting over the impatience that had plagued her from her youth. One couldn't afford to be impatient when they were fishing, and that was part of the reason why being hungry while doing it wasn't the smartest idea in the entire world. Of course, Sanzu didn't seem as though she had much life experience yet, and she was just a child, so Nine couldn't really fault her for being just the faintest bit dimwitted about what to hunt.

She had been out for a walk through the mountain territory, trying to get some hunting of her own done, when she came upon Sanzu laying defeated near a river, soaking wet and slightly dirty. Nine frowned in concern and slowly moved over to where Sanzu was, settling down beside the tiny dragon and questioning softly as she patted Sanzu gently on the head, "Sanzu, little one, are you trying to fish out 'ere? Cause you know there are much easier ways to hunt, right? I can show you if you don't know how, but fishing is the worst to do on an empty stomach, which I'm willing ta bet is why you're here." She smirked a bit playfully as she gently poked at the dragon's belly, her head tilting to one side. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a fish wriggling quickly on by, and all of her muscles tended up. The large brown feline flung herself forward and into the water to sink her teeth into it's flesh, a grin coming to her face when she succeeded. Stepping back out of the water, she dropped it in front of Sanzu and meowed with a little smile on her face, "Or I suppose I could do that for ya. If you don't mind eating something you didn't catch all on your own.

Re: do what has needs - fishing - fulzanin - 09-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]One of Sanzu's ears raised when the noise of Nine's approach reached her. It twitched, before then lowering when a glance was given to note that it was indeed Nine that was coming over. The little dragon was good at knowing footstep noises- it paid to have such big ears at times. Trivial, it could be considered. She gave a defeated grumble to acknowledge Nine's presence, her red gaze having turned back to the river.

"I'mmsa doin' fishin', th' fyishies bein' means t' me." Her tone was equally as tired as her expression portrayed. Sanzu's scales were a little cold to the touch. The water had cooled them from the warmth of the sun, and her scales were still damp. A pat on the head earned her giving a chatter, rolling on her side to be closer to the feline. She turned over the words that were being proposed to her. The concept of hunting on an empty stomach hadn't even come to mind. She hadn't known that being hungry would have made her efforts harder. Instead of resulting with a full belly, the little dragon was left tired and even more hungry than she had been when she had started.

A snort-like laugh sounded when her belly was poked. The scales of her belly were colder in comparison to the scales of her head, having been resting on the cold floor as well as likely been exposed to more water during her fish chase. The little dragon was ticklish as the scales of her belly were soft. They'd probably harden with age, but for now they were soft and touch left the dragon giggling. Her head had raised from the ground when she saw Nine suddenly charge into the river. Red eyes widened to watch as the fish was caught, and then placed on the bank of the river.

The green dragon staggered up onto her feet, doing such so swiftly that it almost made her fall again. "Ah, ah, than' you!" She squealed. She moved from the fish to bound closer to Nine, rubbing her scaly face against one of the feline's legs. She had seen someone else do this, and her young mind took it as a means of appreciation. Then she turned and sunk her teeth into the fish. Her long tail waved rapidly in the air as Sanzu took greedy mouthfuls of the fish. Fish was a new meal for her- it in truth was only the second time the young dragon had ever been exposed to eating solid food. Her head recoiled back when her teeth met bone. A talon reached and prodded at the white structure, forked tongue flickering. "Whuzzit is? Is ve'y hard," she questioned, looking back at Nine with her ever curious expression rising: ears lifting at unequal heights, head tilting, and her red eyes squinting in thought.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: do what has needs - fishing - Pele N. F. I. - 09-03-2019


Pele rather liked fish, since it was one thing she could assume was non-sentient at least 95% of the time. Also the flavors of sea fairing food were exceptional when well seasoned. Over the moons she'd been alive she felt fairly confident in her fishing ability. "Darling your shadow was falling on the water, that's why the fish was able to swim away. You can't let them see you or they will get away."

She motioned for Sanzu to watch, crouching as the dragon had, but avoiding the sun's trajectory, allowing her shadow to fall beside her instead of in front of her. A medium sized fish swam by, and when it did, instead of slamming her paw, she gave a strong flick. It sent the fish flopping onto the bank away from the water, the feline turned and she crashed her paw down with a snap. The fish stopped moving soon after. "It's a medium difficulty technique I suppose, but as long as you find the right learning style, one can pick it up rather quickly."

Re: do what has needs - fishing - MERGED - 09-03-2019

eldritch was a fish, you could say. or.. squid, more like it. to s of tentacles on his face and one for a tail, both useful in a fight and both useful for hunting. of course, fishing wasn’t the best, considering the ink that leaked from under the tentacles, which would only make it impossible to see through. “i would offer my help, but i am no good at fishing, mon petite.” the mutated doberman chuckled, settling a bit away from the water and adjusting the hat on his head. “you are sanzu, yes?


Re: do what has needs - fishing - fulzanin - 09-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu's head turned when Pele approached. The other was giving her advice, which the dragon's ears swiftly perked to listen to. She sat more upright, and tucked her feet below her body. She tried to lean over to sneakily snatch another bite from her fish, but wound up sprawling on her side as a result. A grumble sounded from the green dragon, tail twitching behind her against the ground. Sanzu seemed amazed when the other caught a fish just as swiftly as Nine had. "Is hard," was Sanzu's simple reply, red eyes wide with bewilderment. Was it truly that easy? It had been a fruitless effort for her, leaving the dragon a little soaked, a little dirty, and very cold.

Her head swiveled again, turning to look at Eldritch when he came over. She turned her attention to the fish that Nine had caught, and took another bite from such to munch on. She hadn't seen this person around before. They had to be new, right? Sanzu took the time to swallow the mouthful of fish before she spoke. "Yea, I'mmsa Sanzu," she answered, lifting her head from the fish. A scurry of talons moved her to the fish Pele had caught, nudging it with the back of a paw. "Issa big fishy, yea," the dragon chattered. It was big to the little reptile, of course. Even taller than usual grass was tall in comparison to her.

"C'n teach how fish?" Sanzu asked after a brief moment of pause. She wasn't sure who she was addressing; there clearly was two fishing experts right in her presence. The mutated doberman that had recently showed up didn't seem to have such luck. "We c'n learn together!" The offer was accompanied by a delighted grin. Her ears raised straight above her head, and her glowing tongue flickered from her maw. Why should she be the only one to learn, when there was two inexperienced fishers and two that knew how to do such a complicated hunting method? The long tail of the dragon began wagging in delight at the thought.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: do what has needs - fishing - Tena M. - 09-04-2019

Tena Moonspinner
"Perhaps I could join in on the lesson," the petite sand cat called as she padded over.  Her vibrant blue hues locked on the water briefly, scanning for movement with her brows creased.  She'd tried her hand at fishing, many, many moons ago.  During some trouble, Snowbound received aid from the Typhoon, who allowed them shelter on their island.  Eager to help, she'd thought she'd give it a try but it hadn't gotten her anywhere.

Fishing truly was a game of patience.  Honestly, Tena disliked those games.  The youthful Demdji feels confident she could figure out how to move her shadow but less certain she'd lock a grip on something underwater.  Not to mention she felt rather sure she'd get frustrated before she caught anything.

"If you don't mind teaching a larger class than you thought," she chuckled, offering Pele and Nine both a sheepish smile, since they seemed to be the experts.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: do what has needs - fishing - number nine. - 09-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nine was startled when suddenly just her and Sanzu grew into several other people, and several of them were suggesting a class type of thing. She blinked in surprise, her tail curled around her paws slowly moving so that she had her paws again for swiping back into the water, before she chuckled and said a little nervously, "Well.. I can help out I suppose, but I'm sure that Pele knows more than I do. I kinda just... picked it up over time. I didn't have anybody to teach me any of the technique, so I'm not sure how to show others." She shrugged her shoulders sheepishly, a sigh leaving her as she remember why exactly she had picked up fishing so quickly. Although the experiments on her and others had failed to make them so super intelligent that they surpassed humans, but she was still just as smart as a human, and learned things much faster than most others. However, that didn't mean that she knew how to teach others so plainly. In another life she probably would've loved to be a teacher, but still, she had a hell of a time trying to just get her thoughts out there to others without tripping over her own instructions.

Facing back toward the water, she waited a moment before her paw reached out and snagged another of the aquatic creatures, tossing it up into her mouth and catching it. When she turned back to the little class, she let it drop down and meowed softly, "It's not that hard, it just requires patience. You have to watch and make sure you keep your shadow and body pulled back so that the fish don't see you. And then when you see a fish that looks right, you just go as fast as you can and you grab it. At least, that's how it works for me, but I'm a feline, so it might be different for say you, Eldritch. I'm not sure you could grab it with your paw, so you'd have to use your mouth, which... may be difficult with the tentacles."