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STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - Printable Version

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STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - larkspurkit ! - 08-29-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
his paws were beginning to ache the higher they climbed. small grunts of protest began to rise with each step, but of course stubbornly objected any attempt to be carried or helped. the young kitten did not want to be touched while in a bad mood, but also wanted to cuddle up and sleep. he couldn't understand what the canine was saying, but his voice was a soothing baby blue and tasted like sweet citrus; not that lark would know what citrus was yet.

the same sweet tasting voice that had coaxed him from underneath the dark, damp trash bins in the night. the moon was masked with clouds but the white of stark's pelt was practically a beacon. it didn't take much else to convince larkspurkit to follow the dog, simply keeping by him since then.

"mm... lark!" he complained as they suddenly stopped, looking around. it all looked the same as everything that had just passed... were they going to sleep now? "lark... spur." he pawed at stark's foreleg, babbling useless sounds that could be translated as some sort of questioning curiosity.


Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - COSMIIX - 08-29-2019

[glow=white,1,400]BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IT WON'T BE ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU !。+゚.[/glow]
Admittedly, Stark had this bad tendency of wandering off and being unable to stay in a single place since he was so accustomed to always being on the move which wasn't that bad since he got his exercise but his paws always ached and cracked with a bit of blood. During his small travels, he hadn't expected to find a small kitten yet there he was. A small Maine coon kitten with the colour of a citrus fruit, it was rather amazing to think yet he had managed to coax the child into following him. He wasn't sure what he was going to do just yet but he supposed that he would take the kitten into his own care, perhaps he needed a turn of events to change his life. Give him new purpose. He hadn't had kids in what felt like centuries though the memory of his own offspring made his heart ache within the chasm that was his chest, he didn't have a clean record with one of his kids seeing as they didn't really like him. Stark had produced half-planners and it had been a horrid mistake on his part seeing as his clan back then had been harboring war with the other clan that had the female he had a fling with. It wasn't bad. He had gotten to keep most of the kids only leaving a single boy to the female and he hadn't realized that had been his first mistake. What if he had been selfish and took them all? Surely, that wouldn't be very right.

Well, it all came toppling on him like a castle made of sand pushed by a strong breeze destroying his almost perfect life. Everything around him fell apart. His relationship with his kids, former mate (whom he didn't really like bringing up for personal reasons), and some of his clanmates. The once strong, towering structures of the life he had built himself within the clan seeped through his paws like small grains of sand. He snapped out of his trance once he heard the soft voice of Larkspurkit, he hadn't realized how far they had gone but with the way he pawed at his foreleg was enough to make him recall where he was. He would draw in a soft breath only to exhale, he glanced down at the small kitten offering a tired smile "This is your new home, champ." He wondered if Tena was still in charge or if Killua was still around, so many questions would cascade through his always busy mind. He would sit down wrapping a paw around the small kitten bringing them close especially with the cold temperatures that the territory often brought upon the group. His tail wagged rather lazily to the sides only to say with a yawn escaping him afterwards.

"I'm back,"  [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - number nine. - 08-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nine had always enjoyed it back in the day when children had arrived at The Exiles, although if she really thought back she had very mixed feelings about it. After all, she enjoyed having children around the she could teach and act as a big sister to, but she had never wanted them to come to The Exiles because the group would eventually end up twisting and mangling the child until they either ended up deeply traumatized, or just as bad as everyone else. She had tried to protect as many as possible from those fates, but she couldn't save all of them, and that was something that still haunted her even now. However, now that she lived in Elysium, she could feel quite happy without any guilt when a child showed up, because Elysium was a genuinely kind group that would take care of them and nurture them, instead of changing them into some grotesque parody of themselves in the end.

When the large fluffy female arrived at the border of Elysium while out on a walk, she was surprised to be greeted by two new faces, one a small – very small – child, and the other very much an adult canine, who seemed as though he knew Elysium well. Number Nine felt a vague sense of guilt that she didn't know who this male was, but then internally shook her head, reminding herself that it was nothing to be ashamed of. After all, she had only been here a few days. It wasn't like she knew the group's entire history. So, taking a deep breath, the feline meowed in her unusually deep and masculine voice as she gave Larkspurkit a soft and welcoming smile, "Hello there, little one. Welcome to Elysium, the group among the mountains." Her haze then moved over to Stark, someone that she could address with the more pressing and important questions that pressed on her mind at present, "And hello to you as well, mister. It seems like you know Elysium... could I ask your name before I lead ya anyehere? Since I'm pretty sure your business is ta join."

She always felt glad for new joiners to be at the border, but to have it be a child needing a home and someone who seemed to be a former member? It was like Elysium's birthday and Christmas rolled into one.

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - fulzanin - 08-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]The little dragon had a tendency to wander about the territory. She was a hyper little thing, constantly flinging herself from perches in her desperate attempts to fly. Perhaps she'd been trying to sneakily follow Nine in the ways of a young predator stalking their prey. Not that Nine could be considered prey to such a young dragon. Her vibrant scales meant stalking was near impossible. Still, Sanzu had wound up following after Nine, although really it'd been a spur of the moment thing. She'd been aimlessly wandering about for perches to leap from, and truthfully had only been following the female for a few seconds at best. So..maybe stalking after her wasn't the best explanation. Her ears raised as she heard the exchange, and her long tail brushed against the ground.

"Hi," Sanzu said as she came bounding on up next to Nine, her attempt to be a sneaky follower diminished. There was someone smaller than her here, which was surprising and delighting to her. The dragon was young, only a few months old- in the lifespan of a dragon, she was still a mere hatchling, still had her egg tooth on her beak. To see a youth of another species was surprising to her. Red eyes were trained on the younger feline, and her tongue flickered from her maw. "I'mmsa Sanzu," she introduced, despite not being prompted. She was young, and didn't know such manners of interaction. It accompanied the fact that she couldn't quite notice the kit was not as lively as herself. Didn't matter in Sanzu's mind, she was delighted nonetheless.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - larkspurkit ! - 08-31-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
in the half second it took stark to answer, lark had already deemed it too long. his tiny canines were now nibbling on stark's foreleg in boredom, giving a loud squeak as he was suddenly scooped up and pushed into soft fur. "lark!" he protested, looking up at stark. his mouth opened to protest again when nine had come forward, successfully distracting the kitten from an oncoming tantrum.

with a few awkward wriggles and kicks, he was free from stark and bounded toward the stranger, giving a curious sniff to her fluffy pelt, then backing away. larkspurkit corrected his stance, balancing his paws and standing up taller to try and size up nine. "larks... spur kit!" he howled out in some form of a battle cry, and charged toward nine only to stumble over his paws a few inches short of her and roll onto his side. the tabby grunted in frustration at his failure, bouncing up and sticking his tongue out.

sanzu's appearance formed a much less brazen reaction, and the kitten took a few cautious steps back to stark. he shook his head as she introduced herself, his head lowered. "luh… lark. lark spur." he murmured, looking back to his caretaker.


Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - COSMIIX - 09-02-2019

[glow=white,1,400]BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IT WON'T BE ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU !。+゚.[/glow]
There were definitely a lot new faces in comparison to when he had been there. He took a deep breath seeing a brown today approaching the both of them, he couldn't help but let out a snort watching as Lark bolted over towards them. Stark was about to open his jaws to say something but Larkspurkit had already retreated to his side upon the sight of a draconic beast. He turned his gaze back towards Nine only to answer with a curt nod of his cranium "M'names Stark Ferro. I was here beforehand and I'm returning with a little friend. He's already introduced himself. Larkspurkit," There was a brief pause as he reopened his jaws "Pleasure to meet you, Sanzu." He slowly rose to his paws and would stretch out slowly, he would take the opportunity to shake himself out. He lifted up his paw to see the dry blood on his somewhat snow covered pawpads "Also is there anybody with some medical knowledge or do you have any marigolds y'all could lend? M'paws are pretty jacked from the long journey," [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - number nine. - 09-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Number Nine blinked in surprise as Larkspurkit charged forward at her, but just ended up laughing softly when the child tumbled over himself, landing a bit of a ways from her. Smiling softly, the older of the two meowed as she crouched down a bit, a soft giggle leaving her throat as she spoke to the young kit, "Hello there, little Larkspurkit. Your attacking stance isn't quite there yet, but I'm sure you'll get it soon." She playfully flicked her fluffy tail like a toy at the child before Stark spoke up, and she looked up and nodded as he said his name. Another returning member, huh? It seemed as though a lot of people were either popping up or finally coming out of their homes after a long period of hiding away because of a lack of members. It made her quite happy, since it meant she had plenty of opportunities to not be quite as lonely as when she had been wandering, and it meant that her new home was becoming lively again.

Placing a paw against her fluffy chest, the brown feline dipped her head before introducing herself to Stark, still smiling a bit at Larkspur's playful antics, "It's quite nice ta meetcha, Stark. M'name is Number Nine, but you can just call me Nine if ya want. Welcome back to Elysium, I hope you'll stay for a while. In terms of somebody with medical knowledge... well, I'm honestly not sure. I know people get the cleric title if they're well versed in medical stuff, but I don't know who here is... Sanzu, do you know?" She asked, glancing back at the young dragon curiously. Sure, Sanzu was younger and certainly had less of an attention span, but she had also been here longer than Nine had at this point, and perhaps she had picked up on who was good at healing people at this point, cause Nine was entirely blanking.

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - fulzanin - 09-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu's maw curled into a frown when she noticed the kit recoil away from her arrival. The uncertainty that was present as the other said their name was strange to the little dragon. What was the reason for such a thing? She couldn't quite grasp it. Nothing cookies couldn't solve, the young dragon thought. All she had to do was bake some cookies and share them, and they would be the best of friends! The young mind was a strange one, and Sanzu was determined to see cookies as her solution.

Her forked tongue flickered from her mouth when she heard herself suddenly being addressed. Her ears raised as she listened to Nine speak. Her frown turned to more of a thoughtful expression. Her teeth clicked together, and her tongue remained hanging out from her mouth. "Er, there's Pele! I r'm'b'r she hosted that class, you were there. I'mmsa sure she knows myedic'l stuff!" Finally Sanzu spoke, her pondering having come to a close. Her tail wagged behind her, delighted that she was able to come to an answer for the question asked of her. She was bouncing on her talons in delight of answering. "Doesn' hurt t' ask if she c'n help, yea? I'mmsa sure she c'n!"

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - Pele N. F. I. - 09-03-2019


Ask and she shall appear. The sunset feline came over with her satchel, Elio riding on her head, at the mention of her name. "Stark darling! So good to see you again, haven't been around you since I was a babe." Elio gave a wave as he skittered into her bag and pulled out the stinking blossoms of the marigold flower, Pele taking them gingerly from his paws and beginning to chew.

This was, by far the worst part of her job, and she normally put things like this in a salve so she wouldn't have to chew them. However, she'd run out of salve for cracked and aching pads last week, still hadn't made anymore. The demoness took a paw in hers and licked the poultice into the cracks, doing the same to the other paws with Stark's assistance. "You come by my cottage down by the edge of the mountain and I'll give you a salve that works wonders. Don't be a stranger about asking for medical stuff for you or your son ya hear?"

Re: STAIRS CREAK && open, joining - COSMIIX - 09-04-2019

[glow=white,1,400]BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IT WON'T BE ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU !。+゚.[/glow]
There certainly wasn't any familiar faces that he knew from the crowd yet or so maybe they hadn't approached quite yet either way, he would draw in a soft breath listening to the brown tomcat introduce themselves. Number Nine? He never met anyone with a numeric name or legitimately have number for the first part of their name, it was odd to him. Almost alien. Although, it wasn't enough for him to prompt the young male about their name since they had just met and he didn't want to end up shoving his nosy ass into somebody's possibly tragic backstory. He nodded slowly with gratitude towards Nine and Sanzu "Thank you both, Nine and Sanzu." Suddenly another voice would ring against his eardrums and someone else appeared, he was going to be honest and well, he didn't really remember the child though his memory was being rather shitty as of late. "Wow, must have been that long. The old gears within m'head are kinda covered in cobwebs so my memory is a little rusty... It's good to see you again," He offered a sheepish grin only to feel her take his paws into her own flinching at the sudden touch not due to the fact that it stung but rather he hadn't had much physical contact in a while, it had became foreign to him at some point. It wasn't unwelcome it was just becoming very alien to the canine. It brought up the memories of his old wife-to-be and how she had always fixed him up whenever he had broke but now Stark was much too broke to be fixed or so, that's what he believed after all these months.

He blinked at the feeling of the salve going within the cracks in his paws, he nodded slowly only to let out a soft snort when Pele called Larkspurkit his son. Well, he had taken in the child so he supposed that it was fine if he called the other the latter even if he wasn't quite certain if Lark would return the gesture and call him father. He shrugged the thought away as he would speak once more with a light nod of his cranium "Of course and thank you again." [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]