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SO ICY && open, wt - Printable Version

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SO ICY && open, wt - idyllfields - 08-28-2019

stars did fall
their weekly task came at a wonderful timing. it would be good to practice their ability to relay medical information to the others, and also be able to express what they had learned from the captain so far.

they stepped out of the temple with the supplies they needed and traveled across the island to the mainland.

"everyone, as per my weekly task, i am here today to teach you basic first aid. we will begin at my discretion, but do not be afraid to participate at any time." they announced loudly, spreading out a few herbs and berries.

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - fulzanin - 08-29-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Tanteri had not heard of first aid before. It was a strange concept, healing other people. It hadn't existed in the era he had lived in. The concept of caring for others, too, was foreign. He supposed that was more so a pteranodon thing- often her had seen ceratopsians wandering about and caring for each other. Admirable, really.

"First aid?" The pterosaur's loud tone was inquisitive as he banked and landed. The motion was heavy, and his hands sunk into the ground. He grumbled- a little bit too steep of a landing, but it was fine. The word 'first' and 'aid', they didn't click together in his minds. His beak clacked together a few times, blue gaze looking over the items that were spread out.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - dovedeparture - 09-02-2019

"Oh, surely you know of first aid, fossil," Dovedeparture teased, taking a seat near Tanteri. "Idyllfields here will be teaching us some valuable tips and tricks for taking care of ourselves and others. First aid could help save someone's life, even if it is just the basics!" She wondered, briefly, how Tanteri could not know of this. Surely, she thought, he must have been taken care of medically at some point. To live without was the order of beasts, wasn't it? And though Tanteri was imposing and a bit odd, he wasn't a beast.

"I'm looking forward to learning," Dove added, casting her emerald stare in Idyll's direction. She had an interest in healing, but only knew the bare minimum. Living with and taking care of Celeste meant she had to learn how to bandage wounds and the like, but that was where her knowledge ended. She often relied on spiritual healing where she would ask for another's pain to be placed upon herself.
tags & [url=][b][color=#3d3332]plot

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - Keona. - 09-02-2019

[align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
A great deal of her family seemed either masters of or decently skilled at healing.  The tiny privateer simply lacked the motivation to commit to that path.  She believes Seamus knew a great deal about the art, using his skills as a healer as part of his disguise among the Pitt.  Given the practicality of it all, the petite faerie decided she may as well attend another lesson.

Her pale, sea-green hues flickered, bouncing towards different voices as they reached her perked ears.  Some of her less familiar crewmates had gathered first, their names slipping through her mind at first, like sand through cracks of glass.  Dovedeparture.  Yes.  She'd met her the night of the meteor shower.  She doubted the other's name to be fossil, but failed to come up with his actual name immediately.

Keona hummed softly, taking a nearby seat.  Without a word, she inclined her head towards Idyllfields, ready to learn something new.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - bubblegum - 09-06-2019

Any time there is an event where someone is teaching another, the female cannot help but feel eager to take part. The idea of learning something new for her crew had always been ideal; even if her motivations before had been less so on the crew and more so on her papa. However, it does seem that she wouldn't really be able to add much to this lesson, considering she is filling in as the soothsayer until Idyllfields finishes their training under her. Still, she was happy to see this happening. It was just as important to know the basics of healing as it was to know self defense, hunting, strategy. All of the weight of the crew should not be put on one sole individual. She's always believed that.

The captain would lumber over quietly, head held low with ear tips pointed forward. Her cold eyes have a light gaze, tail twitching back and forth. "It wouldn' be fair for me t' participate, but," the female would state as she sits closer to Idyllfields, feathered tail tip curling around her paws. Undoubtedly, the captain is getting better. More lively, at the very least. The blood loss didn't much get to her, and now all that was left was letting the wounds heal (though, it may be harder, considering she did not enjoy laying around all day waiting for things to get better - which seems to directly clash with how physical recovery happens). "Surely it won' hurt jus' t' watch." She shoots her sage an encouraging wink and smile.

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - MERGED - 09-08-2019

[/td][/tr][/table] thomas had never quite been one to enjoy fighting, unlike many people he had met who would try and cut his throat every time he so much as breathed in their direction. he was genuinely more interested in medicine, but not for any of the right reasons. the power he had over others was an intriguing thought, and being able to keep out of the way of violence for his own self preservation was also a big plus. so, when he heard about a first aid training.. he was interested. ”mind if i join in?

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - celestialrobbery - 09-08-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
Celeste was no stranger to fights, so she knew some basics of healing. Nothing special, and definitely nothing worthwhile. She could bandage a wound, and that was really it. She'd been lucky and avoided infections on any cuts or scrapes she might've gotten through making sure to keep things clean, but she knew her luck would eventually run out. Honestly, she was surprised it hadn't run dry already.

She took a seat next to Dee, nudging the other and grinning at her as she did so. "Funny seeing you around here, hmm, stranger?" She said, laughing to herself as she joked around with her angel. "Who are you again, Wings? Truly, you must remind me of your name."
now she's gonna mourn you!

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - idyllfields - 09-09-2019

stars did fall
an impressive attendance! they weren't expecting the outcome but it was more than welcomed. all the more eager to learn! the coyote's happiness and surprise was clear on their expression, honeyed eyes bright. the appearance of their own mentor delighted them just as much, glad to see her recovering so well. had this been perhaps two months ago they would have felt nervous teaching in front of the captain, but idyll now felt truly confident their his abilities. they received her praise with a proud, beaming grin and nods.

"wonderful! lets start right away. if you look in front of you there are three sets of herbs, and three sets of berries. each are different, and tremendously vital to first aid. also specifically the most common in identifying and appliance. whether you are hurt here or out of the islands and i or miss goldie are not available, remember these six ingredients."

they continued to give their first herbs to each participant before returning to the head of the group. "before i begin, just a gentle reminder, always clean your wounds before applying these herbs. it will give you the best recovery." they promised, looking about before continuing.

"what i have handed you is a marigold. it is a bright orange flower and clearly visible at night especially. if you are currently bleeding and cobwebs are not available, this is the most common and accurate plant outside of the typhoon to find. you chew it in your mouth or ground it with a rock and mix with water if you have time. then you apply it to the wound. this will stop bleeding and prevent infection."

next they turned to the next herb in front of them. "this herb is lavender, if you couldn't tell by its scent. if you are suffering from a fever there are two ways to use it. firstly, you can consume it. recommended if you aren't in the most convenient of places. secondly, you can make it into tea. if you can find it, you may also mix it with sage."

moving onto the last herb, idyll shifted their weight. "lastly for our herbs, there is comfrey. this is a common remedy for coughs. between you all there are three different colors the flowers can be identified by; pink, white, and purple. you can make this into a standard tea to drink, or if it is available to you, mix with honey on consumption. if hot water is not available to you, you can make a syrup out of it and also consume that as well."

the sage looked up expectantly, tail wagging behind them. "so, any thoughts, questions, or concerns before we move onto berries? if anyone has any allergies to these remedies let me know, and i can speak to you privately afterward with some helpful alternatives."

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: SO ICY && open, wt - fulzanin - 09-09-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]"Fossil?" Tanteri had sputtered when Dovedeparture had spoke to him. What sort of a nickname was that- what sort of a word was that? It was foreign, and he didn't like the way that it sounded. It felt as if it had some sort of implication. Whatever implication it was, the pterosaur elected that he didn't like the term.

He fell quiet as more people approached, waiting for the lesson to start. His long tail flicked behind him in an absent manner. As it went on, the pteranodon gave a small huff. How was he supposed to chew things? He had a beak! He couldn't chew anything- not even if he pressed it up against the very end of his beak. But smashing it with a rock he supposed he could do. That was a neat way to get around the lacking of a proper mouth. "What is the..tea you kept on about?" Tanteri asked when the opportunity to ask questions arose. There hadn't been such a concoction back in the era that the pterosaur was from. It was a strange word to say, Tanteri found, just like 'fossil' was. "I've never heard of it before. And how do you put the..the thing in the tea? Do you just put it in, or do you have to smush it?"

TAGS 8/15/19: