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DONT UPSET THE HEALER || first aid class - Printable Version

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DONT UPSET THE HEALER || first aid class - Pele N. F. I. - 08-26-2019


War was upon them, that much was clear. War meant injuries and deaths, and medics were just as valuable, if not more, than warriors. Elysium had gotten rid of medics, and instead replaced them with people who bore the title 'cleric'. Though not knowing who these individuals were was a problem. Therefore, the only medically inclined individual the demoness knew of was herself. That meant it was her duty to teach these folks how to properly tend to basic wounds, so when the battle came, they'd be ready.

Elio had helped her setup tables and materials; rolls of simple cloth in place of bandages, mint leaves and harmless hibiscus leaves to help teach herb application, and a few salves, tinctures and ointments to learn about as well. No legitimate medical supplies aside from the mixtures were being used, so as to conserve them for legitimate injuries and emergencies. She looked over them one last time, double checking amounts and such before deciding it was up to par. 

"Gather around for a first aid class please!"

Re: DONT UPSET THE HEALER || first aid class - fulzanin - 08-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]The concept of pain was foreign to her. The concept of fighting was something that didn't exist. She didn't know that such things existed. To a child, there was no such thing, no such concept. It didn't exist. What she hadn't viewed, she could not fathom. "Whuzza firs' ayd?" Sanzu asked as she came trotting over.

Sanzu knew not of the Pitt. She knew not of her clan's allies and enemies. There was only the here and now, there was only the present. There was only this location, and the world beyond it didn't exist to her. The little dragon came bounding over, a grin on her scaly snout. Healing was just as foreign as fighting to her, both were concepts that had never been explained to the winged reptile. "It, it almos' soun's like 'said'!" She chirped in a delighted tone, her tail wagging as she sat down.

Red eyes looked over at the herbs and other medical supplies. Equally as foreign. She had only just sat down, but now Sanzu was rising up into a stand again. She moved closer, tongue flickering forth. They smelled strange, she noted. Not like fish or any other food that she was interested in eating. Her ears raised, perked, awaiting for an answer to her questions. Or perhaps she was listening for more people to approach. Again Sanzu sat down, smiling up at the one that would be bestowing her medical knowledge upon the group.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: DONT UPSET THE HEALER || first aid class - number nine. - 08-28-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Truth be told, Nine did have some first aid knowledge, since it was invaluable when she had been on her bounty hunting quest around from rogue group to rogue group and very commonly getting injured in her battles against them. However, her range of knowledge was extremely limited, and the only real things she knew how to do were to reapply poultices and bandages occasionally, and she didn't even really know how to make more than one poultice at the moment. As a result of this, she figured that it would probably be a good idea to show up to the little class that Pele was hosting, even if she was only teaching the most basic of things to her general little group that gathered. Moving over to where Sanzu had enthusiastically rushed over, the large feline sat and chuckled deeply at the child's excited and confused voice, purring in a sisterly tone, "First aid is a skill 'at involves using herbs and bandages and other things ta 'elp people when they're injured, Sanzu. It's a very useful thing ta know about." She was pretty sure that Pele could've explained herself, but Nine figured that she would be helpful, and pipe up this time.