Beasts of Beyond
Ambassador application - Printable Version

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Ambassador application - Crackers - 08-26-2019

Ranks interested in:
Discord Username:Kink
Time Zone:EDT
Any qualifications or previous experience?:I have done minor moderator roles on smaller sites in the past, but I don't have a ton of experience. outside of that.
Why would you like to be staff?: To be honest I just really want to see this site thrive. It's got a small core community that's active and keeps things fun, but it honestly deserves way more attention than its getting. I don't have a ton of experience with staff matters, but I know I can do something as simple as advertise. I run a small online store myself and I'm very successful in advertising it. I know I could apply those skills here to bring in new traffic, so I figured I'd apply to help out Smile
Got any fun facts about yourself?:My activity can be sporadic sometimes but I am extremely loyal to the sites I join. I've been a member of other site like the path to take and feralfront for many years and contributed a lot to them. Outside of roleplaying I have a small dog clothing business, enjoy building terrariums, and enjoy things like listening to creepypastas or walking my dog in my spare time.