Beasts of Beyond
reaching for tomorrow as i scream for you / joiner - Printable Version

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reaching for tomorrow as i scream for you / joiner - FARE - 08-26-2019

Time always seemed to escape the woman lately. She had journeyed far from home, zig-zagging back and forth between small bands of families and friends who had managed to scrape a life together out there in the unclaimed lands. She felt as if they had pitied her and that's why they let her stay for so long. It was done and over with, so she couldn't really dwell on it now. Besides, her legs were getting tired. Was she close yet?

Close to where, exactly, she didn't know but she would recognize the place when she came across it.

But before the wolf could reach the cool embrace of a patch of nearby trees, another creature burst from a hole in the ground, spitting madly at her. A lean, ragged-looking tom cat, one ear split into two parts. "These are my tunnels, I recommend you get the hell outta here, old geezer. If you're looking for somewhere to rest, keep moving." he grumbled at her.

The wolf halted, narrowing her eyes at him. "You mean to tell me that you live in this hole? Can't say that I blame you but with my vision being so poor these days, I wouldn't choose that." Hah, now he just looked annoyed. She moved to start past him but he blocked her way.

"Are you one of those ones from the clans or whatever they're called?" he asked, ears flattening against his head in suspicion.

Now it was her turn to be suspicious, wary. What did this male know about her clans? "Why do you ask?"

"I've seen them coming this way before, and I thought that I'd seen you with them a few times."

The elder tilted her head, thinking. Maybe this could be her chance to start over. Have a shot at a new life, no matter how old she was. "I might have been, a while back."

The male studied her, taking in a quiet breath. "Did you get lost?" he inquired, to which the woman gave the reply of: "No, no, I always knew where I was."

She sounded amused and brushed past the tom, making a break for the trees and shade. The cat from the tunnels watched her go, tail twitching lightly. He shook his head then, and after seeing that she had left, he bounded back into his dark world of damp caves.

Dusk was falling as the woman continued, heading up a hill and farther into lands that looked vaguely familiar. Or maybe it just reminded her of home. These lands didn't smell much like anything of home, but there was a mountain so maybe it was the mountain she had grown so used to. Was she where she needed to be yet? This sure didn't look like The Rift or the Rebellion of Terminus. The old canine slowed until her movement ceased entirely, glancing around. She might not be able to see the best anymore but she could smell and hear, and what she was picking up was that she was near a scent border, cause it reeked of an actual group and not just a band of friends.

Maybe she'd been here before. She couldn't remember.


"until love was all i had" —-- lucent / loner / roleplayer

Re: reaching for tomorrow as i scream for you / joiner - Tena M. - 08-26-2019

Tena Moonspinner
There's a great and gentle respect Tena feels whenever she found herself in the presence of someone well older.  Especially in women; the grandmothers, as she would call them.  They were the storytellers and knowledge keepers of her people.  Upon spotting a stranger of the older nature, the petite sand cat would slowly trot over, bright blue hues gleaming with curiosity.

"Hello," she dipped her head in respect as she spoke, wearing her typical friendly smile.  "This is Elysium land, can I help you ma'am?"
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: reaching for tomorrow as i scream for you / joiner - number nine. - 08-26-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nine had come to terms with the fact that this wasn't the world that she was originally from. Despite the existence of her beloved Lewis in this world, that didn't mean that everybody else she cared about was here, or that any of the groups she had known of in her childhood actually existed here. Sure, a couple of people had mentioned groups that sounded vaguely familiar while she was traveling, but none of them were overly intimately known to her, and it could have just been a false familiarity that she felt while she had felt so lonely and lost. Needless to say, both The Rift and The Rebellion of Terminus were familiar names to the former Exiles warrior, but she had never visited either of the groups personally, and for all she knew, both of them were now destroyed and left to dust while she had been gone. She felt bad for those that had once lived in either of these groups if this was the case – Lucent included – but honestly she couldn't feel too sad about groups in her old world, since it had been left so far behind her now.

Sighing almost wistfully, Nine slowly moved over to come up beside Tena, sitting back and tilting her head to one side to look Lucent over. She had seen plenty of wolves before in her life, but the darker varieties had always been the most interesting looking to her, since they seemed vaguely like they were made out of shadows. Tail flicking from side to side behind her as she settled beside Tena, she meowed in her oddly deep and masculine voice, courtesy of the body that she was currently inhabiting, "'Ello from me as well. My name is Number Nine." She dipped her head politely to Lucent and stretched her legs out in front of her, a pleasant stretch popping her spine as she did so.

Re: reaching for tomorrow as i scream for you / joiner - Straw - 08-26-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Straw had lived in a different locale before, but she didn't believe she had ever lived a past life. In a theoretical sense, she did acknowledge that reincarnation could exist without her knowing it, but whether it worked that way or not, she wasn't aware. Some might argue ignorance was bliss, in that regard; she had no opinion either way.

  In any case, the stranger at the border was not even remotely familiar to her, outside of being a species that she recognized. Wolves were common, more so than many species, certainly more than red pandas were. Wearing clothing items around the neck was also fairly common, as Straw had seen several in Elysium alone sporting scarves or other fabrics on their scruffs.

  The newcomer seemed to be getting along in years, though Straw would never say so aloud. Even if she meant it as a sign of respect, there was no way to ensure that it wouldn't be taken as an insult. Quince had advised her to use the term "experienced" rather than "old" if she ever talked about the subject, but frankly Straw just preferred to avoid it entirely.

  Luckily, Tena and Nine had already done most of the talking. "Hi. I'm Straw," Straw said quietly as she approached behind Tena, lifting her head to peer at the stranger, and raising a paw to adjust her mask.