Beasts of Beyond
THERE WILL BE DARKNESS AGAIN | etherealgate - Printable Version

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THERE WILL BE DARKNESS AGAIN | etherealgate - Florence - 08-25-2019

intro post here yeehaw

Re: THERE WILL BE DARKNESS AGAIN | etherealgate - Florence - 08-25-2019

[div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]
with an accent of blood
who speaks in foreign tongues
whose vowels are the sound of metal clashing.
[b][color=#BB8844]☆ GENERAL
etherealgate | crewmate of the typhoon
female (she/her) | bisexual | nineteen months
gatekeeper | reaper | handmaiden

[color=#BB8844]☆ APPEARANCE
a tall, black serval with golden eyes and leathery wings.

[color=#BB8844]☆ PERSONALITY
level-headed | gentle | shrewd
judgmental | balanced | cold
tries to be humorous | trait | trait

[color=#bb8844]☆ RELATIONSHIPS
npc x npc | first gen.
no siblings

[color=#bb8844]☆ ABILITIES
- clairvoyance

[color=#bb8844]☆ COMBAT
- will start fights, will finish fights
- possesses no weapons
- physically hard and mentally extreme
- attack in [color=#bb8844]bold #bb8844

[color=#bb8844]☆ OTHER NOTES
- afraid of flying and swimming.