Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]She had been nothing for such a long time: a golden-eyed girl who dealt in death, paws stained with the blood of the lives she had taken in the name of righteousness. Some called her a reaper, but she preferred to be called a gatekeeper. She did not usher life from one realm to the next, merely judged it. It was what she had done for as long as she could remember, and what she would continue to do until her own life expired and she faced judgement herself. It was a divine occupation, and she would not deny that some sort of divinity coursed through her veins, but her existence was shrouded in a self-inflicted darkness and she longed for something different. Something new.

She wanted to be more than a handmaiden of death. She wanted to have a name. She wanted to have an identity. "Etherealgate." She was a being of few words and the name felt hard on her tongue. She frowned contemplatively, whispering it again to herself. Black wings unfurled impatiently and she stepped forward, suddenly aware of soft wood underfoot. She had let her instincts be her guide and it appeared that they had led her to some type of railroad. All around her, spirits whispered, pleas and distant laments filling her ears. She ignored them, more fascinated by this strange location that differed so greatly from the haunted forest she had once made her home. Would this place – with it's salty air and harsh sunlight – serve as a better home to her? Would it finally be the place she discovered herself? She could not say for certain, but her curiosity was too great to turn away.

"Hello?" Her voice came out in a croak, hoarse from disuse. It was obvious that others lived here, but where? Would they greet her with open arms or hostility? And if it were the latter, would this be her judgement day? "I wish to live in this place."

(aha ha ha i have not rped in so long this is Bad forgive me)

Re: LYING IN THE HOLLOWS OF YOUR HEART | JOINING - dovedeparture - 08-24-2019

The afterlife was not foreign territory to Dovedeparture. To her, death was not the end but the beginning to another chapter. This segment of one's life was eternal, unchanging. And death did for make her fearful, for it was merely existence on another plane, and in a sense, it was where her former home resided. Granted, the actualities of it were far more complicated than this mortal form could articulate, but a part of her understood this knowledge and kept it close to her heart for comfort. Because though her spirit may be immortal, things were never certain on the ground.

A strange sensation flickered to life inside of her - similar to that of a forest catching fire: slowly burning before it engulfed her being. She tried to ignore the phantom forces at work, but there was no shaking it. Within the feeling, there was familiarity, but she could not rationalize why she felt these things... These were not emotions as she had felt since falling to the earth.

Tugged along by invisible strings, Dovedeparture emerged from the jungle to see Etherealgate. The creature that loomed before her was dark, almost a complete opposite of herself. Where Dove was ivory and porcelain, the gatekeeper was obsidian and shadows. The other's wings were as black as coal, but the guardian angel knew air passed through her feathers, not smoke. Dove looked deep into Ethereal's eyes, and felt envy. Those golden irises were as stunning as any halo she had ever seen.

Ever poised, Dovedeparture did not let her emotions show. She kept them hidden deep within her heart, but she could not deny the odd fire that burned within her. She had to know this being, and she had to know why she felt so connected to her.

"Greetings," she breathed at last. "Forgive me, I did not catch your name. I am Dovedeparture, though Dove works just as well." The wildcat's lips drew back in a kind smile. "This is the Typhoon, and we welcome you to our ranks."

Re: LYING IN THE HOLLOWS OF YOUR HEART | JOINING - celestialrobbery - 08-25-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
Celeste was a celestial being, yes, but she was no divine being. She was the sun and stars, but she was no angel or reaper or anything of that sort. She was just here to burn, brightly, passionately, destructively. The cool ocean waves of the Typhoon kept her at bay, and because of that, the feline had yet to burst like she always knew she could. Her fur had burned alight and eyes scorched red before, but the fire she possessed had yet to rear its head. She had yet to truly, utterly burn.

But right in this exact moment, she was here to greet this new joiner. To say hello, to introduce herself. And that was precisely what she was about to do. "Hey, newbie. I'm Celestialrobbery, but just Celeste is fine. I'm here to keep wings over here in line, because she's an incredibly huge troublemaker. Don't let her angel appearance fool you, she's just chaos embodied." There was no exact purpose or gain from this, and a part of Celeste even felt bad, because it'd likely confuse the joiner, but Celeste simply loved teasing Dove. She couldn't pass up such a prime opportunity-- it just wasn't in her nature. "What's your name?"

// this was written over two days it's prolly incoherent i'm so sorry BFHVDKNUGVHJ
now she's gonna mourn you!


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]As golden eyes met vivid green ones, Etherealgate attempted something she never had before: a smile. The gesture felt odd and misplaced upon her features, but she hoped it was a sign of her goodwill nevertheless. At least these creatures are not hostile sinners, She thought, a wave of approval washing over her, Though one being does not hardly speak for the rest of them. The amended thought dismissed her approval but she was determined to remain somewhat optimistic about the remainder of the clan. Maybe in this case, one being would speak volumes about everyone else.

"Etherealgate. I've chosen to be called Etherealgate," She finally offered, remembering her own manners. She did not often interact with those who occupied warm, mortal bodies (except to bring them to deliverance) and possessed the tendency to forget her courtesies every so often. She was interested in this Dovedeparture though, with her white fur and angelic wings that almost made her seem like an angel come to earth herself. Almost. Something twisted inside of her, an identifiable emotion that she had rarely – if ever – come across over the duration of her relatively short life. She chose to ignore it for now, instead focusing her attention on another.

Where Dove appeared poised and restrained, Celeste was a vivid and untamed flame in comparison. "Chaos embodied?" She mused, trying out a laugh, "Than surely you haven't met me yet." It was perhaps her first attempt at humor but Eth felt as if she succeeded. She was chaotic, just as she was right and good. Her soul was balanced as all things should be, but that didn't stop her from wanting to partake in some of the fun as well. "I'm Etherealgate," The black serval paused for a moment, considering. One went by Dove and the other Celeste, so it seemed like a regular practice to shorten names. "You can call me Eth however."

(this was also written over like three days because i have no idea how to write anymore)

Re: LYING IN THE HOLLOWS OF YOUR HEART | JOINING - idyllfields - 08-29-2019

stars did fall
how comedic it was that idyll typically never caught on to their otherworldly mates. upon their first interaction with the captain, they had deemed her godly in the way she poised herself and seemed to practically glow. the coyote had chalked it up to the fascination and admiration they had for her, until she actually revealed her bloodline to hold demi-gods. luca, another being not so mortal, had caught their interest from appearance firstly. the hellhound was quite like none they had ever seen. gradually they began to understand that luca actually was a hellhound, and not just a canine with unique features.

it still had not caught on with dove and celeste, but idyll always thought the two were rather strange in their own ways. something disconnected from this earth. it was only a matter of time before they had to spell it out for the sage to finally understand.

meeting etherealgate, idyllfields offered her a pleasant smile in greeting. "hello, dear. welcome to the typhoon! you are more than welcome to stay as long as you would like. captain goldie just requests you attend out initiation shortly after you make yourself comfortable." they gave a cheerful greeting to celeste and dove before continuing. "oh! and if you have any questions or need any assisstance, you are more than welcome to ask anyone around! my name is idyllfields, i am a sage here being trained under the captain, so do not hesitate to come find me if you need any medical attention."

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: LYING IN THE HOLLOWS OF YOUR HEART | JOINING - fulzanin - 08-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Gods and angels and demi-gods and demons were all things that a pterosaur such as Tanteri didn't know. He came from a time before those terms had been coined, from when the only god was the food that laid before you and kept you nourished. He didn't know, frankly it could be equally said that he didn't care. They were members of the group- who cared what they were? Tanteri certainly didn't. The pteranodon landed a little heavily, his head swiveling between the newcomer and those that had already come to greet her.

"Everyone here has such long names," Tanteri squawked in his usual shout. His head tilted to the side, then turned to the side, and then made a chirrup akin to a scoff. Etherealgate, Celestialrobbery, Dovedeparture, when did the long names end?! They made little sense to pteranodon, and his mind swiftly decided that he would use the shorter name - Eth - for this newcomer as well. "I'm Tanteri. Welcome and, and, all that." He clucked, his weight shifting with a long swish of his tail behind him.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: LYING IN THE HOLLOWS OF YOUR HEART | JOINING - bubblegum - 08-30-2019

It would not be an unfair assessment to state that these two females were near opposites, though with almost similar purposes. Divinity ran through them both, though in different ways, and they could both be seen as reapers, though Goldie was much more so a self-fulfilling prophecy, filling in for karma. And, most of all: Goldenluxury Roux was everything, in every different explanation given. The tigress was the captain's daughter, the captain, the slave that took down the slavers, the demigoddess of raging storms, an oxymoron, and a woman of many skills she'd forced herself to learn through means of overexertion. The female represented most of what she could ever hope to in life. And now, most of all, she just has one thing left - one thing she would need to truly die fulfilled. To liberate the remaining slaves. To end the process. Destroy that fox she'd placed upon a throne. Karma was something she had proclaimed herself to be many times before: this was to be her most important judgment to execute. And, the time to do so was fast approaching.

The tigress, for now, though, must delay it to her dismay. She may be reckless, straining to her body, but she was not a full on fool. She knew her ultimate limits, and she would not force herself into a battle she did not feel confident she would win. For now, her body is too weak, too exhausted. It needs to regain the strength it would normally contain with each muscled step and raised head, slicing gaze ready to pierce through any soul. Now, her head hung, bandages wrapped about her neck, feathers torn from her wings, healing claw marks around her body. She was getting there, but it would take time - which was her biggest enemy. It had no weaknesses. There was no way to beat time, other than to simply utilize it as much as she could. They only had so much on this world, after all. She did not believe herself to be immortal, only fortunate enough to be given a few chances. (And, to be honest, she would not wish to be immortal. Mortality is what made life so important.)

The captain had made her way over, albeit slowly, in the healing state she was currently in. Her eyes dart from the few crewmates that've already showed up, standing closer to Idyll as her feathered ear tips take in the situation. "Capt'n Goldenluxury Roux, or, whatever nickname ya wanna gimme." She introduces with a painful nod, sharp voice slightly strained. "Welcome t' the pirate crew." It seems her sage has given a sufficient introduction for both themself and indirectly herself. The less talking she had to do now, the better.