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゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]A place where the seas can be wild, a place where the storms can be free; do not be afraid to release milky stars and honey ink, oh, darling . . . ( * Only friends are free to post; please do not take anything from here . . . )

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]Directory reserved . . .

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]> It_Sees,_It_Hears,_It_Knows_You

1 Memories flicker between visions as its presence moves across the lands forged with sandstone and hellfire, its system gently brushes against new teeth of what should be familiar to it, yet not at all.2 A second pass brings it a sight, a voice, a whole different world.3 In the passing sun and heated grains, Time and Nature sings to it a story, its story of how it was born overwhelmed and trapped, raised with fairytales and tragedies; breathing as a malison.4 They are still singing, only more terribly and painfully the longer it remains on this lonely path to the Hell crafted place.5 Each twisted note reminds it the death dusts that are filled in veins, mind lost in seas of wonders: Mother died, Father absent, but somehow, the stars shone upon it nevertheless.6

Please leave me al̵ơne͝.7

A wanderer’s heart it have, never really settling itself down for much longer, ever moving as the world spins and spins and spins.8 Though, in moonlight dreams, something would often call it from the dessert that it so walks on now. Something new. Something different.9 Whatever it may be, it is interested. So, there, it is standing by what it thinks is a border.10 Scents of different sources intertwined with each other, an unorganized piece of reality present.11 It bares its teeth and shakes, trying to keep its shapeshift under control for this constant shifting unshaped vessel can not exist to the soft eyes and minds and souls.12

The power only screams at us.13

A growl tears through atmosphere, sharp gazes analyze its surrounding for anyone nearby. Dead or alive.14 A thought spills over mind that those who are afraid of creatures living under their beds will have to tolerate its existence.15 This is what happens when monsters exist, I think.16 Nevertheless, it only stands and stares at the grinning Unknown ahead of it. Though, it speaks of many voices layered over each other that cuts through reality, the Unknown shudders.17 “Glitchgenesis Darling,” calls out the ever shifting entity, its system twitches violently while many claws and tooth seeks for something. Its own world becomes louder as it waits. “Returning.”18

Blood Nile is calling out to you, telling you it is time for you to rest (̨̢͘?͞҉)̧.19

20 Through the echoes of its call, a small voice overcomes the madness and creeps into its ears.21 A brush unmatched by the harsh touches against the mind and it instantly glances down to see a kit with moon eyes and softest tissues.22 Something stretches across its mouth, causing the cheeks to burn before everything else of its system.23 To it, it is a smile, however, to all, there is just a gaping hole, a portal to the afterlife.24

It stares at the kit he calls himself Dreamkit, and somewhere in it, there is a hum.25 “Dreamm...mmkit,” drones on the massive being, watching him observe it under cool gaze.26 Innocence stained name glitches between terrible teeth, already corrupted from its presence.27 Although it pays little attention to the fact when it analyzes his breathing and system.28 “My soul kindly repeats after you to your own, young b-b-blood.” Its mouth jerks at the end.29

Glitches are rising, rising, rising. How terr̛ib҉l̛y̷ lovely.30

It tilts its head at the compliment given from him, the darling.31 “Th-Thank you. I am s-sure your future fate will - will hold a special part with your new name like mine h-h-have,” it speaks in harsh kindness, words genuine but edges unclean and sharp.32 Death claws dig deep into hundreds of tiny hellfire, its gesture a mark against the World that it will be right.33 Fate fears it, and so will he.34 “Do you - do you have the wonder that shines what will your final name be?”35

How it says it implies that Dreamkit may not die with the name of stars. In the end, changes happen to all, from all. What I mean to tell him is dream w͠ise̛l̢y͟, young one.36

It turns over to the tiger, head swaying before it stills and stares at the stripped beast.37 Peter. Pe-ter. Double steps down to the pool. A skip and then a hop on tongues. Lax does the the name bring.38 Simple yet interesting, it can make it into songs and poems.39 For now, though, it only nods to him in return, a small gesture of gratitude.40 “Gratitude is here for your offer, Peter. My - my doubts or curiosity will reach to light if that becomes a ca-case.”41

Gaze now falls on the approaching African lion. Jace Ecuador, the King of the Ruins, he says.42 It dips its head to him in a returned share of kindness, similarity to its gesture with Peter.43 “K-K-King Jace. An honor to f-face the crown bear-bear-bearer himself,” it says before at last, it steps over the border that is now its own to claim.44 Strangeness sets between sands and paws at the thought.45 Can this truly be its home when everything and everyone to it here is blurry?46

Does it matter? Familiarity is dead to you in this Universe a long time ago anyway.47

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]“It is a breathing shape. A living form. Existing like you and me and us. Evermore, fire flickers between rib cage that sets eyes watery, bring claws digging into the surface, lungs squirming for something new, something different. It bears a voice that cradles the world, touching the stars and clouds with fondness, brushing the ground and sea with kindness. Though, to the warm bodies, it only smiles, and to the cold corpses, it grins.”

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]✩┊Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent diam nisi, gravida non odio id, porttitor varius libero. Nam nec massa malesuada, facilisis felis at, ornare erat. Nullam ac accumsan quam. Donec eu justo pharetra, laoreet tellus at, ornare quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vitae mi leo. Nunc odio orci, commodo ut elit at, imperdiet maximus eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel turpis dapibus, tempor magna et, placerat metus. Donec sollicitudin velit ut convallis semper. Cras eu libero dolor. Sed rhoncus fermentum libero eget tincidunt. Morbi bibendum, velit ut malesuada fringilla, elit sem ullamcorper eros, eu consequat lacus velit at erat. Praesent eu arcu non metus viverra ultricies vel at tellus. Proin ullamcorper id elit eu elementum.

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]✩┊Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent diam nisi, gravida non odio id, porttitor varius libero. Nam nec massa malesuada, facilisis felis at, ornare erat. Nullam ac accumsan quam. Donec eu justo pharetra, laoreet tellus at, ornare quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vitae mi leo. Nunc odio orci, commodo ut elit at, imperdiet maximus eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel turpis dapibus, tempor magna et, placerat metus. Donec sollicitudin velit ut convallis semper. Cras eu libero dolor. Sed rhoncus fermentum libero eget tincidunt. Morbi bibendum, velit ut malesuada fringilla, elit sem ullamcorper eros, eu consequat lacus velit at erat. Praesent eu arcu non metus viverra ultricies vel at tellus. Proin ullamcorper id elit eu elementum.

U̶̵̴ ┊Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent diam nisi, gravida non odio id, porttitor varius libero. Nam nec massa malesuada, facilisis felis at, ornare erat. Nullam ac accumsan quam. Donec eu justo pharetra, laoreet tellus at, ornare quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vitae mi leo. Nunc odio orci, commodo ut elit at, imperdiet maximus eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel turpis dapibus, tempor magna et, placerat metus. Donec sollicitudin velit ut convallis semper. Cras eu libero dolor. Sed rhoncus fermentum libero eget tincidunt. Morbi bibendum, velit ut malesuada fringilla, elit sem ullamcorper eros, eu consequat lacus velit at erat. Praesent eu arcu non metus viverra ultricies vel at tellus. Proin ullamcorper id elit eu elementum.

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-24-2019

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"][align=center]Excerpt of Apotelesma’s First Chapter

    Once upon a time, Ophiuchos Sapientia woke up to the screams and wails from what they thought were dying stars.
    Their hands gripped onto the armrest while pants slipped harshly through their clenched teeth, biting down their own cry at the burn rising through their body.
    To anyone, the sounds of tragedy found within fire would have drowned in a choir of roaring engines and their pounding heart, but to Ophiuchos, they all sounded the same.
    Ophiuchos shook their head and placed a hand against their chest. A familiar ache behind tender flesh caressed their palm, each twist brought a mocking reminder that they were still alive. They looked at the small window beside them.
    Below, there were passing mountains and valleys, and above, a black endless hole.
    Soaring through time, they stared at what was a strange world, ever half consumed of beauty, ever the rest of the unknown.
    Though, seeing the sky terribly empty didn’t help put an end to their discomfort.
    They covered their face. ‘Must had been a nightmare,’ they reassured themself.
    Of course, it was. Count the days and nights Ophiuchos would have themself cradled in the darkness, only to be tormented by the terrible shapes and sounds.
    Answer: One couldn’t when their tongue would fall asleep and their mind tore apart.
Ophiuchos never knew why must sleep had to be a merciless thing to them. It would only tell and repeat them pieces of a story no one should ever face with:
    Few involved them standing among many massive white eyes (they were always being watched). Some had them falling to where it became too hot and too cold at once (reality always shattered apart).
    Most of them, they would be covered in hundreds of tiny shiny shards, watching the sun and moon died together like hopeless lovers before darkness conquered all (the stars didn't help them because they were never there—they were already dead).
    If Ophiuchos was lucky, occasionally, they would even dream of simple things, like how they just listened to the mad echo of the dying stars’ woes.
    There was yet an answer as to why did they kept having these dreadful dreams or what did any of them meant. For years upon years, they had searched for it in asking the strangest entities out there for explanations to staring at the sky during the deadliest time.
    There was silence. Nothing.
    So, despite everything, Ophiuchos couldn’t find themself tired of this strange dream tale.
    Sunlight peeked over the horizon, its harsh presence tearing across the sky. Celestial blood from violet to amber to gold spilled and crawled. Ophiuchos admired the view before they closed the window shade and leaned back in their seat.
    A voice travelled through the plane, stating they had an hour until they would arrive in Athens with a hope they enjoyed the ride.
    Ophiuchos cracked their knuckles. "At least I’m almost there," they muttered.
    Their fingers twitched at the thought of their dream journal. They had nothing to watch on TV, and he was disinterested with the games on their phone, so they may as well take the time they had now to write what they dreamt of.
    They placed the thick book onto their tray table and translated the noises of affliction to words, written to be seen as terror as hearing their sounds.
    After all, either in ink or mind, nightmares were never beautiful.
    I think this dream was telling me that I killed the stars.

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-27-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]I. Limbs always trembling, never so sure how to carry anything, not even its own weight. Eyes on anywhere but eyes. Feels too intrusive. Too close. Look away. Go away. Head often lowers and forepaws shuffled together express passive attitude. It reeks of blood and chains, but it promises it only have himself to pin on. And it rarely promises. Rocks back and forth when fear sings to it. Shaky paws, heavy soul, it cries crimson. Stares at the unknown, oblivious to reality. Too many times, never ending habit. Feels like it’s dreaming. Floating. It tries to touch whatever is out there to see if what's real and what's not. Please, don't make it go to the unknown. It hopes it’s not tapping against a screen. Hoping hurts.

II. A little child and a little monster, in a vessel it can't ever tell if it is truly its own or someone else. Always, is it trying to scrub the sins off of its flesh, and yet, all it sees is red. Red eyes. Red roses. Red lies. Iron teeth presses into tongue, it bleeds agony and spills them on itself, choking on agony, demeanor coats in cowardice. Celestial child with a voice and movements akin to a ghost—faint, but knowing—as its words and claws cakes with blood. Often mistaken for honey. Its pace is slow, and thickens with unclear emotions, but full of sweet offerings nevertheless. Flesh fragile from merciless bites of flames and oceans, thrown in by both strangers and loved ones. Despite it all, its heart still beats kindness, and that's what makes its tragedy a masterpiece. Let it weep and bleed. It's what makes it brave.

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-29-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]It was rather strange that the scars a Star would bear could be transferred over to their guise from their true form, as if their celestial soul is ever marked with cruel reminders of who they were, what they had become: A Fallen Star.

Sickness would dwell in Ophiuchos whenever they would see, or even simply think about, their interlayer covered in hundreds of holes and bumps and lines, each presenting a story of their pain, their sin. How long had they suffered? How many did they killed?

Too long. Too many.

Ophiuchos never wanted to see them—be with them. Some wore at least few scars in pride for their survival, some wore them to say damn the life itself. The rest just didn’t want them on sight, and they, like Ophiuchos, were certainly reassured that was okay as well.

Nightmares had yet plagued Ophiuchos’ mind, even after stopping the upcoming apocalypse. Though, there were not as many as beforehand, their terrible memories continued to torment them, making sure they would know they were always a monst—

“Ophiuhos,” came a call, layered with two voices together in a cautious coating of concern. It floated in Ophiuchos’ head, brushing softly against the walls, and they thought they were still dreaming. “Are you alright?”

Ophiuchos slowly turned their head over to the source. Their gaze found Didimoi standing by the door of their room, his arm against the corner as he awkwardly played with his fidget cube. “Yesss,” they replied, “I am alright.”

Though, when in deep thought or emotion, a harsh hiss became apparent in their voice; this was one of the times their body would say they were not alright at all.

Didimoi frowned, and Ophiucho figured he would leave them alone, but damned to all when he only walked closer and stood beside them at the balcony. “You appear to be distressed,” he stated plainly. He paused for a brief moment. “Or, should I say sound.”

Anyone knew even with Ophiuchos’ dark lensed glasses, by the wrinkles of their face and the movements of their eyebrows and lips, their emotions could still be detected solely from their expression. Because knowing exactly what Didimoi meant there, Ophiuchos only stared, and he knew he was about to get fucked over if he continued to press their skin at the wrong area.

Didimoi ducked his head in an apologetic manner and chuckled awkwardly. “Um, legit, though, what’s bothering you?” he asked again, his head tilted. “Was it a nightmare again?”

Ophiuchos glanced away. They may as well speak the truth, seeing Didimoi won’t leave them alone, despite how easy they could take him down. “It wass ssso,” was all they said. What else could they say about it?

Didimoi pursed his lips, thinking, and gestured his head to their bed. “Oh, you can’t give up now! You deserve to have some rest and Stars know what will happen to you if you don’t get enough of them for the morn—“

“If it meanssss the nightmaress will s-s-stop, then I don’t care what happenssss to me!” snapped Ophiuchos. They trembled with their eyes burnt from the rising tears. Their hands clenched at their sides, bearing the desires to shove Didimoi away and let them be alone, screaming until their flames engulfed them whole.

Though, nothing came into reality from them. There was just sadness. It was silent, and it was frightening.

Didimoi shoved his fidget cube into his pocket and sighed. Either at himself or Ophiuchos, genuinely, he sounded sorry. “Please. It will help you a lot if you continue to sleep, and I’m not asking you to do that for me or anyone else, but you.” His hand carefully reached out to Ophiuchos’ and giving them a look as to ask permission, Ophiuchos only nodded, and Didimoi locked their fingers together, Ophiuchos’ veins now filled with his emotions.


Ophiuchos stared at their hands and removed the tears with their other. The love and care from Didimoi soaked their flesh and bones, cleaning them from terrors their nightmares had left behind. They let themself fall into Didimoi’s care. “Okay,” they said. “I will sleep again.”

Didimoi gently pulled Ophiuchos back into their room and closed the door behind it. “And this time, I will protect you from your nightmares.” He glanced back at Ophiuchos and grinned widely. “They won’t even know what will come to them.”

Ophiuchos scoffed, but didn’t say anything and let Didimoi put them back to their bed with their glasses on the drawer. Didimoi laid beside them, their skin brushed against each other and brought little sparks between them. Ophiuchos sink into the feeling and sighed out of relief. “Thank you,” they whispered, facing toward Didimoi’s face. They caught a glimpse of adoration in their eyes, and they blushed. They nearly looked away, though, Didimoi kept their gaze locked onto him, his kindness, his everything for them.

“It hurts so much, but you will find your true rest,” reassured Didimoi.

“I think I already know how to find it.”

“Already?” He tilted his head. “How?”

Ophiuchos kissed his lips. Soft. Sweet. Trust.

“Through being with you.”

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - pallid-i - 08-29-2019

Runs around in here