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it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - Printable Version

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it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

A small feline made his way to the freezing land of the Snowbound, weak but with enough strength to carry a bag that held a small squirming mass inside. He stopped at the border and gingerly put the bag down, wheezing. He curled up next to the bag and looked around, sides heaving as he struggled to regain his breath. His time was coming to a close, but he had to make someone come. He couldn't leave the bag alone. If he did.. the kit would die, and his son couldn't die. Not yet. He should have a chance at life.. A life with a family and friends. The tom cat gave a small shout, calling for help. His vision grew blurry and the cold nipped at his skin. He did all he could... His son had a chance, or so he hoped.
He curled around the bag and closed his eyes, breathing growing faint before stopping altogether. There was soft mewling coming from that bag, and the kit inside wiggled around trying to find a source of heat to curl up next to.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - jacob w.c. - 05-01-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was out on a walk again. It helped him clear his mind and let him stretch his legs. Today was actually fairly decent. He'd had no pain and they'd been a bit stiff at first but now he was moving at a nice pace, at least for him. He still wasn't walking at full speed but he felt more mobile than he'd been since he arrived in Snowbound. Jacob's eyes scanned the open territory as he let out a soft sigh. He was pulled from his mundane thoughts when he noticed a figure curled up in the distance. "Hello? 'Scuse me, are ya' alright?" It was cold out here and the figure didn't appear to be covered up at all. Jacob pushed his way through the snow until arriving in front of the figure, lighting uncurling it from the bag and pressing his ear against his chest. Nothing. The feline wasn't breathing and there was no heart beat. He felt his heart ache and he began to drag the body away. Even if they hadn't known him, he didn't deserve to have his body left out in the same cold that had likely killed him. Then he heard the mews. He hurried to the bag and opened it to see a child inside. Without hesitation, Jacob reached in his own bag and pulled out one of the sweaters he carried to wrap around the tiny creature. He couldn't leave it out in the cold. He'd get him back to the tunnels and then check for any injuries. He was probably starving. The husky spared a glance to the feline, who he now assumed to be the boy's father, and let out a soft sigh. "Don' ya' worry, I'm gonna' take care ah' you. We gotta' get ya' somewhere warm..." he murmured. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

The kit mewled in fear as he was wrapped up in something warm. He opened up his eyes (though his vision wasn't so good for obvious reasons) and feebly pawed at the sweater, mewling again. Though he appreciated the sudden warmth, the strange scent he detected wasn't one he knew in his short life.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - cry - 05-01-2018

  Cry swooped down beside Jacob (as she grown very talented maneuvering with only one wing), her eyes blinking owlishly at the kitten. How pathetic. The creature could not even see. ... Yeah shut up she was a hypocrite. If she expected anyone to pick up someone's kid, it was Jacob. She sighed, turning her cloudy eyes up to the dog. You're going to keep the rugrat? She cawed, her voice hoarse and rough. She was not much of a speaker, only speaking one or two words at a time. She had no reason to trust anyone in this clan. They did not deserve her words.

  The raven turned to the squirming bundle. It was... kinda gross. Is that what baby mammals looked like? ... Eugh. She preferred being a plant back home. At least she and her brother could stand up and walk from germination. Animals made things so complicated. Everything was a struggle with no answer. Cry tilted her head, blinking at the monster. Does it have a name?


Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - guts - 05-01-2018

Aizawa was used to dealing with kids, having a profession as teacher in the past and all. But they were all teenagers. They were rowdy and hard to deal with, just like younger kids, but they still could take care of themselves--for the most part, anyway. Children that were young, though, weren't capable of that. All babies did were cry, sleep, and make messes. Not to mention the fact that they were fragile, not at all like the kids he was used to, who even had powers of their own.

So, he was slightly wary as he approached, glancing over the lifeless body of the supposed parent before turning to the small child Jacob cradled. It was definitely small and in need of some care. If they were to leave it out in such conditions, it would definitely die. "Well, we can't just leave it," he points out in response to the crow, though his eyes were still focused on the kit. It would be inhumane, knowing it was there and still leaving it to pass away like it's father. Despite not being in the hero position he used to be, he still had the natural inclination to help out.


Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - jacob w.c. - 05-01-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —//does the kitten have a name? or would you like jake to name him something in particular?

Jacob moved as quickly as he could, hoping to reach the tunnels soon when he heard Cry nearby, his eyes widening. He knew it! He couldn't get too excited right now, though, he needed to get it back to the tunnels without dropping it. "'Course I am! I'm gonna' take care ah' 'im," he answered quickly, glancing to the child. The tunnels were in sight. He was nearly there. He wouldn't relax until they were inside, though. "Uh, I dunno'. I don' see nothin' with a name on it. Maybe we'll get a better look when we get ta' camp," he answered. Finally, he entered the tunnels and let out a sigh of relief. He woke his way through the familiar halls before coming into the main cavern. It wasn't nearly as cold here and they were protected from the merciless wind outside. He set down the bag and scooped the child out, still wrapped in a sweater. He used his paw to try to pull the feline close to him. "Hi li'l guys. Don' suppose ya' know your name, huh? Your probably real tired n' hungry. I gotta' find somethin' for ya'..." he spoke gently, trying to warm the child with his own fur and sweater. He was sure it'd been freezing out there in just that little bag. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

//i don't have a name for him, and i don't want any specific names! just give him whatever name you want <3

After a while, the kit fell silent and once he was pulled closer to Jacob, he curled up into a tight little ball. He blinked a couple of times and released a small mewl. If he could, he would definitely stay curled up next to Jacob for the rest of his life. This heat source was nice and fluffy, and quite friendly. Though as other scents filled his nostrils, the tiny hairs on his back stood up in the beginnings of a bristle of fear. The kit meowed and wobbled closer to Jacob, trying to find safety in his fur.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - jacob w.c. - 05-01-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —Jacob pressed against the child and licked the top of his head, pulling him close to help him get a bit warmer. He smiled down at the tiny child before speaking, "So no name, huh? Well, we oughta' give ya' one. What do ya' think ah' Harrison? Harrison Wickliff Corleone," he suggested. He knew the kitten wouldn't be able to say much but he supposed it was nice to just say it. His Pa had been a good man, but he'd had plenty of problems and Jacob just hoped those wouldn't carry to his namesake. Keep all the good, the love, the loyalty, the warmth, but forget the old things that plagued them. He briefly wondered if his Babbo would be upset he didn't name it after him but he didn't think he'd be too upset. Naming him directly after Vito wouldn't be a good idea anyway. It'd attract too much attention. Jacob got enough grief about his last names as it was. "Don' worry, I'm gonna' take care ah' ya'. You're gonna stay with me," he tried to speak in a soothing voice as he rubbed the kitten, trying to be sure it was warm after being out in the cold for so long. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

He looked up at Jacob with big eyes full of curiosity. His pitch black fur flattened once again, and for once, the kit didn't feel fear. He felt safe, and despite only knowing the stranger for just a couple of minutes, he wished nothing more than to stay at his side. Harrison squeaked at Jacob before getting comfortable and taking a nap. He was too tired to deal with anything, really. Being out in the cold and now being warmed up made him sleepy.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: it'll be alright ❄ open, abandoned kit - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-01-2018

(hella late to this sorry aaa!)

Clans usually had patterns with one another when it came to the aspect of joiners. He had seen the different types over his lifetime and had made sure to memorize all of them so that he wouldn't end up forgetting. This way, he should know what to expect when he does end up approaching the border. The wildcat still isn't the type to be incredibly nice to those that were on the border despite his mood at the moment. He was incredibly happy now that he had a friend and everything, but there was still the aspect that he needed to get stronger and get stronger for London as well because the clouded leopard could only defend herself so much with the condition that she had right now. The young male had seen plenty of instances where someone ends up dropping their young on the border only to immediately abandon them. There were plenty of reasons why Killua didn't get along with adults, and it usually ended up being how the way that they treated their children. Like garbage, or something that could just be thrown away and forgotten about. Half of the reasons why some clanners ended up hating their parents was because of the fact that they were abandoned. It pissed him off, and what he would give to see the parents face just to beat their face in. He wasn't like that anymore, although he knew it was only going to be a matter of time before he came across a familiar scene again. Killua probably would have been pissed off in this situation, but there was little he was going to end up doing about it. The albino serval had been doing his usual rounds, a lollipop in his mouth when he heard a long string of voices off in the distance. He flicked one of his large white ears as he knew it was coming from the border and that just meant that there was probably someone trying to join. The smell of decay slowly began to make its way up to its nose, and this immediately put the Snowstriker on alert to what was going on. What had happened? Killua arrived on the scene landing silently in the snow to see three familiar faces gathered around someone. His sapphire blue eyes narrowed as he looked at the corpse that was on the ground. Killua approached the dead feline and seemed to look it over for a couple of seconds. There were no wounds on its body, and no signs of any blunt trauma either. It almost looked like the other had froze to death. Obviously not healthy, but there was something else that was there, and he heard the small chirps a kitten. What? His attention immediately turned toward the kitten, a confused look on his face. Jacob said that he was going to be able to take care of the kitten. Killua raised a nonexistent eyebrow toward the Chief. "You think you'll be able to take care of them? You practically busy all of the time." Killua stated calmly, although he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just speaking facts as he looked at the kitten. Maybe it would be best to actually give it someone that was a parent. Jacob was just barely older than him, and Killua doubted that if he was in charge of the kitten he would be able to raise them correctly. A neutral look was spread across his facial features as he looked at the wolfdog.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
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