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i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - Printable Version

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i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - pallid-i - 08-23-2019

"Mommy's little monster!"
He remembered being born. It was dark and cold before his mother came to warm him up and coo at him. His mother had been diligent, and raised him for the short time they were together. Unfortunately, after three weeks of his conception, the colt's mother had died. Impaled by a stalagmite in their very own home. The child hadn't been able to hunt on his own yet. and he grew hungry. The hunger drove him to devour his mother's corpse, and after that.. He just grew more and more hungry. The instinct to survive drove him to leave the cave he called home, and colt traveled out; weary and thin, and ready to gorge himself in a fine meal.
After two weeks, the child collapsed in the marshes, starving and too weak to go on. He cried out before laying his head on the ground. Hibiscus was ready to give up. He was ready to see his mother again.
tags - penned by [member=292]madame.[/member]
template by orion

Re: i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Wormwood felt a great deal of pain when he thought back about his Mother's recent death, and the way that his parents had never truly loved him when he had been but a cub. He sometimes questioned to himself whether it was better for his parents to have never loved him and then passed away without him feeling too much sorrow, or if it was better for his parents to have actually loved and cared about him and then passed away and caused him a great deal of pain. It seemed as thought Worm was about to meet his polar opposite in terms of that question in Hibiscus. The colt had the loving Mother part, but her end had come swiftly, and he had been forced to commit the atrocity of eating her, and although Worm wasn't aware of any of this yet, he probably would've said that was much worse than the fate that his Mother and family had suffered. In fact, he probably would've felt a great deal of pity and sympathy for the child, and want to make him feel better.

The lion had been walking along through the edges of the swampland when he heard the cry that came out from the colt, and the subsequent snapping and bending of leaves, mud, and earth when the child collapsed. Frowning in worry, the male quickly moved towards the source of the cry and felt his eyes widen  when he saw the starving creature. Urgently, he gently nudged his head against Hibiscus's side, murmuring in a soft and comforting voice as he tried to get the male to wake up, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Hey, hey... little one, please wake up for me. You are on Tanglewood territory. We can feed you, do not worry child..."[/glow] Seeing the state that the colt was in, he quickly rushed off back into the marshlands and came back several minutes later with prey for the strange child creature. Dropping it down near Hibiscus's mouth, he turned and called out for the medics, unsure if the child was injured in a way that they could assist with, or if he was just exhausted and starving... hopefully the food would help with that.

Re: i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - COSMIIX - 08-23-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
The sound of a cry brushed against his eardrums causing the pixie bob to glance up from where he was currently laying, he slowly stumbled to his paws with a shaky huff and forced himself to walk onward to find the source of the cry. Eventually he found Wormwood and a strange creature, Lewis had never seen a kelpie before in his life and it had been a rarher long one. He had seen plenty of other mythical creatures including the one he possessed a while ago though seeing as he was in a weakened state, he couldn't really shift into it right now. He remembered when he too had been an infant of sorts his biological mother dropping him off to a ruthless warbound that could have swallowed him whole but alas, his newfound mother had took him in. Judith Grimes. Daughter of Rick Grimes, the leader of said warbound group, he had been fortunate. He had loved them dearly and being the grandson of a leader let him have more freedom, he had never been ruthless or strong enough to hurt someone without intent. He signed quietly only to smile at the child lightly. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - pallid-i - 08-26-2019

"Mommy's little monster!"
He had lost the warmth of a loving mother's embrace too soon, but Hibiscus's mind would repress these memories soon enough. He was still young. Too young to truly understand what he had done. After all, the child was too young to even know how to speak.

Strange scents flooded his nostrils but they were blocked out by the scent of prey. The colt opened his eyes and blinked away any blurriness. He whinnied softly and sniffed the food given to him. However, he made no attempt to eat it. Hibiscus was too weak to really do anything, so he kept his head down. If he had any strength left in him, he would have probably gone crazy from these potential threats, just like his instincts demanded, but again he was weak.
tags - penned by [member=292]madame.[/member]
template by orion

Re: i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - wormwood. - 08-26-2019

A slightly pained and worried look came to Wormwood's face as Hibiscus showed no response to the food besides sniffing at it, and he moved to slowly lift the kelpie onto his back, laying the colt between his wings. He then turned to Lewis, rumbling softly as he turned back towards camp, [glow=black,1,400]"Could you run ahead and get Selby, or one of the other medics, Lewis? This kid needs help..."[/glow] He carefully picked the prey up in his mouth as well, carrying Hibiscus along and moving towards camp, carefully weaving through the tangled undergrowth that made up the swamp Tanglewood lived in. If he couldn't get the colt to eat, then he needed somebody else who could wake him up safely and make him eat. Wormwood didn't want to risk doing the wrong thing and hurting the kid, or having him not eat at all.

Re: i do not love the moon | abandoned baby - trojan g. - 08-26-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth's mother had died when she was young, but it had been at a point where the female could take care of herself, and she certainly was able to remember it. She hoped that the young one that was found at the border would not be able to remember the feeling of a mother leaving them too soon. Of course, the mutated leopard did not know whether or not the reason for the being at the border was due to a death or simply due to a case of abandonment, but either way the scent of a mother was not very strong when she had come forward, ears pinning to her head as soon as she saw the scene unfold before her. Wormwood was there - someone she trusted - as well as Roy - a newer member of the group, someone she was wary of for the time being, though with her new body Moth found newfound strength and was not as scared as she used to be, not so small and useless anymore.

The chaser, at this point in time, did not know much as far as medicine went. She knew of some that could help common cold and congestion, as well as a basic of how to patch a wound, but otherwise, it was up to Selby, Delilah, and Kiira who would be able to help this child in full. Padding forward, the female would look at the odd child that was on Worm's back, face moving forward in order for her to smell. She smelled no blood, which was good, and it made her ears prick slightly, worry of an injury gone. "He might not eat prey." Moth would mention, looking towards Wormwood, "And if he does, he might be too young. Looks small."