Beasts of Beyond
DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - Printable Version

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DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - number nine. - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She knows that it's probably counterintuitive, joining a group and then immediately leaving to go and visit another one, but she feels as though she should go and visit one of the groups that would be one of her neighbors. She knew that Tanglewood was neutral to Elysium, but she also knew that Elysium didn't frequently have allies thanks to their strong morals, and just because they weren't allies didn't mean that she couldn't come and try to make friends. After all, after giving up on her old fruitless quest to find the friends and family she had made back in the Exiles, she figured that she should probably make new friends and relations, ones that she hopefully wouldnt be losing anytime soon. Perhaps it was foolish of her, thinking that she would be able to make friends that wouldn't ever leave her, but she still wanted to have at least some hope in her heart, naive as it was.

Walking through the forest that surrounded the inner sanctum of Tanglewood's territory, Nine found that, despite the fact she had been so glad for her thick pelt when she had arrived in Elysium, she definitely wasn't glad for it here. The humidity clung brutally to her and made her feel like every step added twenty pounds of sweat and exhaustion that made her feel like her back was going to break. She continued stepping steadily forward until she found the line that met the edges of the forest and the jungle, and she settled down against a nearby tree, sighing quite heavily as she tried to regain her breath to continue onward towards their camp – rather, well, if she could even find the Tanglewood camp, since this place seemed confusing as hell compared to the relatively simple mountains of Elysium, or the gorey and decay scented old territory of The Exiles that she could still remember.

Nine's rest, however, was interrupted by the sounds nearby of snapping foliage and shifting leaves as someone – smelling of Tanglewood, she noted – came closer, evidently to inspect the Elysium scent that wasn't usually there. Turning towards the approaching noise, the brown feline meowed softly in her deep voice, courtesy of the maleness of her current new form, "Erm... hello there, whoever you are! I'm 'ere from Elysium, just come to visit and say hello to the neighbors, since I'm not quite used to being near groups yet..." She was sure that the smell of rogues and blood still clung to her pelt even now, and she didn't want them to think that she was some kind of threatening figure, come to attack them or steal things.

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - Crow Roux - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
A peculiar smell had drawn the feline's attention from whatever task he had been previously occupied with, a smell he would recall as coming from Elysium, evident by the stark contrast of the cool notes of stone and pine that drifted on the wind against the familiarity of the scent of the swamp. Crow quite liked the way those from Elysium smelled—it brought reminders of the mountainsides the passive group resided on—but this was beside the point. There was a stranger in town with an unknown business that very well could have been urgent.

He would meet a meek feline who he would squint at as he approached, but otherwise, he remained neutral as he, or she (he couldn't tell), began an introduction. How strange that they would wander to the swamp of all places to say hello to the neighbours, but he would respect that. Not everyone was willing to trudge from their homes to Tanglewood of all places.

"Elysium, eh?" he spoke with a hint of teasing in his voice as he offered the other feline a smirk. "'m impressed you made it here in one piece."

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - COSMIIX - 08-23-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
Lewis was still getting rather used to clanlife once more with bandages wrapped around his forelimbs, he took a deep breath. There was so many new faces that he'd have to remember and meet although, he didn't overthink it since he was sure that he'd be back being a loner in a week or so. His ears twitched hearing the sound of unfamiliar voices it made his insides sink, he just longed for a single familiar voice. Nine, Omorose, Arthur, or even his own mother who disowned him for fucks sake just any form of familiarity would lift up his spirits. There he saw two felines conversing with one another, the bobcat sized male would twitch his whiskers only to sit a ways from them deciding to keep quiet for now. One of them smelt of a rogue and the others natural musk consisted mainly of Tanglewood, his nose wrinkled only slightly still not used to the smell of a swamp. He knew it was rude of him not to say anything so he would mew with a still very much hoarse voice "H-hi. . ." Now satisfied, he decided to distract himself with the trinket hanging around his neck letting out a soft sigh as he touched it gently with so much care. It stunk that he was already rotting away and hanging onto something that could be impossible. There was so much he hadn't done that he wished he had more time. He had plenty of time ticking on him like a bomb and part of him didn't want to be here; barely breathing. Barely alive. Yet the other half of him did and it kept fighting if he was determined to die then he would have let the alligator devour him whole though that hadn't happened due to Lewis' stubborn will to live. It was a complicated relationship he had with Life and Death. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - number nine. - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nine looked up when Crow approached her, and she relaxed slowly when she heard his calm tone of voice, and the joking nature of his first few words to her. She laughed, deep and warm, and she mowed as her tail flicked from side to side, "I'm surprised too, honestly. This place 'ere has a much different climate from Elysium, and the thick pelt really doesn't help much when you're moving through a forest and then boggy lands like this. I admire you guys for being able to live here every day." She very much preferred the cool to downright cold weather that the mountains of Elysium boasted, and she was honestly glad that she was only here in Tanglewood to visit briefly, since she really wasn't sure she could stand the sweat that was practically plastering her fur to her form.

She opened her mouth to introduce herself to Crow, but she was interrupted by the arrival of another Tanglewood face, and she felt herself tense up slightly when she saw what he looked like. The wide range of purples that spanned across Lewis's pelt were undeniably familiar, as was the trinket that bounced rhythmically against his chest as he breathed. Still, he didn't look exactly the same as she remembered, and she immediately began to berate herself for assuming that it was Lewis. She was getting her hopes up for nothing, as she had been doing since she had first arrived in this world, in this new form. Closing her eyes briefly, she shook her head to clear her thoughts before she finally spoke again, one paw going up to the little petal charm around her neck that provided her with comfort when she was in need of it – since she had lost the other charm that had done that a very long time ago, "Hello... hello to both of you, actually. It's certainly a pleasure to be able to come and visit my neighbors and maybe just hang out for a bit... I can even help with hunting or other stuff in order to be of service. I, uh... my name is Number Nine, since I haven't been polite enough to introduce myself yet. You can call me Nine, since I'm sure it's easier."

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - COSMIIX - 08-23-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
He noticed that the other tomcat was staring at him yet he didn't really pay it much heed, he knew he was distasteful to look at. Part of his cheek missing, exposed bones on one of his limbs, the 'fumes' that escaped his jaws like some toxic gas which thankfully it wasn't. He didn't seem interested in either individuals which was harsh considering how Lewis always loved meeting people of all shapes and sizes back then but now, he wasn't as enthusiastic or lively as before. His flame had grown dull, everything was dull. Once the brown tom began to talk did Lewis peek up from grabbing at his necklace noticing that the outsider was doing it as well, it almost felt like the other was mimicking him. Surely, it wasn't mockery, was it? He turned his gaze downwards not interrupting the talk between Crow and the stranger though his pupils immediately widened when he heard a familiar name. Number Nine. It couldn't be her, could it? She looked and sounded so different. There wasn't any form of familiarity to her, he swallowed unsure of what to say or do. He slowly reached for the necklace taking it off of his neck and murmuring with a tilt of his head "M-my shooting star?" He wasn't certain, he could be a fool but that name he knew only one person who had that name, he took a few hesitant, weak steps forward holding the silver star within his burnt, scarred paw. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - number nine. - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nine watched from the corner of her eye with a bit of a frown as Lewis looked down, and she took a deep breath as she turned her attention to Crow, preparing to be ignored by the other male of the group. But then, Lewis seemed to focus on his own necklace before he stepped forward, closer into her space and holding out his arm to her as his hoarse and cracked voice identified her. 'My shooting star?' His words rank out in surprise through her head for a long moment before her eyes widened considerably, and she took in a sharp breath that was almost pained as she looked at him. A small part of her wanted to relax, to address him normally and not risk hurting his wounds by charging into him, but she couldn't help it. She let out a surprised and joyous cry as she quickly rushed forward to wrap her front legs around Lewis, burying her face in his fur as she spoke quickly, her words coming out in a waterfull rush, "Lewis? Lewis! Oh... oh my god, I thought it was you, but I thought that I was just kidding myself again..." There had been so many times that she had thought that she had seen some flash of the male nearby, or some speck of her love's personality in someone that she met, but she had always been wrong. It made her jaded and hopeless, thinking that she would never see Lewis again, but here he was. He was here.

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - COSMIIX - 08-25-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
Lewis flinched back a bit in pain though he accepted the embrace graciously as he returned the hug with a soft sigh, he pressed his nose to their head feeling a flutter within him. Something he hadn't felt in such a long time, he closed both of his eyes not ever wanting to let her go from his grasp. He didn't want to risk losing her again. She was his everything. His sun, moon, or more importantly his shooting star. Lewis held them tightly in his arms, he began to say in a rather shaky voice "I thought I wouldn't see you again... I've grown so tired and wondered all over the territories trying to find you or anyone that was just a bit familiar but to no avail... Until now. I missed you so much." He wanted to say more but it got stuck in his throat, he didn't know if Nine still loved him as much as he did her. He hurried his nose in the crook of her neck feeling his body shake a bit as tears formed in his eyes. He was remembering it all. All the hell they had gone through, the First Order, and her dying in his arms. The memory made his heart ache. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - number nine. - 08-25-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — A soft and pained laugh left Nine as the other spoke, and she enthusiastically nodded in response, burying her face into his fur – where she could find it, rather than torn open skin – and speaking softly as she continued giggling weakly, "That sounds a lot like what I've been doing too... I missed you so much. I've been traveling from place to place, protecting people and taking down such awful people, to make up for everything that happened before... and I was desperately searching for you and everyone else I was missing." She looked down for a brief moment, a sad smile coming to her face as she thought of all the hours she had spent dragging her wounded body along, searching for hours and hours for those that she had lost, those that she had thought she would never get back. Sure, Lewis certainly hadn't been the only one she had been looking for, but seeing him again filled her with a sense of hope, and a sense of childish happiness she hadn't felt for many months, even maybe years. She mumbled softly as she gently pressed her nose into Lewis's cheek, a shuddering breath leaving her and curling up into the humid air, "Eventually I stopped at Elysium because I was just... so tired. So tired and alone, and I wanted somewhere to finally be able to relax. I never thought it would lead me to here. Lead me to you." She didn't even try to hide the happiness that filled her voice, along with the tears that stung her green eyes.

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - COSMIIX - 08-28-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
Lewis sighed quietly just listening to her once more was comfort enough, he drew a quiet breath moving his face from her neck so he would be able to look at her face. It was different from her small white feline form but it didn't matter because this was the love of his life standing here before him. Feeling her nose on his cheek made it grow a bit warm as the flame on his tail grew with size, he drew in a sharp breath "I'm so glad we found each other. There's so many things I wanted to say, wanted to do with you. And every time I saw you, it didn't ruin the hope and love I held for you rather it strengthened my devotion to you." He pulled away from the embrace so he was able to get a good look at her unable to hide the big grin on his face, he could feel his insides fluttering once more. He hadn't felt this in such a long, long time but he knew what he wanted. He wanted to spend the rest of his days with his Shooting Star and there was no denying it. He loved her with every fiber of his body. He pressed his forehead to hers. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ☆ visitor - number nine. - 08-28-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — As Lewis pulled away from her neck, Nine found herself smiling softly at the other, an insane feeling of happiness filling her so thoroughly she felt like it was going to burst forth from her ribs and push her heart out through her newly fluffy brown chest. As the male spoke up, loud and delighted laughter left the large feline, and she could've sworn she felt tears leaping up to her eyes from the sheer delight filling her. Pressing her forehead back against Lewis's, she purred loudly at him, nodding against his head as she spoke, "Trust me, I feel likewise, Lewis. I spent my every waking moment looking for you and everyone else, and now, finally encountering you like I always dreamed of... it's amazing. And I never wanted to assume that things could just go back to the way they were, but... stars above, I never stopped loving you. I've never stopped loving you, even after every time that we were separated again."" She lifted her head up to gently press a soft 'kiss' against the other's ear, before she blushed beneath her fur and laughed softly, "I'm... I'm glad to see that you're not too freaked out by my new form... well, it was new, a year or so ago. I've gotten used to it by now, but... I don't think I'll ever get used to the voice."

It was at this moment that she remembered that they weren't on Elysium's territory, and she had actually come here with another goal in mind. Not only that, but the two of them weren't alone in their celebrating and expressing their love for each other. Feeling embarrassed, she glanced over at Crow and gave him a sheepish little smile, meowing in apology to the leader of Tanglewood, "Ah, I had entirely forgotten m'manners. I'm sorry, Mr... Crow, I believe I remember Tena saying your name was? It's just... Lewis and I haven't seen each other in a very, very long time. Sorry to get all lovey in your territory and completely ignoring ya." She really did feel bad, considering the nature of the extremely personal moment.