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I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - Printable Version

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I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - number nine. - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Elysium was one of the several group names that had fallen from the lips of various rogues that Number Nine had met in her travels to help others. For the longest time she had no interest in these groups, preferring to just be traveling on her own from place to place, helping people and looking for the friends that she had lost in the strange transitioning time from The Exiles to here. However, as time continued passing by, Nine found that she was losing more and more confidence in the fact that she might one day found those that she had lost what seemed so long ago. She hadn't seen any sign of those that still remained in her memories, even as she traveled from place to place, seeing face after face, and not a single one belonged to those that were so beloved in her memories. None of them looked like her beloved Lewis, the man that she had been thinking of ever since she had first woken up in this new form, in this new world.

As her hopes faded more and more, she found that she wanted the company of other souls again, even if they weren't the people that she remembered and missed. As for why she had chosen Elysium... well, from the legends that she had heard in her travels, she had heard that Elysium cared deeply about a sense of justice and right, and Nine found that was exactly the same beliefs that she held in her heart. The same beliefs that pushed her forward every day, from enemy to enemy that she cut down with her claws and her words, either showing them the error of the ways or eliminating them so that they couldn't hurt anybody else. Some called her a vigilante, some called her a villain, and some simply called her their savior, but she shook off all of those titles. She was just a traveling scoundrel, looking to make up for the crimes that she had committed in the past.

Traveling into the mountains that Elysium called home, Nine found herself glad for the thick fur that covered her new form. Even in the summer  – or rather, nearing the end of the summer – the mountains still held a cold chill that were straight down to her bones, and she was glad for the fur, fat, and muscles that protected her from the occasional strong winds. Sure, perhaps her new form wasn't perfect – after all, her form was now male, and quite clearly so, which didn't quite match up with the gender that she presented herself as, but at the very least she was pretty comfortable in this new setting, and for the time being she could just ignore the disparity... the best that she really could. It did sometimes strike her with a sense of confusion, when most others took her in and assumed that she was male, and she found that she didn't mind it at first.

Shaking her head to clear it of the useless thoughts that were cluttering it, the brown feline settled down on the border of Elysium, raising her nose to take in the scent line of the group that resided there. Clearing her throat, Nine called out in her deep and slightly hoarse voice, unused for many months now – after all, there was no need for words when you were doing nothing but moving from place to place and fighting, "Hello? Is anybody nearby? I am interested in joining this group... Elysium, isn't it?" She desperately hoped that somebody was nearby, so that she wouldnt have to go stomping further into the territory smelling of rogues and blood with no explanation.

Re: I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - fulzanin - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu liked exploring the territory. It didn't matter if it was too dangerous for a young dragon such as her. She was small, but she didn't blend into the scenery well with her vibrant green scales. Her glowing tongue was hanging from her maw, not that she was panting. The cold air (and being a reptile) meant that such a feature wasn't feasible for her to be doing. It was exhaustion that had created such an expression, as it was a long walk all the way from the camp she resided in to the border.

Truth be told, Sanzu didn't even know that there was a border. The strong line of scent was there, yes. It had never been explained to her as to what such was, and so the young dragon had absolutely no idea why the scent of the people she lived with was so strong here.

"Hi," Sanzu greeted as she tumbled over. Her tongue snapped back into her mouth. She was small, and had to look up at the newcomer. "I'mmsa nearbee, hi!" A delighted chatter poured from the dragon's maw, and an excited flick of her tail followed. Joining was what the stranger was asking for, right? Sanzu briefly reflected over the fact that talking to strangers was 'danger', right? Hadn't she been told that? She couldn't quite remember. The little dragon didn't have an answer to the question of being accepted. Instead, Sanzy plopped on her bottom and giddily smiled up at the newcomer. "Wha's name? I'mmsa Sanzu!" She happily introduced while her wings neatly tucked against her sides. The other was sitting, and so the little dragon elected to do the same.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - number nine. - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nine was, well... startled by the first creature to approach her on the border, mainly because of the appearance of the child. Sure, she had seen dragons plenty of times in her travels from small rogue group to small rogue group, but she had never seen one in the early stages of life, and certainly not one so brightly colored and excitable. Most of the dragons she had met had been ancient and intimidating, with strained and dangerous smiles that reflected the elementals that they held within their bodies that could easily wipe felines like her off the face of the earth. However, Sanzu seemed to be the exact opposite of everything that Nine had known, with her bright little smile, curious eyes, and strange broken language that was just familiar enough that Number Nine could understand, but wasnt really the same as what Nine was used to speaking and hearing.

Sitting herself up, the chestnut brown feline said in a deep and sweet voice as she tilted her head to one side, "Oh, hello there... it's nice to meet you, little Sanzu. My name is Number Nine, but most people just call me Nine." She wasn't entirely sure why she kept the moniker that had been given to her several years ago by the professor that had led to her creation, considering how dehumanizing it really was, but perhaps she was just so used to it at this point. After all, it was the name that she had when she had first met Lewis, and the name that she had when she had joined the First Order, and because of that it felt like her name, despite being odd and removed from her as a being, held happy memories and overwhelmingly positive feelings close to it. Still, it also meant that she frequently had others asking her why she had such an odd title, and all she could hope was that Sanzu wouldn't find it that odd, in her childish mindset.

Re: I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - Tena M. - 08-25-2019

Tena Moonspinner
A pair of bright blue eyes locked on the edges of Elysium land, blinking as an unfamiliar figure became more and more apparent.  With her usual friendly smile, the petite sand cat dived down the mountain side, waving a banded tail in greeting.  The smaller shape of Sanzu concerned her a little, given recent interactions with outsiders, the Pitt namely, but the newcomer seemed only interested in joining.  Good.

"Hey," the young Demdji greeted happily, ears perked with intrigue.  "Welcome to Elysium then Nine." Who names someone a number...?  The Magna grit her teeth for just a split second, shoving old, unpleasant memories out of her mind.  Born in chains but with a name.  A powerful name, for those who knew her people's stories.

"I'm Tena, Elysium's Magna.  I could guide you camp right away if you like, get you some water or food?  If you'd rather not try a journey through the mountains right now, we could head to town instead."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - number nine. - 08-25-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Looking over when somebody else approached, Nine blinked in a slightly startled way. Nine had seen a wide variety of different creatures in her travels and from when she lived back in the Exiles, but she had honestly been expecting Elysium to he mostly just the simple common creatures she was familiar with, such as domestic dogs and cats. Tena wasn't exactly enormously far from that, but Nine had never seen a sand cat before, and she felt a strange curiosity peek up inside of her. Realizing that she was staring, Nine internally scolded herself and meowed softly as she gave an embarrassed smile, "It's very nice to meet you, Miss Tena. I wouldn't mind going to camp right away, I'm not too exhausted for a little jaunt through the mountains 'ere."

Perhaps past her might've been exhausted from so much long traveling across hostile and intense lands, but now she had matured and become hardened to it all, and she couldn't feel the ache in her legs and paws that would've been so familiar in her youth. Sure, the mountains were more cold and jagged than the lands that she had been traveling over recently, but she needed to get used to it anyways, and at the very least she was blessed with a thick pelt and strong muscular legs to carry her forward, as opposed to the tiny scaled dragon and the thin pelted sand cat.

Re: I'M HELLBENT ☆ joining - fulzanin - 08-25-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu’s grin remained present on her scaly face as she was spoken to. Her head snapped to face Tena came over. She rose to a stand, her wings giving a few rapid flaps. She was a hyper little dragon, and having sat meant that her energy from the long walk over had been restored for the most part. “Food? I’mmsa make food! I’mmsa make cookies!” Sanzu delightfully shouted. Her ears raised as she began bouncing in a small circle, only stopping when she tumbled over her own paws.

She was young enough to not exactly grasp the fact that ‘nine’ was a number, or what a number even was. The young dragon thought of it as if it was any other ordinary name. Sanzu’s head turned to look at the mountains of question, and her tongue flickered again from her open maw. “It’sa verryyy long walkie, claws go click-clack click-clack!” Sanzu chirped, her wings giving a small flap. She bounced again, listening to the noise of her claws against the stone. They indeed made the noise that the small dragon had been trying to replicate through vocalizing. “I’ssa know th’ way back! Can I leyd Nine back? Plyease?” Without waiting for much more of an answer, the small dragon scampered a few paces away. It was questionable if she truly did know the way back. Sanzu was too caught up in the thrill of being helpful, a delighted glint in her vibrant red eyes. “We’s get back home an’ I’mmsa bake you cookies!

TAGS 8/13/19: