Beasts of Beyond
GHOST / JOINER - Printable Version

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GHOST / JOINER - COSMIIX - 08-23-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
Everything was spinning. Everything was dark. He was uncertain as to where he was but he rose nonetheless, the feline taking a shaky breath through his mouth realizing he was still in this damned form. He assumed it was a form of punishment although he was not certain at all, he swallowed noticing that the inside of his mouth was dry noting that was the cause of the spinning around him. His eyes widened as he felt around his chest feeling his collar but it wasn't there, where was it? He glanced around frantically with both his ears perked forward with a frown on his face. Where had it gone? His gaze swept across the area where he had awakened within, it seemed to be a swamp of sorts, he frowned with slight distaste until he spotted the shine of something that was his. And his alone. It was looped around an odd log rather lumpy in comparison to most logs though his thoughts didn't dwell on that as he clumsily made his way over reaching out with a shaky, weak paw "A-almost there..." Then the log lunged at him and everything flashed before him, he could feel a sudden anger boiling within him as a few sparks of flames flew from his paws. That was his. It had belonged to someone that had been dear to him, somebody he had loved and was still waiting for. The alligator hissed as it stared at the rather small feline though it didn't last long since it would throw itself forward managing to clamp down onto the entire form of the tom. Lewis certainly didn't fight to stay alive just to possibly die even if Death was trying to cut away at his last threads, Lewis had hope and even if it all seemed hopeless and it felt like he was chasing a wild dream it didn't make him stop believing in himself or those he had loved. She was still out there. He could feel it. Barely. The flames were then replaced with sparks of electricity managing to strike at the scaly beast, it hissed in agony as it opened its jaws to release the feline. Lewis still needed to retrieve the small trinket thus he managed to clamber out and cling onto the large reptile locating said trinket, he moved forward managing to grab it but in that moment did the alligator chomp down on his paw. He let out a sickly hiss before putting his paw on the roof of the gators mouth using his fire powers to burn at the flesh. Once more he was free. It'd only be a matter of time before Death was at his heels again. He limped away not realizing he had crossed into a clans territory, he fell over with a grunt panting quietly. He stared down to find that his prized possession was still within his grasp. A silver star attached by a silver chain. He pressed it close to his chest huffing a few breaths before passing out. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: GHOST / JOINER - selby roux ! - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]With all the stress that had been going on in Selby’s life, he decided he needed a break. He didn’t need to check on Sam or Beck for a few hours, everything and everyone seemed well (or, as well as they could get in Leroy’s case). A walk sounded like the best thing to do. No stress, no medic stuff, no nothing. Just the peaceful sounds of the forest.

Well, it was peaceful until he heard a faint crashing sound.

Instinct kicked in and he was rushing towards the source of the noise, leaping over gnarled roots and arriving at the scene. Selby found the small feline passed out and he came forward with the intention of waking him up. He gently patted the stranger on the back and spoke in a somewhat loud voice. "Come on, buddy. You gotta wake up. Trust me, this isn’t a good place to take a nap."

Re: GHOST / JOINER - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Worm found that, lately at least, napping in trees was one of his favorite pastimes. It was mainly because the angles that he could achieve while laying in trees got some of the awful pressure off of the wounds that were covering one of his legs, and he could usually find a position that was comfortable enough that he could just doze off for quite a few hours. He had actually been up in a tree trying to achieve this zen state of resting when Selby walked by, evidently trying to take some time after being so stressed out from everything going on. He had rolled over to eye the medic curiously as he walked by, and he opened his mouth to say hello to Selby and maybe try having a chat with him to make him feel better, when suddenly he heard the soft thud of someone falling over as well. Frowning in a bit of worry, he watched as Selby went off towards the sound before sighing and moving to climb down from the tree and follow after the other male. Normally he would just let Selby handle a situation himself – it wasn't as if Selby was a little child anymore – but given recent events, he felt the need to be a bit more cautious and protective of his friends, and Selby was part of that group that he felt the need to protect. He didn't want some creature that had fallen down at the border jumping up and attacking Selby, especially when the medic was helping out so much lately.

He had wandered after the medic for a couple of minutes before he saw Lewis, and he blinked in surprise down at the strange looking male. Coming up beside Selby, he sat back on his haunches and tilted his head to one side as he began to look over Lewis, enchanted by his odd form. He was used to ghosts and undead things, thanks to the presence of Beck in the group, but Lewis was still pretty different. The male reminded him more of a very brightly colored zombie, and he probably would've liked to inspect him more if it wasn't for the fact that he seemed to be injured and exhausted. Watching as Selby moved forward and began to pat the newcomer down, trying to get him to wake up, Worm snorted and rumbled softly as he stretched a wing out to prod gently at the passed out form of Lewis, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Selby's right, new guy. This isn't the best place to nap even in this territory, and you don't seem like you're in tip top shape at the moment.."[/glow] He didn't even know if Lewis was actually hearing anything that he was saying, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to try and wake him up in a friendly way.

Re: GHOST / JOINER - COSMIIX - 08-23-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]
The sudden pat on his back startled him as he flinched with his eyes opening in a flash only for his paws to become engulfed with flames that lapped at his arms stumbling to his legs and stepping back with a growl. His fur bristling, there was a cat and a lion, he swallowed slowly unsure of how to respond as the flames died down as he held onto the trinket once more rather protectively asking in a hoarse voice "Where a-am I?" He didn't recognize the place at all, he wondered if Snowbound was still around recalling that he had joined there for a short amount of time before he had decided to roam once more. He never did stay in one place before moving once more, his ears would press on the back of his cranium lifting the necklace up and letting it wrap around his throat before he released it feeling the silver star hit his chest lightly. He cleared his throat a bit only to open his jaws slowly "I'm Lewis... Sorry for the f-fire. You spooked me." His paws shook a bit having been burnt by his own flames, they weren't the typical red or blue flames anyone else could form with a snap of their paws. No, his were rather odd. His flames were a bluish-purple although more purple. His paws continued to shake, he didn't like reacting with flames but it had become a prominent defensive mechanism of his. He slowly rose to his paws still feeling weak, he had lost something else throughout his travels but he couldn't remember. Staring down at the silver star, he could hear a faint thump of his heart. It was almost as if it was muted. It confused him. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: GHOST / JOINER - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Wormwood blinked in surprise when Lewis startled awake, flames engulfing his paws and a fearful and slightly dangerous look in his eyes, before he relaxed again. Worm relaxed again when Lewis didn't seem to be a threat, and he rumbled softly as he tilted his head to one side, his gaze catching sight of the burns that now marred Lewis's legs and paws, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Hello there, Lewis. My name is Wormwood, I'm a member here in the group that lives here, Tanglewood. This swamp is our territory... we're sorry for startling you, but it's dangerous around here. We didn't want you getting snapped up by a gator or something... although from how exhausted you look, it looks as though you might've already encountered one."[/glow] His eyes continued to linger on the burns that Lewis now had, and he found himself growing quite curious about it. After all, he had discovered his fire elementals very recently, but when he had used them, the flames had flared up over his fangs and over his paws, and he hadn't ended up with any burns then, so he had to wonder if Lewis somehow had a different kind of fire elementals, or if his were stronger and less controllable. Finally deciding to voice his concerns, the lion spoke in a slightly concerned tone, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Would you like Selby to look you over and make sure you're alright? He's our medic, and you seem a bit hurt... those burn marks don't look like they're good for your skin."[/glow] Thus far, Lewis hadn't expressed any desire to join, or if he even knew where he was, but that didn't mean that Worm didn't feel concern for the younger male. He found it cruel to only care about those that were members of Tanglewood. After all, he cared very deeply about those in Tanglewood, and they would always come first, but if this poor half undead male needed help, Wormwood was going to offer it.

Re: GHOST / JOINER - COSMIIX - 08-24-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]THOSE MAGIC CHANGES, MY HEART ARRANGES !。+゚.[/glow]

That was a rather odd name though he didn't question it as he listened closely with ears perked forward a small frown etched on his maw at the mention of an alligator, he stared down at the paw it had bitten wincing a bit "It's nice to meet you too, Wormwood. Although an alligator did introduce itself, I coulf have left it be but it had taken something of importance to me. It was my only remnant of someone who I cared for dearly..." He closed his eyes for just a moment listening to what the lion haf to say, he took a,deep breath knowing he had nowhere else to go so the best he could do was stay in Tanglewood or join the group until his strength was back. Selby? He glanced over,at the,tom with his ears barely twitching, he supposed that it would be for the best if his wounds were treated then and there. "If it's fine with Selby then I wouldn't mind his assistance... I don't exactly have anywhere to go but if you'll allow me, may I join your group? I am uncertain of how long I'll stay but I want to offer my own kind of offering and return for the kindness given to me." He offered a rather gruesome grin to both the lion and the cat, Lewis didn't like the fact his teeth and gums were exposed but he had no control over it. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: GHOST / JOINER - selby roux ! - 08-24-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby’s ears twitched back ever so slightly in annoyance when medical treatment was brought up. So much for a break. He was immediately angry with himself for thinking of such a thing. It was his job to help people; how dare he be annoyed by it?

As he heard of the alligators, he nodded a little. "Ah, yes. They can be a real... menace. I’m sorry you had to become acquainted with them so soon, Lewis," he said. "I’m Selby, by the way. I’d be more than willing to treat you, except I don’t have anything on my person. Would you be willing to come with me to where my supplies are, or would you prefer that I go get some and take care of it here?"

Re: GHOST / JOINER - spacexual - 08-27-2019

i heard you were looking like the moon — tags
The male was drawn by the short-lived fire, his own flames flaring up ever so slightly in surprise. The burning tiger would get up from his seat quietly, moving silently towards the small group with his body held low in the long marsh grass. Though, it wasn't like he was exactly being stealthy. His was a walking flame - there were not many ways to hide himself. The boy raises his head as he grows closer, still keeping a safe distance from the few around him, staring to the stranger on their border with his glowing orange eyes. His ears twitch at their passing conversation, and he silently takes in the situation.

Next thing he knows, the feline is offering to take this new member back where Roy could not go, and he would plop himself on the ground, tail curling around his paws. "Roy." He introduces simply, glancing away.