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[ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - Printable Version

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[ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - gregory - 08-22-2019

draekon - tanglewood - member / burn it all down

after the battle, draekon was.. exhausted. wormwood had helped him run away, helped him to somewhere safe so he could heal but he was tired of waiting for wormwood. so, being the idiot he was, he had started his journey, not even noticing the slow changes that began to stake place. first it was the scales. slowly, they grew through his fur, his orange going first, then his eyes, his tail, and suddenly eh was sprouting wings from his back and spikes going down his head and back of his neck. his teeth ha grown larger, as did.. everything about him. even his wounds, which wasn't helpful at all.

by the time he had arrived in tanglewood, he was a dragon, ten feet tall with a massive wingspan. it was near impossible to maneuver through the trees. letting out an annoyed huff, he felt smoke waft from his nostrils, causing him to shake his head vigorously, before putting a large wing against the trunk of a tree and pushing until it began to crack and then fell into the nearby water, which seemed to piss off the alligators- until they saw what had pushed it and ran. letting out little pleased noise, he let his scales rattle a bit before he looked around, sitting almost like a massive puppy.

"worm! worm.." his throat still hurt. one thing that hadn't changed.

/ i decided to just give draekon a new body since no one but worm actually know exactly who brought in sam? not by name at least. c:


Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Ever since the battle, Wormwood hadn't been able to go back and visit the safe place that he had hidden Draekon in because of his leg. The injuries he had sustained from taking on Jervis had practically made him pass out when he finally got to the border of Tanglewood, and ever since the medics had patched him up, he hadn't been able to leave the territory for long enough to go visit the other male. His legs had already been having a lot of issues before Jervis had given him the deep claw wounds that now marred his flank, but the wounds had only made things so much worse, and had made it so that Wormwood was forced the just loaf around camp and occasionally go on short hunting trips, rather than doing anything more substantial. He had been filled with worry for Draekon practically every day because of this, just as he had been filled with worry for Beck, Sam, and Red, and Drae had been part of the reason that he had fallen apart completely very recently. He had managed to pick up the pieces of himself somewhat, but he still certainly wasn't doing great at the moment, and for some reason he greatly felt like he wouldn't be doing well for quite a long while. He wasn't sure why, but it just seemed like a large dark cloud was drifting over Tanglewood these days.

Still, today somehow seemed different. He wasn't sure why, but it didn't feel as heavy and devastating as all the other days had lately, and Worm's legs were actually well enough that he was able to go out for a walk around the territory, checking for any potential joiners or food. He had been snapped out of his own thoughts by the sound of a raspy and familiar deep voice, saying none other than his rather simple nickname. Lifting his head up in confusion, the lion flicked his ear as he looked wildly from side to side, trying to find the source of the voice that had rapidly caught his attention. Before long, his nose caught sense of a strange and very smoky smell that definitely wasn't familiar, and he quickly went running towards it, trying his best not to fall over his own paws as he leaped smoothly over logs and jogged through the mud before finally reaching the source of the sound. He was very startled to see that it wasn't the tiger that he was expecting, but was rather a massive dragon that was more than twice his height, and quite intimidating. This wasn't the Draekon that he knew and often cuddled with, was it?

Clearing his throat, the male rumbled softly as he looked up at Draekon, his neck craned up so that he could take all of the other male in, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Uhm... hello? Sir? Are you looking for me? My name is Wormwood. I'm a member here at Tanglewood."[/glow] This male certainly sounded like Draekon, and he even seemed to act a little bit like the tiger that he loved, but he couldn't be sure of anything with this strange new form, and his entire body was tensed, ready to leap into battle at a moment's notice. He wasn't really sure that he could take on such a massive beast that was practically as big as an elephant, but he was certainly going to try, for the sake of his clanmates and himself. Well, at least if this newcomer made any sort of move to attack. After all, Worm had never been the type to attack first and ask questions later.

Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - gregory - 08-23-2019

draekon - tanglewood - member / burn it all down

as the oh-so-familiar form of wormwood making his way over, he felt his heart speed up and more smoke waft from his nostrils. everything was so exciting, so incredibly exciting that he had no clue how to handle it. there was worm, who he had waited so long to see.. and he was hurt. he slowly lowered his head, letting out an odd sound that kind of sounded like a chuff, trying to press his nose to the little crown necklace around the male's neck, shuffling his wings. he hated that wormwood didn't recognize him, but he guessed he did look quite different.

"mine?" he rumbled, looking up at worm with those big, puppy-dog like eyes. he didn't know what else to do to try and get the other to realize it was him, but thats all he could really muster.. his thoat hurt.


Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Wormwood watched with interest as the dragon began to snort and shift as soon as he came into view, and his form was still considerably tensed, until the dragon finally spoke again, another was that unmistakable tone of hopefulness and love in that very soft and curt 'mine'. A smile immediately spread over the lion's muzzle in recognition, and he quickly moved forward into the dragon's space, breathing out as he moved to wrap his arms around Draekon's snout, pressing his nose into the male's scales as a sort of kiss, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Draekon... Draekon, I can't believe you're here, and you're safe! And you look... different. I havent seen you in so long..."[/glow] It had only really been a few days, but so much had happened that it felt like months had passed, and to any outsiders it would look like a pair of lovers that were now reuniting after many many ages of being apart. Worm was sure that he was being dramatic, but he really couldn't help it, in the end. After everything that had been happening that had been breaking him down so brutally recently, having Draekon here was like some kind of sign from the universe that it didn't actually hate him – even if he was sure that his happiness wouldnt last long.

After a long moment of several loving nuzzles, the lion fell back on his haunches and gave Draekon a slightly pained smile, a slow spike of pain going up from his still wounded leg, [glow=#165042,1,400]"I'm so glad you're here... are you here to stay? I'd imagine so... if that's the case, then I'll have to show you around, and we'll have to figure out somewhere that you can stay that you'll actually be able to fit into, probably near me since you like being near me..."[/glow] He immediately looked down in thought, his head full of various ideas for how Draekon could live here, as well as the secondary worry about how Worm was going to explain his relationship to the giant reptile. Of course, it wasn't like it was that extremely hard to come up with an excuse for why Worm knew Draekon. After all, Worm had wandered for a long time around the roguelands looking for where his brother had gone off to, and he could easily claim that Draekon was just a lover that he had met in his long and interesting travels. After all, he hadn't exactly talked to many people around Tanglewood about what he had done in the time between the pride and his now home.

Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - Luciferr - 08-23-2019

2Oh worm?" another voice sidles on up next to Wiggles, looking the dragon up and down with no fear at all - hey she'd seen far scarier ones, like a living lich dragon for instance - and grins "Aw he's like a big ol puppy, adorable" she had a pretty warped sense of adorable but hey, he was.

"This you friend then Wiggles? nice to see the ol flying reptiles again, almost makes me think o home" she inclines her head to said dragon.



Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - toboggan - 08-23-2019

Debilitated, spent, and dog-tired. Each adjective listed detailed the hound's physical character. His failing senses ofttimes found themselves victim to a sweeping exhaustion, rendering him as a weary bag of flesh and bone for the whole of every individual day. Coupling his current condition with the looming demise awaiting him, that which he was very well aware of, Leroy encountered immense difficulty in brewing up motivation. Following his diagnosis, there just wasn't a point to act on anything anymore. No point in caring, no point in accomplishing stuff. Death's slaying hand rested atop the proxy's creaky shoulder, and a measly short while sat between today and his final dawn. In spite of the grim facts given, however, very little emotional toll had been taken as a result. Selby's slowly-spoken words initially came as a complete and utter shock, of course. Yet, one attained a distinguishing peace of mind when conscious of their oncoming demise. Knowing that you were at death's doorstep was miles better than dying out of the blue. Correspondingly, the cur retained the same dry, caring persona from before; the only noticeable differences about his person was the fatigue, and a lethal growth subtly protruding from just above the waist.

Strolls helped a bunch. A hellish effort was made to garner enough strength and leave home - though once out the door and on the move, halting became a challenge. Being in the wilderness allowed the male to realize life's beauties and flaws, both of which he yearned to take in as much as he could before the inevitable occurred.

On such a stroll was when he came across the wyrm. Towering. Powerful. He reckons the brute's possessed strength had the capability to fend off an enemy battalion - and as second-in-command, the idea of his group having an individual like Draekon in its ranks was beguiling. Amber hues size up the beast and his features, taking notice of an unmistakable lion submerging the reptile in a tidal wave of smooches and snuggles. This nabbed Leroy's attention span away from the joiner for a good minute. The mongrel recalled someone telling him that Wormwood had a Pittian boyfriend. A tiger boyfriend. Not a dragon.

If the facts before him were true, then he could deduce one thing and one thing only. Wormwood was a titanic skank.

"Welcome t' the club, Draekon," the proxy coos, an impressed expression painted across his visage. Then, he points his gaze in Wormwood's way. "I'm hopin' that, err - loverboy here can breathe fire or somethin' like that. He'd be great at barbecues."

Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Worm looked up when he heard other approaching footsteps, and was surprised to see that it was one of the newer people, Etty. He liked her, even though she seemed a bit worryingly eager to go out and get into fights. When she commented on Draekon being like a big puppy dog, he couldn't help the amused grin of agreement that came to his face, and he felt laughter bubbling up and out of him as he nodded. He pressed his head affectionately against Draekon again, about to speak again when he heard Leroy approaching as well. He recalled that he hadn't seen the proxy leaving his house much lately, so he regarded the other male with a calm and pleased grin as he leaned against Draekon's chest but faced the two. Normally he wasn't so jittery and bouncy, even when he was delivered with good news, but since so much bad had been happening lately, having Draekon around and being able to touch him and kiss him was amazing, and Wormwood couldn't help the way he seemed to be vibrating with excitement. Completely missing the slight snark in Leroy's voice as he said that he hoped Draekon could breathe fire, he chuckled and said as his tail flicked lazily from side to side, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Ah, yeah, I believe that he can. He can probably easily help with the bonfire if you do another one in the future! Plus, he can easily fuck up The Pitt, or any other enemies that we end up having."[/glow] He doesn't particularly want to pit Draekon back up against his former group, but he also knows that Draekon didn't particularly care about anyone still there, and would easily fight against the group if Worm told him that he should.

Then choosing to address Eternalwar's statement – and also make sure that Draekon had a cover – he let out a soft chuff before mumbling, [glow=#165042,1,400]"And yeah, he's my friend... boyfriend actually. I met him in the time between when I left Poet and I's old pride and arrived here. I did a lot of wandering and asking around just trying to figure out where Tanglewood was."[/glow] He gently pressed one of his wings back affectionately against Draekon's chest, tilting his head up to nuzzling against Draekon's chin. He doubted that Draekon would protest the story that he had come up with, especially since Draekon didn't exactly talk much in general anyways, thanks to his almost feral nature and the fact that his throat was still pretty torn up. Eventually Worm would have to be entirely honest, but when he did... well, it was going to be with Sam, when they were in private and he could actually just have a one on one conversation with her to explain everything that had happened. This also meant that it would give Draekon a chance to show how kind and good he really was, even to Sam, without anybody freaking out or having problems with him. Honestly, Worm was just looking forward to having Draekon around, and having everybody get to become friends with him.

Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - Vathmos - 08-24-2019

Vathmos didn’t approach. No, when she had seen the dragon initially, she had hid with her belly glued to the mud, head down. She was cautious, and she knew they would probably let this fucker in here- she quietly took in a breath, then out. She would have to see the dragon’s strength for herself, of course, but she hated the idea of being put down a peg in her pecking order. It didn’t really mean anything to anyone else here, but it was something Vathmos had held onto from tribal life. She liked to know where she stood among her peers in strength. Most of the creatures that had joined since she arrived were happily weaker than her.

She didn’t move as everyone else arrived to greet him. She wondered if her teeth could even make it through his skin. Her lip upturned at the idea of her holding onto to the dragon with her teeth, and it would retaliate by biting her in half. She had seen that other dragon at the pittian raid, and had thankfully avoided him, but just how common were dragons here?

Her eyes narrowed as she watched Wormwood interact with this dragon, giving it a name and calling it his boyfriend. Her face scrunched up- for a few reasons. She recalled the very few same sex relationships from her tribe- typically, they were given a side eye. It was uncommon, as the hyenas anatomy made it difficult to interact with eachother, and the males were expected to provide cubs to the tribe. They typically made up for it in fighting or hunting, and normally suffered a lower ranking.

Something else stirred in Vathmos as she watched Wormwood love on his partner, touching him and kissing him. It was some sense of loneliness and emptiness- as if she wanted something similar. She growled, and stood, turning away to disappear into the Tanglewood swamps and go home, ruffling the bushes.

// out


Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - Crow Roux - 08-24-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Is food really all you think about?" the feline mumbled as he approached the collection of his groupmates where he paused by Leroy’s side and shot the hound a teasing glare, then his jade gaze rested on the stranger who seemed to be the center of the attention. His nose would wrinkle at the pair as they engaged in their... intimate actions, a wave of disgust hitting him. Could they save it for later?

That was beside the point. His brain began to process the words exchanged, and he would stand silently, listening, until something prodded his memory. Back at the raid, he heard something.

"Did ya say his name is Draekon?" the tabby suddenly spoke as he took a step forward, his tone accusatory. "I heard that name at the raid, Wood, that tiger, an’ Jervis called him a traitor." His eyes narrowed as he looked the pair up and down, and his lips curled up into a snarl. ”I don’ like Pittians."

Re: [ I GO CRAZY THE DUMB WAY ] joining - Perseus - 08-24-2019

Love was in the air. Perseus barely remembered what remained of his former love life, but still managed to cherish what he knew and what young love he could find before him. The German Shepherd couldn't help himself. He cherished empathy and wished for a partner once again, but knew that would only hurt them and himself in the process, so he could settle with just observing... As always. It pained him deeply. Luckily, there were high points for him to enjoy. It seemed no different for these two.

The dog could sense that they were two different sizes by the sounds of their footsteps, one rather drastically bigger than the other. On the other side of the spectrum, one was soft-spoken while the other spoke fluently. From two different sides of the world, they somehow came together to form a relationship. Their happiness was indistinguishable. Perseus couldn't help but smile.

In the distance, the ruffling of the bushes signaled someone's disappearance. Perhaps a stranger lurking about. He couldn't tell, but it left a sinking feeling in Perseus' chest. Nevertheless he walked along. It wasn't long before he arrived.

Coming to a pause next to Crow, the older male let out a chuckle. Food, it seemed, was always on the mind of the group and for a very good reason. No one could go wrong with some glorious cuisine. "Some barbecue would be nice," he commented. The blind canine mimicked wafting air towards his nose. Sadly, the smell of burned flesh was rather cryptic for him, but he kept positive in times like these. No one needed to know his past.

The air grew still. Crow's venomous words brought the mood in the area to a new low. While he wasn't present at The Pittian raid, mostly due to his own fault, he could tell that Crow was speaking the truth. A traitor was amongst them. It did not matter if they betrayed The Pitt, Draekon was still considered a traitor. How could they trust his word after all that?

Just like that, it all changed. Muscles began to tense and pointed ears fell back onto his skull. One side of his maw pulled back, exposing eroded canines. "Explain yourself," came the canine's growl. He was a man of few words. Nevertheless, Draekon should listen. His actions past this point would decide his fate. Now that the dragon's reputation was tarnished in Perseus' eyes, either way this went would satisfy him greatly.
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