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don't tell me i needed this - joiner - Printable Version

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don't tell me i needed this - joiner - jeweledkit. - 08-21-2019

Her family had always traveled around a lot. The small kit couldn't remember a time where they stayed at one place for more than a couple of sunrises. Mother was dead-set on traveling around and all this time the little kit didn't know why; though she kept a tight-lip and followed closely behind her Mother and her three littermates to wherever their next shelter may be. The delicate feline just wished, wished for once her Mother would sit all of them down and tell them why they moved around so much. On some days, her legs were aching from the constant traveling, but Mother would always push them further and further. Were they all running away from something unseen to her eyes?

Even the sea couldn't stop them as they continued on in their never-ending journey. The days flew past in her eyes as they traveled along a thin sliver of land that would connect to a large jungle island. She hadn't seen a jungle quite like this before and the waters were a shiny blue! "Mother? Can we stay on the island for a bit?" she asked quietly, eyes eager as the older feline paused momentarily.

"Of course," meowed Mother before continuing on. The kit would say her Mother was one of few words; it probably rubbed off on herself as she tended to prefer a comfortable silence. The same routine would soon fall upon them: find a place to sleep, catch a meal, eat, and finally begin to settle down for the night. She had gotten to explore the cool new island for a bit under the supervision of her Mother and littermates, but there was always so much more to see!

Morning came and the small silvered kit opened her eyes. Her senses were fuzzy with sleep, but they picked up on a lack of warmth surrounding her frame. "Mother?" she asked faintly, eyes bewildered as she looked around with no one with her. Scents were inexplicably faint that made her quite dumbfounded; where was her family? They were just here with her, no?

The kit left the little temporary burrow that served as their shelter for the night and wandered frantically in search for her family. "Mother?! Mother?!" she wailed as it felt like the exciting jungle that she once was eager to explore was now closing in on her. She ran as fast as she could, desperate to find some kind of sign from them. She ignored all other signs, including the scents of an unfamiliar source; scents from the current group residing in the island as the little kit crossed into claimed territory.

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - celestialrobbery - 08-21-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
Celeste was no mother, nor did she really have a motherly nature to her. Perhaps that of a cool older sister, but definitely not a mother.
Still, when she heard the cries of what she could only guess was a kitten, she found herself taking hurried steps towards the source.

Why wouldn't she? It was a kitten, she couldn't just not help. Even if their scent was different than that of Typhoon's -- and ultimately unfamiliar to any of the limited scents Cel knew -- she still wanted to help. She still had to help. Even if Goldie herself said not to (which, logistically, Celeste knew wouldn't happen; Goldie wasn't heartless, after all) Celestialrobbery would still help out this kit.

Finally locating the little kit, she attempted to get in front of the kitten, hoping to stop her in her tracks. "Hey-- Hey little buddy." She said in a soft voice, or at least, as soft as she could get. She was always a bit of a louder person, and now was no exception to that. "My name's Celestialrobbery, but you can call me Celeste for short. What's your name, kid?" Gods, was she doing this right? Was she scaring the kid? She hoped not-- she just wanted to help.
now she's gonna mourn you!

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - dovedeparture - 08-22-2019

[omg jewel is babby i'm love her?]

The angel halted immediately when she heard the frantic scream of a child. The tone of voice was haunting, sad, and desperate. It plucked relentlessly on her heartstrings, and Dovedeparture found herself enthralled by these strange emotions festering inside of herself. Though empathy was built into her coding, this seemed to go beyond the original design. Never before had a pain in her chest sounded when she witnessed or heard something like that. It seemed that every day that passed, she was losing herself to the mortal world.

Attempting to drop the worries and confusion from her mind, the lynx scurried toward the noise, wishing her wings weren't clipped; flying would make this so much easier. Still, the use of her enhanced senses did work wonders, and it took only moments to come across the tiny kitten and Celestialrobbery. Dove waited for a moment, watching the scene play out before her.

Celeste was handling the situation well. Perhaps there was no need to involve herself in this matter? She didn't wish to move forward, to interrupt this touching moment, but ivory paws carried her toward Celeste and the child.

"Hello, love," the guardian angel cooed, a smile playing across her maw. She drew her white wings closer to her body and took a seat. She was larger than Celeste and much larger than the kitten, so this would hopefully make her less intimidating (however, Dove was hardly the scary type with her angel wings, doe-like eyes, and constant grin). "My name is Dovedeparture, but Dove works just as well. Might I ask if you're alright? Not hurt or anything of the sort?"

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - fulzanin - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]The pterosaur didn't really have a concept of babies and young creatures being capable of thought. In truth, perhaps the reason he was so close by was because his instincts had drawn him in to hunt such a noisy and easy-to-snatch-up meal. He was one to talk, about being noisy, but this was prey being noisy. It was totally different! When he got close and heard speech, he sighed and made his noisy landing a ways away from the other two that had already come to greet the small newcomer. So this wasn't food. Great. His beak clacked in irritation.

Tanteri hadn't ever been around children before. It was just a way of life amongst his kind. There was mating and there was leaving and the males didn't look after their chicks. That was the female's job. They were nomadic, just like him. Tanteri didn't have any offspring, he didn't feel any ties to young creatures. Especially not those that were noisy, and strange, and not of the same species.

"Hi," he tentatively shouted (such a strange feat to manage, at that). He kept his distance, deciding that he would let the two that had arrived before him do the talking. He wasn't sure what to say in such a situation, and so after his brief greeting he let himself fall silent. Tanteri did note to himself that if they were going to eat the small creature, he wanted first pickings. Or maybe last pickings. He was a scavenger, after all. His tail slowly flicked behind him, peering at the newcomer with a curious expression. As curious as a pterosaur that had been cut off from a hunt could manage.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - jeweledkit. - 08-24-2019

Her eyes were quick to catch sight of someone moving in to block her frenzied search for her lost family. Her whole body slowed down, either out of fear or mannerisms, till the little silver-furred creature completely halted and focused her olive eyes up at Celestialrobbery. ”U-um hello,” she said, her voice barely coming above a whisper. She was a bit of a quiet soul; there was no point in her life that she’d raise her voice up... except now when she was half-panicking for being left alone. She momentarily peered around her surroundings a bit closer now in case her dear Mother was hiding right behind Celeste and all she had to do was crane her neck in the right direction. That was what she hoped. After all, why did Mother just leave her out like that? Something dangerous must have forced them out; it was the only explaination her childish brain could come up with. ”It’s really nice to meet you... U-uhm! My name is Jeweledkit, I was just looking... for my Mother and my littermates... They should really be close.” That last part was meant to reassure, but it was probably moreso for her own good than Celeste’s.

Her ears alerted her to someone else making their appearance, a weird cat-like creature but she had bird wings draping elegantly by their side. The kit stared deeply into Dove as she felt her own heart began to pound in her ears. She was thinking, thinking of something, and almost missed the angel’s words. ”N-no... I’m okay, thank you,” replied the kitten, mannerisms going onto autopilot with the question. ”Can you fly...? Could you take me to see my Mother?” The kitten looked down at her own paws, seemingly ashamed. ”I’m sorry for being blunt, but I was just thinking that- That it could work.“

An creature from the ancient times such as Tanteri was something that even the little kit’s imagination couldn’t come up with in her nightmares. She was thankful that he did not come close, but still her olive eyes were still horrifyingly glued to him. She did not scream, she did not outwardly freak out. Nono, her fear seared silently; a lesson that it learned in order to please a quiet and calm-loving Mother. Jeweledkit managed to pick up her paw - that felt like cold stone - and give Tanteri a small wave before she slowly turned around. She stood up and walked towards Celeste, tears now clouding her gaze, as she attempted to hide under the older feline’s paws. ”Scary... S-scary..” It was like a breathless wheeze as the kit tried to pull it together. She didn’t mean to be mean but- She was just a bit shell-shocked.

//I’m sorry Jeweledkit is big baby but!!!

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - celestialrobbery - 08-26-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
Admittedly, Celeste was a little shocked that her plan actually worked. She was expecting to have scared the kitten out of her mind, but then again, she was probably the most normal out of the three that had shown up. She didn't have wings, wasn't any sort of extinct creature, and wasn't anything but a domestic feline, so logistically, she probably reminded little Jeweledkit here of her mother the most-- and that was with the bright yellow fur and lilac eyes.

Still, the kitten was looking for her mom and Celeste was determined to help out. "I can try and help you find your Mother, but it can be kinda dangerous out here. Why don't you wait in our camp and we'll come and get you as soon as we find your Mother?" There was also the very real possibility that this kitten's mother was gone-- either having abandoned little Jeweledkit, or having gotten caught up in some of the jungle trouble Cel spoke of before. She cast a glance at Dovedepature, a slightly worried look etched on her face. Enough, she hoped, for Dee to recognize her concerns, but not enough, she prayed, for Jeweledkit to pick up on her worries.

The glance didn't last long, though, because soon enough Celestialrobbery was looking down at her feet where Jeweledkit was hiding. She looked over at Tanteri, connected the dots, and placed a paw protectively in front of the kitten. "It's okay, Jeweledkit, he won't hurt you. That's Tanteri, a friend of ours. He's a little loud, but he won't bite." As she said the last bit, she looked up at the pterosaur, giving an expectant look. She wanted him to confirm it, mostly because she herself didn't even know if he ate cats and figured this would be a good way to settle that, as well as calm the kitten's nerves a bit.

// this just in: i would DIE for jeweledkit !! she's so perfect!!! <333
now she's gonna mourn you!

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - fulzanin - 08-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Tanteri hadn't been expecting for the small creature to flee from his presence. The pterosaur was used to being small- he was small for a pteranodon, after all. To see such a small creature hiding underneath another smaller creature, well, it did befuddle him. He was not used to being the terrifying monster. It was such a strange thing. Tanteri was not sure if he liked that sort of idea. It was a powerful notion, to be deemed scary enough to send smaller creatures fleeing by his mere presence.

"I'm not loud," he scoffed. His tone didn't lessen, it remained as loud and as shrill as it always was. His tone was a shriek, a scream, it never quieted down. "And no, no, I don't bite." Tanteri was debated to mention that such wasn't something he could physically manage. He pecked, he didn't bite. His expression grew thoughtful, turning over such a concept. Sure, he could bite, but his jaws were not strengthened for such a task. His beak clicked rapidly together to accompany a flick of his tail. A tilt of his constantly moving head followed.

He wanted to offer to fly off and search for the small kitten's mother. That would be the nice thing to do, yes? He refrained. He didn't know what this kitten's mother even looked like. Besides. Celeste had already offered to do such a thing, and who was he to intrude on the self assigned tasks of another person. His weight shifted, and he shuffled on his wings to a more comfortable standing position. Then the pterosaur reminded himself, she had said 'we', right? Was that referring to the two that were always within a duo, or the group as a whole. "I could help look," Tanteri elected to offer, his head swiftly tilting in the opposite direction, "after she's made safe at camp, of course."

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: don't tell me i needed this - joiner - dovedeparture - 08-28-2019

Dovedeparture held on to her soft expression and gentle smile. "Jeweledkit? What a pretty name," she said. The smile that adorned her lips faltered as the child spoke of being lost. How terrifying... Dove wasn't sure she could imagine what that was like.

A sad smile surfaced on her maw as the kitten asked if Dove might be able to fly her around. "Oh, my dear, nothing would make me happier than to do that, but..." she averted her eyes, "my wings don't work." As quickly as she could, she threw out the dismay that clouded her grin. It was sunshine and reassurance again.

Dove opened her mouth to ask a few more questions, but Tanteri appeared and so went the kitten. Deep green eyes watched the tiny feline take shelter underneath Celestialrobbery, and had this been any other circumstance, the guardian angel might have loved that picture. She wondered if Celeste was thinking of her lost sister. She had been young too.

"Oh, Tanteri, my friend, you are loud," the lynx explained. "Not that we think you mean to be - that's just your nature." As he offered to help in the search Celeste had suggested, Dove nodded her head vigorously. His ability to fly would surely be a wonderful asset. "You would surely be able to see her family while flying around the island. And you'd be able to cover a lot more ground than we ever could."

She cast another look to Jeweledkit. "Alright, gemstone, why don't you tell us what your family looks like so we'll know them when we see them?"
tags & [url=][b][color=#3d3332]plot