Beasts of Beyond
i wont join their ranks // open, game? - Printable Version

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i wont join their ranks // open, game? - ▷killian◁ - 04-30-2018

/ok sorry this took so long i was being a supportive friend to 2 ppl lmao,, also i wasnt sure if this should be private or not so

Killian was bored. He'd been bored for the majority of his time spent here; there weren't nearly as many fights as he'd expected, especially from a large group like this. So, he decided he'd play a game with someone! And luckily for him, Marco, who he assumed was new, was right by him.

The demon trotted over to the other and raised himself up a bit to throw a foreleg over his shoulder. "Hey there! We're gonna play a game, okay? I'm bored, you look bored, and I mean, who wouldn't want to play with someone as cool as me?" He lifted his forepaw off and stepped a few steps away.

"This game is gonna be great, okay? Somebody is going to hide, and the other person is going to find them and then they're going to fight. It's the best of all games!" His lips curled up as he did his version of a grin, cloudy eyes narrowing slightly as he stared expectantly at Marco.

/if u want to change this at all or do smth else i am open to it this is the first thing that popped into my head


Re: i wont join their ranks // open, game? - Sympathy - 05-07-2018

Dupâ ploie, vine soare.
Oof I'm so late sorry <3

The angel hadn't been doing much as of late. It had been a slow attempt to figure out his way around Tanglewood, doing his best to memorize the territory layout. He had finally caught a break when Killian- a stranger- joined him, turning to meet the other male's gaze with a bright green one of his own. And then he's talking and he has to try and piece together what Kill wants. He barely understands English. He's caught bits and pieces during his travels across the globe, but he had unfortunately never took the time to learn the language. In hindsight, this would have been useful. But there wasn't much he could do now except try. He recognizes a few words- game, hide, find. That was enough. Hide and Seek- a child's game, but an enjoyable one. He nods his head quickly. "Mi-ar plăcea să joc." he agrees, expressing his delight to the other.

Re: i wont join their ranks // open, game? - ▷killian◁ - 05-07-2018

"I'm going to pretend I know what you said, and since it sounded pretty excited, you can be the one to hide first." Killian probably should've tried to learn more languages in his lifetime, but.. It wasn't really top priority to him. The demon turned around and sat. "I'm going to count to uhh... Oh jeez what's the highest number I know?"

He squinted at his paws, apparently thinking very hard. How were these numbers supposed to go? Oh, fuck it. "I'll just count however long sounds right." He turned to see Marco still there and waved a forepaw. "Shoo, then! Go hide."


Re: i wont join their ranks // open, game? - Nayru - 05-07-2018

[glow=black,2,300] NAYRU (SILENTPRINCESS) - tags - TANGLEWOOD - SHE/HER- FELINE [/glow]
Nayru wasn't sure if she was the type to exactly enjoy playing a game. Her father had always been so stern in asserting that her role was to read and pray and that deviating outside of those designated tasks would result in punishment... severe punishment. She had tried once, joining her fellow children in rolling around in the dirt, not a care in the world as she tarnished her pale pelt- that had been the objective of the game, to see who could get the dirtiest quickest. Thinking back on it, she didn't know exactly why she opted to participate as those types of things weren't exactly her style. Regardless, her father had berated her when he discovered her and then, he dismissed her guard and put into place a new one... a being who was impossibly strict and groomed her messy pelt roughly and without apology. She hadn't tried to play any games since.

But her father wasn't here and she was, for the most part, free to do as she pleased. [color=#6b7e99]"May I... May I join in?" She inquired hesitantly, eyeing the pair nervously.

Re: i wont join their ranks // open, game? - ▷killian◁ - 05-11-2018

The dobie turned to Nayru, staring for a moment before he recognised her. "Ohh, it's you! What's up, pretty lady! Sure, you can run off and hide too." He waved his forepaw at her as he had to Marco, turned back around.


Re: i wont join their ranks // open, game? - guts - 05-11-2018

Ramiel had participated in many games when she was younger, though they could barely be considered as them. They were usually just a bunch of kids roughhousing, practicing for when they'd become real warriors and defenders of their home. But she was always rougher than needed. There had been multiple times where she had drove other kids to tears, and she would make fun of them, saying they would have to be tougher than that if they wanted to be true warriors. After a while, she was never included whenever they played.

Now, though, apparently that sort of toughness was welcome. Fighting when they're found out? Sounded like something that was right up her alley. The feline pads up with a devilish smirk, nodding. "I'll participate," she says, not giving them the room to refuse.


Re: i wont join their ranks // open, game? - ▷killian◁ - 05-17-2018

The dog barely held himself back from rolling his eyes as he turned once more. He told himself he couldn't get mad over more people than intended wanting to join, and anyways, more people meant more fun. "Tell me your name, and you can join. Wanna help find or wanna hide?"
