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bravery of the beholder — starry’s character dump - Printable Version

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bravery of the beholder — starry’s character dump - starry. - 08-21-2019

just a thread to dump my character’s bios <3

Re: bravery of the beholder — starry’s character dump - jeweledkit. - 08-21-2019

✧ jeweledkit / jeweledpaw
✧ physically 4 moons, mentally 4 moons | birthdate: august 21st, 2018 | leo
✧ female | she/her
✧ the typhoon | minnow | titles (optional)
ages 1 moon every 30 posts until she reaches 6 moons old

✧ blue-silver somali feline (ref: x , x , x) | health: 100% | birth/current body
— a petite purebred somali with a silver and blue-tinted overcoat. her belly, underside, and paws are completely white and devoid of any impurities. eyes are a clear olive color.
— current injuries: n/a

positives: level-headed, soft-spoken, graceful, empathetic
neutrals: merciful, emotional, leader, maternal (later along in life)
negatives: delicate, fearful, passive, overimaginative
— jeweledkit is the definition of a perfect child; one that never throws tantrums nor gives her parents a headache with childish nonsense. she keeps a calm head on her shoulders and strongly attempts to never yell at a single soul. her body is naturally equipped with a gracefulness that few could match and her heart deeply stirs in response to anybody's woes. her fragile nature leads her to be naively merciful to all, her emotions could sometimes get the better hand on her, and later in life she'll express her maternal instincts towards all she holds dear.
  however, her perfectness has many pitfalls that she may or may not be consciously aware of. she is too delicate to stand up for her own, leading her into a hole of fear and passiveness. she'd do anything to prevent a war from occurring when one could just talk about it. she fantasizes of a world wrapped in peace, something that realistically is impossible.

✧ npc x npc | gen 1
adopted by n/a
✧ family name
✧ biromantic bisexual | single/not looking | shipname
✧ friends | best friends | extra info

✧ physically easy | mentally easy | powers | weapons
✧ will not start fights, hard to provoke | will not kill
✧ mentor | apprentice | how skilled are they in fighting?
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded SILVER | mention @/jeweledkit. when attacking

✧ extra info here, such as face claims, voice claims, bits of their history, links, etc.
— specifics right here