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the catastrophe worsens - bells - Printable Version

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the catastrophe worsens - bells - fulzanin - 08-21-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]One could say that Feza was a menace with her kazoo. Running about, soaring around, tooting it here and there and everywhere. The item was her absolute favorite thing in the entire world. If she didn't have her kazoo, it would likely be the end for her. No other kazoo seemed to hold a candle to the green and orange kazoo that she constantly carried about. It never left her side, if she could help it. Often the snow leopard had such tucked into the scruff of her fur, and seemed to know right when it would fall out so she could snatch such in her sharp teeth.

She had made herself at home in an old building. An old party supply store at that. One didn't need a single guess as to why the vibrant, mutated feline had chosen such a place. She hadn't explored it in it's entirety, been too busy pulling things out of the many cardboard boxes that were littered about. She'd dumped all their festive contents on the floor for her to root through later.

Feza finished using a marker to draw a face on one of the boxes when something caught her gaze. It was a painted silver bell- a cheap one. Yet it was made of metal, and was a very loud item indeed. Not that she knew what such was at the time, her attention snapping over to such. Her claws hooked into such and her fluffy ears rose in delight at the loud noise that sounded. "Oh. Oh! This is wonderful! It's...wait a minute, wait a minute! I know just where to put this!" Her voice was loud with delight. She snagged the silver bell in a claw and raced outside.

Feza considered herself great at coming up with new ideas. And, with more bells being found around her new home, she had created the loudest wind chime known to the planet. Strung together by crepe paper and tape to the doorway of her home, the bells jingled horrifically loudly in the breeze. "This is amazing!" Feza shouted, listening to the horrific noise of several bells being tossed about in the wind and clanging into one another.

Then, she had a glorious idea. She should make more of these! She had the bells to spare! The snow leopard spent the entire day crafting numerous of the monstrous wind chimes, and then began to set them about. Mostly taping them to NPC's doors (despite not asking if such was okay). It was a horrendous surge of noise every time a breeze blew, and Feza sat delighted in the midst of it all.

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - wormwood. - 08-21-2019

If you asked around the entirety of the group of Tanglewood, Wormwood would be one of the several that said that Feza was a menace with her kazoo. Of course, he would say it in a much nicer way than just straight up calling her an absolute menace, but he would think it silently inside his head, since he couldn't really stand her constant antics. Ever since she had woken him up in the middle of the night with her kazoo class, he had tried his best to just avoid her and whatever she happened to be doing that was somewhat infuriating every day. Usually someone else would get around the either telling her off or encouraging her in the right direction, but it seemed that this time, he couldn't just avoid whatever it was that she had decided to do with her time today. Mainly because it was affecting the entire goddamn group, and it made his ears pin to his head whenever the wind blew and the clusters of bells smashed together and drowned out the sound of anything else in the entire swamp. He was hoping that eventually it would just stop happening, but it was actually starting to get more and more loud as time went on, and he eventually got to his feet and stomped out of his house to glare around, looking for the source of the noise. However, he found that there wasn't one lone source to the clustered and horrible shrieking sounds of the bells all beating against each other. Instead, there were these horrible windchimes clinging to the doors or porches of a ton of the different houses that were all around.

He noticed one of the awful creations messily taped up onto his porch, contributing to the cacophony of noises all around, and he scowled before moving to tear it down with his claws and toss it aside, ignoring the clatter of noise as it smashed against the porch. He then looked around for the culprit who had decided to interrupt the peaceful silence or gentle buzz of the town. When his eyes caught sight of Feza sitting in the middle of it, grinning cheerfully at her own handiwork, they narrowed in anger as he descended down the steps of his home. Normally he was quite calm, sweet, and willing to just tell people calmly what they were doing was wrong or annoying, or something else, but his patience for Feza had already been running incredibly dry before this, and this was by far the worst thing she had done thus far. Sure, the incident with the whole kazoo class had been pretty annoying, but at the very least he could've covered his head with his pillow and just ended up relaxing, but this could not be ignored easily, or even really at all.

Once he was pretty close to the grinning multicolored large cat, he grumbled loudly, anger dripping from his voice quite clearly, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Feza! What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you think that this is okay? These things sound awful, and I'm willing to bet all the prey in my house that you didn't ask most of these people if you could put them up, since you didn't ask me!"[/glow] He would've tried his best not to be a dick about it, but he couldn't fucking help it really. He was just so damn annoyed by the noise and everything Feza was doing lately, and it certainly wasn't the fucking time for a lot of her nonsense, with so many people being injured or missing, and the fact that they were still recovering from everything. Sure, having some fun around in times of stress could be nice, but this was going too far, and it wasn't even that fun or uplifting to hear a horrible screeching and clanging bell noise every time the wind blew even a little bit.

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - fulzanin - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza could never quite grasp the issue that everyone seemed to have with her antics. It was something beyond her, the ideology that what she did was not landing in the manner that she hoped for. Sure, she was told off, but it didn't seem to stop her. If anything being told that what she was doing was wrong made her escalate her ideas. From a kazoo class in the depths of the night to wrapping the whole group up in her festivities, it seemed that the vibrant snow leopard was growing more bold, and more noisy.

Her ears lowered at the hostility and anger that came from Wormwood as he came over. Feza was a small snow leopard, smaller than most. Her head dropped when he came before her, flinching back in an instinctual motion. Her muzzle twitched, wings quivered, and then she pulled herself up to her full, short height. She had to look up at the winged lion. Feza liked to think that the one similarity was enough to warrant them being friends. It mattered not that he could not stand her or her antics. They shared the gift of flight, a gift their species shouldn't have normally. It made her boldness grow, and the instinct of fear shatter and fade away.

"Ah, that's kinda a sharp word to use, isn't it? I don't think there's anything wrong with me. My paws kind of hurt from making all these beautiful wind chimes!" She ended in a delighted shout. Her ears remaining pressed against her head. The feathers of her wings were still ruffled. She couldn't make them sit on end- instinct still had it's grasp over that part of her demeanor. "I knew you would say no if I asked. I think everyone would. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!" The snow leopard chimed the incorrect metaphor, lifting up a string of crepe paper. "Do you wanna help me make some more? I was thinking about using smaller bells as necklaces? Do you want one when I get around to making them? You're the first one here, and the early bird burns the bridge!" Another incorrect metaphor, but she was grinning happily nonetheless in absolute delight to have someone talk to her.

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

One of the things that irritated Wormwood so much about Feza was the fact that she never seemed to give up. In most cases that would be good, like when it was pertaining to a battle, or some kind of challenge, but when it came to just being an annoying party monster, Worm really would've preferred if she just gave up and stopped making him want to throttle her every time that she chose to emerge out with some harebrained scheme. From the kazoo class to her constant yelling and playing, to this new absolutely ridiculous thing that made the lion want to grind his teeth. Perhaps it was just because he was so on edge from everything that was going on, but it seemed as though everything that Feza was doing right now was just setting his nerves off so badly. He felt frazzled and exhausted, and there was no way that he was going to play into whatever nonsense that Feza was trying to peddle now. Especially when she was trying to get him to cause more chaos and noise voluntarily.

Not noticing the way that Feza cowered back from him, he let out a frustrated snarl and growled as he stepped further forward, his wings spreading out to make his form even more intimidating, [glow=#165042,1,400]"No, I dint want to help you make any more! I don't want you to make any more in general! The goddamn noise of these things clanging together makes my ears want to bleed, and the thought of having one of those around my neck makes me want to fucking die!"[/glow] He could feel more and more of his self control slipping away the more and more Feza talked, and she was the one person that he felt aggravated over her feeling like he was her friend. Just because Feza had been around for when he had grown his wings didn't make her his friend. It wasn't as if she was like Red, and she had actually helped him with coping with the appearance of his wings. Instead she had just marveled over his new wings and talked about her experiences with her own, which might've been helpful if she didn't annoy him so much. Pinning his ears against his head, Worm snarled as his tail lashed rhythmically from side to side, [glow=#165042,1,400]"What I would actually like to do, is to tear all of these damn things down from the houses and throw them out, so that I can actually get some rest in piece without a cacophony of horrid noises interrupting!"[/glow]

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - Crow Roux - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Sleep was hard to come by for the feline, and he liked to take advantage of every second of it that he could possibly get. Now, Crow himself was not pleased in the slightest at being disturbed from his stupor by the clanging of bells nearby his house, and he pulled himself to his feet with a huff and stumbled toward the door and toward the sounds of voices, letting out a toothy yawn whilst doing so. There he would find Feza, who he would assume as the origin of the horrendous sounds, and at this knowledge, he would sigh to himself and walk back home. He would just choose to ignore this one. If she was having fun, then who was he to infringe on it?

Then came Wormwood, his tone harsh as he began to berate the leopard, and Crow stopped in his tracks and once more turn back where he had headed from. It seemed the lion had a vendetta, and he supposed he should do something about this before it got out of hand. "Hey, Wormwood!" he called, voice cracking from unuse. "They're just bells. Can't ya go find someone better to pick on?"

"An' Feza, could you ask before you put windchimes on everyone's door? Some folks don't like that stuff..."

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - selby roux ! - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The first sound Selby likes to hear in the morning was the chirping of birds.

This morning, he did not hear birds.

Instead, he heard the grating song of ill-tuned wind chimes. He supposed that was what was keeping the birds away. The medic stumbled out of bed, later than usual, confused and disoriented. Selby stuck his head outside the door, hearing it louder. And, distantly, the sound of arguing.

He headed off in the direction of the voices, finding Wormwood and Feza. Selby was surprised; he’d never seen the lion lose his cool like that. He listened to both sides for a moment.

"I think that it might be important to pause and look at this from another perspective," he said, stepping forward to announce his presence. "Wormwood, I really think Feza was trying to do a nice thing. I know that maybe it didn’t seem nice, but I think that was the intention." He had decided to address the more sensible of the two first, thinking that maybe he’d have more luck.

"Feza, Wormwood does have a point. It would have been better to ask about it first. It’s more polite that way. Or, maybe you could have given them out as gifts so people could decide if and where to hang them?" he continued, agreeing with Crow and trying to present both sides. They might make a good addition to his new garden. The annoying chimes might keep pests out.

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - fulzanin - 08-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza didn't like the step that was taken closer to her. It made her another surge of momentary fear fly through her, and her head ducked down a little once again. The mutated feline didn't like the tone that was being used to address her. She was used to it, yes, but that did not mean that she liked such. It made her uncomfortable, it pricked at her skin. She loved hearing people talk, it brought great delight to her. But being shouted at in an aggressive manner, being approached, it negated such a thing.

"You could have just said 'no', didn't have to keep going with all that," Feza quietly muttered. Her tail came to a rest slightly underneath herself. The snow leopard was crouched a little, her kneading at the ground with her paws in a manner of nervousness. The only time Feza managed to have a serious air to her methods was when she was nervous, when she was flighty, when she truly was concerned. "It's not the middle of the night, who sleeps in the day? Other than owls, clearly." She mostly muttered her words to herself, her blue gaze dropping to the crepe paper that she had been holding.

The snarl made her meep, and her head recoiled back sharply. Her attention was snared by Crow, head turning to look over. Her wings hung a little lower, and her tongue swiped over her sharp teeth. "I don't see what's so wrong with it. It's not like I taped a porcupine to everyone's door. I'm just..livening things up," Feza said. It wasn't a rebuttal, no, her paws fumbling to start wrapping up the crepe paper. "I'm not hurting anyone. I'll...I'll take them down, I guess. I'll find something else to do with the bells and paper. Since no one wants wind chimes."

Feza's head turned; another person was coming over now. The snow leopard didn't do these things for attention, no. She felt like shrinking into her own pelt- another person coming to tell her what she was doing was annoying. Her teeth clicked together a few times, her ears adding to the nervous movement. "It's not like I can ask. No one would let me if I did that!" Her tone had momentarily grown somber, but then swiftly altered back to her usual delighted to be alive tone. "And if I did ask, it would ruin the surprise, right?" Feza justified - seemingly to herself - as her fluffy head then nodded. She finished up rolling one of the crepe paper rolls, and then moved on to the next.

Re: the catastrophe worsens - bells - wormwood. - 08-23-2019

Wormwood could still feel himself fuming as Crow came over, and he turned in the direction of the leader, his mouth still baring his fangs slightly, when he noticed who it actually was. He still didn't immediately recoil from his anger, but his snarl instead turned to a large huff of frustrated air, he tail lashing behind him as his wings pinned back down against his back. He usually prided himself on his ability to stay calm and logical even in the worst of settings, but Feza's silly goodwill gestures were rubbing him the wrong way at the worst of times, and he couldn't help the unpleasant fire that was billowing up between his ribs. He opened his mouth to respond to Crow, his claws digging down into the dirt beneath him in frustration at how the timid leader continued to defend Feza's annoying actions, but then Selby showed up, and the medic continued to be a calming and fair presence, just as the lion had come to know him as. His ears pinned down against his skull for the briefest of moments before he took a deep breath and let it out slowly to try and even himself out, before he responded in a low and aggravated rumble, [glow=#165042,1,400]"She needs to learn that even if she thinks she's doing something nice, she can't just pull off these random antics without asking anybody. One of these days somebody with less violence control than me is going to bowl her over to get her to stop."[/glow] And honestly, he truly believed that. After all, they now had members like Eternalwar and Vathmos, and he was pretty sure that they would not hesitate to fuck Feza up if she kept going the way that she was.

Watching as Feza mellowed out somewhat, her gaze filling with sadness and fear, Worm felt a strange sort of sense of satisfaction that she actually could be knocked out of her constant state of unending happiness. When he heard her comment about how nobody would let her put them up if she asked, he rolled his eyes and grumbled softly, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Maybe that should tell you something about how much anyone actually wants you to be doing shit like this."[/glow] His voice carried less aggression in it now, but he still seemed genuinely pissed off, and he shook his head before grumbling in a dry tone as he turned, stretching his wings again and stalking towards his house once again, [glow=#165042,1,400]"I'm going to lay down again. You guys deal with her nonsense since you can not lose it right now."[/glow] He gave no apology to Feza, feeling that she didn't deserve one after what she had done, and he pushed open the door to his home, slipping inside and closing it firmly behind him. If he heard those damn windchimes on his door again, he would probably lose it.

( wormwood is out !! all ic opinions of course I'm sorry wormy is so rude to feza ajdjtjw )